So when is Europe going to say enough is enough anyway?
You really don't have time to sit around, mull over it and hope it sorts itself out.
So when is Europe going to say enough is enough anyway?
Now imagine all the things that will happen in 30+ years.
Think back 30 years now, could you have predicted anything then? Sitting at your computer talking with strangers.
I hate these predictions over such long periods because a bunch of shit will happen.
>that low
When you consider the countries that will hold the majority of that Muslim population it's a pretty big deal, you cannot allow the infestation to get that far.
Yeeaaah, I shall think about your future predictions while my flying vehicle is being charged.
>So when is Europe going to say enough is enough anyway?
>You really don't have time to sit around, mull over it and hope it sorts itself out.
Only 21% of Turkish women in the second and third generation in Germany wear a hijab.
21%. Guess what, 80% of Muslims aren't a problem after all.
Yeah, somehow I feel Islam will BTFO these projections...
Don't care.
>being this cucked
Oh Germany, I hardly recognize ye. Turks can have your leftovers of a country
kys ahmed
>baseless guesses at implausible technology are the exact same as estimating the approximate percentage of the fastest growing demographic of the modern age.
This is not something to joke about, this is a legitimate threat that is only going to become more severe with time.
>just 10% by 2050
Meanwhile whites will be a minority in the US by that time. Probably before.
Why are you telling us to say enough is enough again?
These sandniggers won't win from us.
>Turkish women
>31% wear it in their home country
>Muslim population in Europe to reach 0% by 2100, Austrian forecast shows
60% "white" counts mexicans as white in crime statistics.
You are the original cuckold. Racemixing with niggers started with you
>10% of population
It is probably worse since they're getting those numbers by calculating for entire Europe and not dividing it by east and western Europe. The real numbers aka percentage of Muslims in western Europe I should be more likely 30-50% of the population
Yeah it will be even worse. I expect europe to be 20% muslim 30% shitskin
Whites already are a minority in USA. The 60% is a lie. Forged statistics counting 3/4th whites etc as white.
Young whites are already a minority by now
America is a lost cause but at the very least spics are majority Christian.
Europe has far too much history to go to waste as a fucking caliphate.
>So when is Europe going to say enough is enough anyway?
I dunno. When will you?
>60% "white" counts mexicans as white in crime statistics.
It's worse than that. Look at this picture. Every single person on it is considered white in the USA.
Fuck it, I'll be living somewhere in the southern hemisphere by then anyway.
1. I was more commenting on his response that "80% of muslims aren't a big deal" which is just typical German appeasement faggotry.
2. I don't give a shit about % white: I'm a white spic but you guys would probably say I'm a nigger anyway. But even the shittiest Guatemalans are preferable to Islam
America is a lost cause I have already said as much but Europe still has a chance, this isn't about "hurr amerifats vs yuropoors" you stupid faggot, this is about preserving the beauty, history and culture of the greatest continent in history.
T. Muhammad bin al-kraut
We already had enough but when we resists at islam everyone others western cuck country got mad at us.
Its not, Paris or London might be like 80% muslim in the future but France and UK are more than just those cities. For some reason sandniggers dont like to settle in the countryside or small towns.
What are you? Some kind of faggots who can't read statistics?
Germany got 3 million Turks. Guess what, if 80% of them don't care much about religion, that's fucking good. We then just have to be afraid of 20% of those Asians.
Don't care fuck off.
Banning swimwear isn't enough to constitute taking a stand, you need to rid yourself of the globalist forces that have corrupted your countries and then really take a stand against Islam.
Look to Paris, once one of the most beautiful cities in the world romanticized in fiction and non-fiction alike, however in some areas were it not for the French signage and beautiful architecture it could well be mistaken for Somalia.
Just banning an item of swimwear isn't going to do fuck all to alleviate the problem.
Tard, only 35% of Turks wear them in turkey, that means only 25% drop the custom, it also does not count as a general or average for all Muslims since turkey is a secular nation compared to the rest of Muslim countries
>Muslims will exceed Christians worldwide by 2070
good argument
>it also does not count as a general or average for all Muslims since turkey is a secular nation compared to the rest of Muslim countries
Germany has 4 million Muslims, 3 million of them are Turks and Kurds.
We literally don't have a Paki problem, we only have a Turkish problem when it comes to Muslims.
