>Trump on On the Record 8/26/16
>Trump Rally in Manchester, NH 8/25/16
>shillary's speech
>TrumpTrain: Louisiana
Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
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>Trump Playlist
>Trump Rally in Jackson, MS 8/24/16
>Farage speaks at Trump Rally in MS 8/24/16
>Farage backstage 8/24/16
>Trump TH on Hannity #2 8/24/16
>Trump Rally in Tampa FL 8/24/16
>Trump Rally in Austin TX 8/23/16
>Trump TH on Hannity 8/23/16
>Trump on CNN 8/25/16
>Trump on Charisma Podcast 8/24/16
>Trump on WFLA 8/24/16
>Trump on WPEC 8/24/16
>Trump on WWSB 8/24/16
>Trump on WEWS 8/22/16
>The 45th President
>Trump Ad #2 - shillary's america
>Trump Ad #1 - Two Americas
>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>Trump cares about YOU
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump is up by fucking 14 points according to a poll done by Ipsos, the same people that do the fucked up Reuters polling.
How is this possible? Is this the power of 4D chess?
up by 14 points in New Hampshire
PJW is easily the best youtuber right now kek
first for the doggy
What is that
It looks like it should be black but it's white
>put Trump up high in polls
>first debate happens
>they're right back to Hillary for "her boost"
Don't ever listen to polls
sup bobby
Polls are a joke these days user.
>inb4 found dead from self inflicted gunshots to the back of the head
>Trump's doctor still uses Windows XP
>apparently this is a crime
So are typos I guess.
All this anime shit makes you look really pathetic and hurts the Trump campaign. Seriously, it's cringe worthy.
If repeating integers, we'll get to see one of Hillary's 'temper tantrums' caught on video before the election
>we control Trump
>Sup Forums is an anime imageboard
lurk moar
Why do you assume Hillary will "boost" from the debates? All Trump has to do is be coherent and he can easily beat her by confronting her.
Nate Manganese has this on his site
Last time I checked this was Sup Forums and not Sup Forums
chan is an anime imageboard
was supposed to read:
chan is -NOT- an anime imageboard
So are you
Thanks Hans
Last time I checked, this is Sup Forums.
No exceptions.
well I should stop staying up until 5AM
goodnight Trumpgen~
Also he's up in Michigan and Wisconsin and even MAINE.
>Trump is up by fucking 14 points according to a poll done by Ipsos, the same people that do the fucked up Reuters polling.
>How is this possible? Is this the power of 4D chess?
Party differentials. Essentially polling numbers have been adjusted to favor Democrats by large margins to give Hillary Clinton a lead. It's happened a lot this election in both parties.
The reason why you see such massive differences in polls is because these networks haven't chosen a consistent figure to skew the results with. It's also why you will occasionally see a poll with Hillary holding a 4% lead then a Trump holding a 7% lead in the same damn day. Some polling organizations don't adjust for skewed data pools to follow the narrative.
It's all optics to make you feel defeated and to try and increase support for Clinton.
Please ignore the shills complaining about anime, until they start posting something else.
The fire rises
Have a good night, anonymous.
Good work compiling the data fellow, the truth is however that there is no way to see the real poll figures this time around every poll is skewed in a different way, this level of collusion is something we have never seen before. Like the media blackout of Ron Paul, the electoral fraud of both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders we now appear to be headed into new territory, Trumps smearing as anti-establishment has scared the collect whole of the actual establishment and their corrupting power has only deepened during the last administration. We all knew there was collusion with the media before the DNC leaks those leaks just confirmed our suspicions of a conspiracy. If you are passionate enough to compile the data of prior elections then you also need to look into (you may already have done?) what are making up the present polls, I have heard so many things about sample size differences, ringing and asking for youngest person in the household, targeting of areas that are more likely to contain democrat demographics ect. They did a similar thing in the republican party for Romney in 2012.
The knowledge of MSRs was common place on Sup Forums a few years ago and many of that era of users are still here & aware of MSRs prior to that it was strictly something /sci/ used to talk about (we are talking 2011-13 sort of time). Please do watch the videos (I'd recommend beginning with Thorium remix 2011) they are well presented and Kirk Sorensen is a great at explaining the system and why the technology is so important. If Trump was aware of the technology he would have yet another silver bullet for his presidency and his campaign, I made sure UKIP knew about this technology prior to the 2015 election here in the UK and its only right that Trump is aware also. if it isn't done in the west the Chinese will do this and they are already working on it.
anyone got the link for the interview that mark burns did yesterday on cnn?
omg omg omg you guiz gotta help
I gotta learn how to think like a liberal quick
Heres my plan. Im not gonna vote for Hilary but Im gonna tell everyone I am
Im gonna get some Hilary shirts and tell everyone I saw the light and agree with her now
But I have to be convincing because I actually have no idea how they think
Ive been stumping for Trump for almost a year. Everyone knows.
This flipflop thing just blew it up. It's over. It's gonna be a bloodbath now with everything else and we were barely squeaking by before as it was
I cant show my face when Trump gets annhilated now. They'd be vicious. Christ, the blacks might try to eat me when the frenzy starts. I'm going to be screamed at by lesbians, have gauntlet of feminists and various browns to wade through. No doubt something will get dumped on my head. Im gonna have to hide the car somehow.
