Assange is an agent of the Kremlin, we all know that.
He has Russian FSB bodyguards protecting him at the embassy where he is staying. Assange has his own RT show in Russia.
He gets his information from the Russian secret service.
He conveniently managed to convince Snowden to go to Russia.
Wikileaks is a Front for Russian Intelligence
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah. Kremlin is just using him as a puppet to discredit US. He is just wannabe hacket that got his best stuff from Anakata, one of the guys who funded Pirate Bay
Doesn't make any of the shit they uncover false.
Besides, after their leaks they had nowhere to go but Russia.
I thought it was RT.
Who cares anyways.
Has anyone actually ever watched RT? It's actually clever pro russian material. Kremlin is 2spooky4me
The 80s called.
They want their bogeyman back.
>legitimate information that's leaked about our political leaders should be ignored even though it's factual because of who leaked it.
nice kek op. Also you're probably a CTR shill, we already dealt with reddit and JIDF, imo much tougher than CTR.
If you're just another shill you're agenda is going to get BTFO. saged thread.
Who cares? The fucker is Australian.
Take off the tinfoil, CTR.
Putincucks on Sup Forums are so boring
Like Anonymous is FBI. I'd trust Russia more than USA.
I'm sure he gets info from the Russians
He hates Hillary for other reasons, though
Faggots called.
They want their country back.
Sorry mine isn't currently taking in refugees from known terrorist states so can't come here
>own RT show in Russia.
>He gets his information from the Russian secret service.
hah, we do not even have this channel
I don't care if he's an agent of Hitler's secret moon base, what he has uncovered and continues to uncover is important to me right at home.
Up until just now I thought that "Kremlin" was a jab at Putin being a manlet Gremlin. So when people were speaking of "the Kremlin" I was thinking of a little Russian gremlin pulling the strings.
I guess I learn something new every day!
>wannae hacker
this guy and the subversives were legends
now he's playing the big game like a real international media corporation should playing government for government
I think he helps Putin and Trump in the hope that Trump will pardon Assange.
Hillary is his enemy as she will prosecute him if the US gets Assange.
Pretty sad that I trust Russia to speak truth more than the United States. Maybe if my government hadn't lied to me for all these years but it's too late now.
Your government spies you and all the world and soon you'll get a criminal president.
two thumbs up, and people say he's a closet fag, no way, obama on the other hand, yeah, he's a bottom
yep, my government is the evil empire
>I trust Russia to speak truth more than the United States
Putin denied his men were fighting in eastern-Ukraine. Later he admitted they were indeed there. Same with Crimea.
Another Putin troll................
That's why his leaks aren't really doing anything for public opinion, it can all be dismissed as Russia hackers, so he might as well stop? Well no, might as well keep blowing his load while he's at it.
and? the us government lies all the time too but americans and canadians mostly don't care
Shalom, Moishe.
They're biased af but they're not outright liars, so I treat them accordingly.
I don't browse them for news because their news content is VERY filtered, but I'll read their articies about specific events I'm interested in and I watch their live streams often because they cover lots of stuff Western media outlets won't.
Sage, take your meds OP
so? he gets brownie points for helping to expose hillary clinton.
Putin looks like he was taking some kind of kgb style martial arts stance just as she runs in. He was gonna go full ninja.
>Tfw your country is saving Assange's ass.
Ruski Ecuador friendship when?
Thank you for correcting the record
Just a fucking leaf.
I guess the question is:
Does Assange ever leak any Chinese or Russian information?
Are western nations the only one doing terrible things or something?
Shill thread abandon trying to discredit the truth
OK, fine.
Now... why would he try to bang coalburning Swedish bitches when he would [allegedly] be uorrounded by Russian poontang???
How is the doping?
Ukrainian diaspora in Canada is pathetic.
Why not return back to your shithole and die in Donbass, like a good hohol?
Nah, he was getting ready to grab dem tiddies.
Why don't you lick Putins ass?
We have Ukrainians for that.
No, they don't live in your country anymore.
They do, but they're in denial about it.
Usually people who want to sold information about Russia, China, etc., going strait to USA/UK embassy.
1. It appears china and russia are a lot better at protecting their sensitive information, and we all know both of those countries' history of valuing human life anyway.
2. Naturally not, but the west paints itself as not doing terrible things. As being the holier than thou saints of the world, so when it turns out USA is one of the biggest shitpiles there is, it rightfully should be big news, at least to normal people who aren't already aware of that.
not to mention language and culture barriers that might be stopping some dissenters from the east releasing stuff to wikileaks.
>Norwegian education
Eh, that makes sense.
I was genuinely curious. I usually skip most wikileak articles/threads.
You shouldn't skip those if you want to learn more about what your government is up to. Whether it directly impacts you or not, it's always good to be aware of what is happening so you can also take measures to protect yourself if necessary.
Though you'll usually get information here that you're not going to get from the media, as they'll often choose to not report on things for "strange" reasons.
>As being the holier than thou saints of the world,
The west is not perfect, but elsewhere is worse. On all rankings the quality of life is the highest in the west.
>elsewhere is worse
Partially because of the US.
Governments hack themselves all the time and top hacker of governments is USA, but when somebody else does the hacking then it's a surprise, an agent. Assange gets what he can and Russia gives him the info or anybody else who sees it to be the right time.