As to Syrians, we got like 350,000 of them and 200,000 Afghans. That's the extend of our non-Turkish Muslim problem. Afghans are like 85% men, low class workers who will not be able to procreate, because no women want them.
They are less than 10% and they cause as much trouble as they do right now.
Pic I took at Barcelona a few days ago
Turkey isn't Germany they should be told to fuck off.
Its only going to rise. Its like one of those severe cancers, you only live if you find out early.
We knew about the sickness years before it was dangerous but now its too late.
What are they going to do about it? Lets pretend an Intelligent right wing party comes to power. Then what? are they going to throw them out of the country? This solution is the easiest and smartest, reuniting them with their own people and culture is a great idea.
But then the liberal's come into play, then the self hating white people come to their rescue. What do you do when the person you're trying to save wants to hold on to his sickness?
this is where the problem lies, you don't have to be smart to be a liberal. Buzz words like Hate and Equality sound like things you want to oppose and support.
While being Nationalistic and respecting ones individual culture takes time to understand.
>Why don't you want these people in your country?
>Why don't you want to live with them?
>Is it becuse you hate them?
>DO you not think your cultures are compatible?
>is that because your backwards and close minded to other ways of life?
>why do you want your country to be white?
>Are you a Racist user?
There is just soo much that needs to be explained for others to understand Nationalism and yet its soo easy to be a liberal when your entire world is based of your feelings and what sounds nice instead of what's true or factual.
I'm saying your problem and Austria's problem is not comparable to the rest of the west because they actually import proper Mussies that are fucked in the head not part time consanguineous roaches.
I'll rise to your bait. Okay, so those 80% are by your opinion "integrated". What happens when the muslim population continues to rise, will they still "integrate" then?
Whatever the solution it needs to be implemented fast before the only hope is armed conflict, it's becoming increasingly apparent that those still blind to the threat Islam poses simply don't want to admit that they were/are wrong about Islam and that their denial has potentially indirectly harmed or even killed their own people.
The present solution seems to be waiting for terror attacks to redpill the masses but that's only going to entrench the opposition further into their denial.
>t. Mohamed bin Horistani
No-one is forcing you to be in the thread edgelord
Thanks for your contribution now go fuck yourself before i take your head off with a shovel.
Kek, go right ahead and try dumbfuckistan.
Talking to german chick.
Shes like "fuck these muslims, I want to shoot them all, just send them back, I dont care if they call me a nazi!"
Dick got as hard as diamonds.
This isn't the whether. You have to actually drive out Saracens.
It's already at +10%. Official statistics are heavily skewed and public officials are lying through their teeth. They literally have no way of knowing how many people have entered Europe now as most of these young men have no documentation.
Dat. Fucking. May may.
Don't tempt me cunt i'm so drunk right now i don't even feel.
You mean the formation of a true right wing death squad and the awakening of whites globally to reign in another 200 years of unchecked global dominance? I can imagine it.
They settle where your taxes pay for their asses to settle.
Take weapons and shoot at shitskins, leftists and cucks.
It cant be that fucking hard.
You're supposed to stretch those psoas before doing squats. She's about to use it.
>t. physical therapy gimp
Yes. Right wing death squad will save us then we can go back to being peaceful, normal people who don't fling pooh at each other to prove we wuz kangz.
Better be a savage than see your people getting genocided.
Sweden/Germany are gonna get hit the hardest and this is just a projection. Momma Merkel could put that number much higher, much faster.
I agree frogbro. But when you do that the problem is when the entire world comes after you and fights against you based on "humanitarian" reasons.
"Humanitarian" missions only seem to occur in nations that have something the American oligarchy wants.
I guarantee she did something pointless and shit up everyone's day for a gratuitous selfie of her useless fat arse.
Somebody needs to start the movement mate.
I won't say any more because I don't want to put any thoughts into your head that might gain you unwanted attention.
Europe will fall to the caliphate in our lifetime.
It's only a matter of time. Islam will conquer Europe without firing a shot.
It's so funny people believe this because the root word of diversity is div - as in "divide"
For the sake of the world I hope you're wrong or else it'll be Dark Ages 2.0 electric boogaloo
Get fucked western europe.