Oh god. Why. Why did the Trumpening have to end with the Trumpocalpse? Everything was going so good. We were coming back from the Khan-shit. Why did he have to flop on, of all things, his CORE FUCKING PLATFORM YOU STUPID SONOFABITCH
Good Morning/tg/
I've had an unusually long sleep but it was nice after a period bereaved of enough sleep. I am now ready for the days to come with more rallies and high energy.
I hope everyone is doing well and together we will MAGA.
For you
Quick, correct the record!
Can Trump beat "Godzilla"?
Democrats are gonna get so fucking BTFO in November
Think what you want, but this anime stuff is really off putting for normal people. In my school time I've never found one person who liked/watches anime that wasn't a weirdo. If you want people to connect Trump to strange outsiders that have no friends and lack common hygiene, go ahead.
>Good Morning/tg/
drink that coffee quick, bro'.
who do you think
Clinton leads by +3, the polls was in the field Aug 20-25, it was 1,154LVs.
Here's the actual site:
Here's the poll:
Good night America. I know that feeling.
Pleasant dreams.
There has been no flipflop on immigration. They are taking a few vague sentences from the townhall and concern trolling to demoralize followers. CNN is riding this hard. He has always said they have to leave then come back.
No worries Norway.
The plan has always been to vote in November for Donald Trump and Mike Pence on every statewide ballot.
>A (Russian) hacker known as 4 chan
thing is, it's not like the media baited him into changing his position, Kellyanne clearly tried to get him to go out and talk differently about immigration and NO ONE KNEW whether that meant an actual chance in policy, or just a change in language.
Honestly I'm still not sure THEY know what it means or if they're going to stick with it.
Pretending this is well-managed is just silly.
>"They are taking a few vague sentences from the townhall and concern trolling to demoralize followers. CNN is riding this hard."
They're counting on people's short-term and selective memories.
why is frauke petry on there
Daily reminder that anti anime posts are either CTR or Reddit shills/newfags.
ah, i didn't realize it was a new hampshire poll
>inb4 "she"
I fucked up in the initial post, personally the poll is suspect because it's sample size is so fucking small, but it's interesting to see.
Flat is justice.
My typing skills will improve as the day progresses ;_;
I really should take s little time to myself to regain full cognitive faculties before posting.
I have steadfast faith that Trump with our help will MAGA.
Also, for instance, about that latest Quinnipiac poll [1] )the one with Clinton +7 over Trump in the 4way) there is something very hinky on it.
Pic related, there is no way 12% of republicans will vote straight to Clinton while not a single one of them will vote for "someone else" (meaning Gary Johnson).
No way that happened, that's impossible.
>"I really should take s little time to myself to regain full cognitive faculties before posting"
That would give you an unfair advantage ove most other anons.
>tfw Pence rally tomorrow
They will correct the record.
can someone tell Trump to make uniqlo great again in germany? those fuckers have no tshirts in my size in the right colors.
>inb4 fetti was geht
my size is m/l
While not likely, that is possible in American politics. Third parties are a seen as a joke, especially to the type of conservatives with sticks up their asses that think they are above voting Trump.
>tfw she handles footlongs all day and you only got 6 inches
I have no face comfy enough.
Quinnipiac's methodology is weird, they span out the polling over like 8 days and have had major outliers in the past like "CLINTON UP 8 IN FLORIDA" when no other poll at the time came close and then the next poll Trump swung into 6 points ahead.
Dude, the presidential problem STARTS WITH THE 21 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT OK! This is common sense taking responsibility. All you cucks acting like I'm worried about Donald Trump when I "ABCD - Always Be Closing Deficit" Glengarry Ross aka President Donald Trump
Speak for yourself please.
Is Pence the most smug af comfy VP ever?
Hint: Yes!
Sup Forums should be added as Kek's brownshirts
Honestly, who would do such a small poll? 133 people? What, did they spend an hour on it and decided they were bored?
Voting for Trump?
Why don't you vote for THIS instead!
based kevin supporting trump
could you imagine o'leary PM and trump president?
christ what a time to be alive
Snu snu 2016
>Clinton’s speech was a persuasion success. I give it A+ for doing its job of painting Trump as a racist.
>This successful persuasion approach is probably the work of a Master Persuader on Clinton’s team. The one I call Godzilla.
Well? What do you have to say now, Trumpkins? The alt-right speech was a huge success. Trump is done for.
Hair cut by coons! Man of the people!
She makes me wish I had a whale dick, i
I'd free willy that bitch
>MLK niece
>Obamas brother
What does this mean to average Black American?
The Margin of Error on that shit would be astronomical, calculating it myself using ARG's Sample Size calculator I get like 8.5%
You are right.
It would only remove some of the charm that Sup Forums is known for. But I am man enough to admit when I was wrong. I will scrap the idea of becoming fully aware of my surroundings before I engulf myself in the warm glow from the monitor. It was a bad idea and you were right to call me out on it.
>huge success
was it really? one person doesn't make a crowd
>She'll be eating blubber just as soon as I free Willy
At least get the joke right.
>attacking niche fringe politicial hipsters
She made her self look insane.