>elsewhere is worse.
Not an excuse for not striving to be the best we can be, because it could be several magnitudes better.
also, this:
Especially because of that, we need to be more vigilant towards our own politicians since we have so much more to lose.
Actually, the US donates far more money and aid to the rest of the world than your shitty country.
Daft leaf.
Muh vast Righ-Wing / Bernie-Bro / Russian / Alt-Right conspiracy
Muh Secret Soviet Nazi Frogs
Muh KGB May May Magic
>You shouldn't skip those if you want to learn more about what your government is up to
But user, I am the big, bad scary "government" analyst.
And the US also starts all the major shitstorms in the rest of the world to begin with.
It's like going to another kids house, destroying all his toys and then giving him money to buy new ones that you like.
But it's obvious you're just trying to spread anti-russian sentiments and I'm not even pro russia.
Well then it's an entirely different matter, isn't it?
is norway even a country?
how much does a nor way?
Ras-putin = Putin
Coincidence I tink not!
When's the final Hillary leak coming out? Shit's been eluded to for months
The middle east is a shithole anyway. I have been there. They all hate Jews, but they all hate each other as well. Islam stopped developing an enlightenment since 1000 AD.
>implying we don't love Russia, too
Do you know where the fuck you are, OP?
Lol Nop
Asange is one of the neutral ones.
Like the bank in monopoly.
In other levels he is dead, destroyer of worlds and bringer of light
he is a banshee and he already scream Shillary.
The wich is (politically) death.
None of this changes the fact that Hillary is a corrupt and incompetent monster with failing health who is responsible for arming and funding the mercenaries who carved out the ISIS state and killed a couple hundred thousand people and put thousands more into slavery/sex slavery. Fuck you.
Go Fox!
Nah he was giving her a thumbs up. Probably had his people take her to where he was staying and spent the rest of the day beating that pussy up.
Honestly, I doubt have high hopes for whatever Assange has left. It's obviously not game changing or he (or Trump for that matter) would have dropped it already.
Sound credible.
>Everyone I don't like is a Russsian spy!
Is this the next leftist meme
Well that's just the middle east, and the US has a really hard time letting the turbans just rule over themselves. There is this idea that what "works" for the US, will work for everyone, everywhere. They're not willing to accept that some people need a strong leader to guide them, else they fall into chaos as we see today.
Let's be honest, the ME has always been shit compared to the west, but that doesn't excuse going into that sandbox and fucking up everyone elses sandcastles.
Another fucking retarded Canacuck.
>Does Assange ever leak any Chinese or Russian information?
They have, but nothing as important as anything american related, and you don't really get the chink and slav butthurt from leaks since it's usually in chink or slav
Tibetan dissident videos:
Though I couldn't find anything that's actually leaked from Russia, won't look for it since searching for wikileaks+russian leaks only returns Shillary propaganda
0/10 leaf
deflect more, it makes you look stupid and desperate
You have to be over 18 to be here. Reported
The ME has always been kinda shit, some places more than most but in all fairness it wasn't THAT bad until the USA/UK started meddling.
Assange is a Classical Liberal, you SJW neolib pussy. Stop lying and smearing anyone who dares to be free.
Yes, that's precisely what I've been saying.
Everywhere the US meddles is arguably worse off afterwards.
I just think people should be allowed to rule and decide over themselves without foreign interference from any side or party.
I.e in hypothetical norwegian civil war I'd be fucking pissed if any foreign country started bombing either side. Let us settle the matter ourselves etc.
Absolutely agreed. But we all know the reasons for US "war on terrorism" and it's oil, the most precious resource of a multi trillion dollar economy that is run on majority fossil fuels. When it runs out expect chaos.
shillary go back to your cave, everybody knows you are using russia and putin as boogieman! It's over you lost!
>Wikileaks will never release this info.
At least the civilian infrastructure is being prepared for a transition away from fossil fuels. Naturally the engines of war are still fueled by oil and so it will be needed until a better alternative comes along i.e nuclear energy that is more capable and sustainable on smaller levels than we have today.
We will see what the future brings. The point of this thread anyway is to stop bashing russia when the USA is just as bad if not worse.
Indeed. If you have a half hour and are bored, this is an incredible documentary.
Take care Norwaybro
If he wants to prove he isn't a Russian agent or Iran shill than he needs to drop some shit on Russia/Putin and his allies like Assad, Iran and Hezbollah. He never will since he only leaks stuff that hurts the US and West. He had a show on RT for fuck sake it's beyond obvious.
What a fucked up world, where the good guys are aligned with the fucking Russians, and the dark enemies of freedom are the Americans.
How did we get to this stage?
Don't give a fuck as long as the info released is true
based Stalin was ACTUALLY a communist
You're telling me an outlet for Russian propaganda Russian?
>He never will since he only leaks stuff that hurts the (((US and West))).
he is actually indirectly supporting the West
By shitting on Hillary and making Trump the President the US will have a chance to get out of the Globalist stranglehold and have a good relation with Russia
We, as Westerners that don't want our countries to be destroyed in a destructive war with Russia and Chine, can only win from this
Also, he's Australian.
He doesn't need an agenda to make everyone mad.
He's released lots of both.
But non Russians and non Chinese don't fucking care.
Putins face in this is priceless. That albino watermelon cunt though cowers in fear.
>"the Kremlin"