>Europe will fall to the caliphate in our lifetime.
lmao look who's talking
Triggered, Fatty McShittypants? :^)
Have you ever stood up to leftists or shitskins in real life?
They always bow down to a physically strong, strong willed white man ,they're weak and they're not ready to die for their cause, we are.
Home is everything.
Hmm :^)
If and when every country around you becomes a caliphate you can bet that Poland will be fucked.
>Born too early to explore space.
>Born too late to explore the earth.
>Burn just in time for the US/European race war
>you can bet that Poland will be fucked
They already are, look at their economy, it's laughable.
I have, but only in arguements/heated debates, its never got to physical conflict.
But like i said i agree, something must be done like you said and soon. BUT, you're fooling yourself if you think no one is gonna come after you for doing that.
Low balling lie, it's 3x that now.
>“When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority,” said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. “Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame.”
Incidentally 10% is all that is needed to convert the entire society.
Sure we constantly say this but can we really shoot our own people when the minorities and the majority of white people who are liberals outnumber us?
When academia is conditioning the next generation into Liberal ideals. Its the university and High school students that support Bernie and Socialism in the end.
Can we the minority of French People in France or the minority of Danes in Denmark fight the Majority of Africans, Arabs, and Cucks?
I doubt we can.
That's why I'm so hype when I hear news about Hungary. A nation whos majority are Hungarians. That's why they don't fall for liberal Ideals or the Refugee meme. These countries Survive because the people have an immunity to the sickness in the form of pride and culture which has been diluted in our countries from forced Multiculturalism.
What is this trying to say, that young people think whites will become a minority sooner?
>photos before germonies
kraut pls
Considered, no, labeled, yes.
Mate that isn't the fucking point here, this isn't a "hey let's shit on yuropoors hurr durr" thread.
I fucking love Europe, I love it's history, I love it's cultures, I love it's people and none of that will count for shit if and when Europe becomes a caliphate.
I want my children and my children's children to be able to look at Europe and feel the same sense of pride for our forebears as I do and that isn't going to happen if something isn't done about the very serious problem of Islam.
The US has plenty of demographic concerns of its own, don't get me wrong but at least Mexicans are majority Christian with European ancestry.
I'm impressed. Now clean my bathroom :^)
Can't a Kraut shitpost in peace? How else am I gonna deal with the pain? Thanks, jerk.
but we are beyond salvation too, man.
Just because they don't wear the hijab it doesn't mean they're atheists. And if the Muslim population is large enough, there won't be integration. Look what has happened to Sweden.
Just nuke us already. We can't even say this is our ancestral home, you at least have that.
I might not be willing to die for the cause, making sure the enemies of the cause die is much more preferable.
I wish you luck kraut.
don't worry I go back to germany soon
My family lives in Germany- tubingen, I visited them last year
I will not clean up ur toilet but I can meet with german girls with my turkish and yugo bros :3 i love them
America has been ~90% White all the way up to 1970, it was created and built by Whites, we didn't immigrate to an indian civ, we built civ out of wilderness.
Time to abandon the ship. All to USA and lets make Murica great again!
Don't get why these idiots continue to import Muslims. I'm sure there are good muslims but the majority are stupid violent regressives. If they really want to accept refugees they should only accept those willing to integrate into European society.
>Just because they don't wear the hijab it doesn't mean they're atheists.
They aren't atheists, but not wearing the hijab is a pretty big statement against political Islam. Those Turkish girls without hijabs are typically big sluts who fuck Chads from the club.
read this yesterday and it freaked me out:
>Europe will cease to exist: According to Baba Vanga, the continent will cease to exist by 2016, and all that would remain will be empty spaces and wasteland, nearly devoid of any form of life. She is reported to have said that chemical weapons would be used by extremists against Europe.
>Muslims will invade Europe: The blind mystic had also predicted that Muslims will invade Europe, and there will be widespread destruction by extremists, which will go on for many years, until the continent ceases to exist. She had also predicted that a Great Muslim War will begin in Syria.
>Rome as the capital of the Islamic caliphate: Islam will finish invading the whole of Europe by 2043, and Rome will be the capital of the new caliphate.
>US attacking Muslim dominated Europe: By 2066, the US will attack Muslim dominated Europe using climate change weapon, and will try to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.
There is nothing wrong with being Muslim anyway.