If the alt-right loves conservative views so much, shouldn't they be welcoming Islam with open arms?
If the alt-right loves conservative views so much, shouldn't they be welcoming Islam with open arms?
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>why do isolationists not get along with foreign religious supremists
huh makes u think doesn't it
If dog owners love dogs so much why don't they just eat dog shit.
that's because they don't look like white qt's like your pic, they're poo brown
Well memed my friend :)
if you bothered to even think about it long enough you'd realize that's exactly what Sup Forums generally proposes
There are lots of white Muslims user.
Good question, OP
Islam is not racially conscious
>Why do you have your own culture? Take mine instead.
Islam is more concerned with culture identity than with race. Isn't that ultimately more important? I'm an Atheist but there has to be some reason why so many people are flocking to this religion. Soon it will be bigger even than Christianity. There are some bad Muslims out there, but a large majority of them are good and kind people. Shouldn't we separate the good Muslims from the bad, just like we separate the good Christians from the bad?
There's a sucker born everyday user.
Also, there's a lot of brown ex-muslims like me.
Shoo shoo with your taqqiya
>good muslims
>bad christians
Thx for the laffs lad
s h i t s k i n s
Fucking little boys and other islamic degenerate shit is not really conservative, now is it?
I am a brown ex-Christian. Nice to meet you. What made you leave your religion? Do you have an innate distrust of Muslims or do you make a distinction between good Muslims and bad Muslims? What was your time as a Muslim like?
Conservatism is about individual liberty. It should be obvious where that clashes with Islam
>post ITT
>kill 2 muslims
Please just fuck off with this thread. It gets posted every fucking day. Get new material, for the love of god.
every fucking day
>Fucking little boys
Wasn't that a problem in the Catholic church a couple decades ago? The public managed to forgive them, so why can't Islam be forgiven too?
Because we don't want to be part of a brain dead superstitious cult that restricts freedom of speech and uses arranged marriages.
> conservative views
The way you use that term is so deleterious you might as well say meth-heads are conservative because they have a routine.
hey goys instead of responding to bait get in here, we may have something bad happening.
Because we don't want to be part of a brain dead superstitious cult that restricts freedom of speech and uses arranged marriages.
> conservative views
The way you use that term is so deleterious you might as well say meth-heads are conservative because they have a routine.
Don't bother replying your not making this sale.
Stop acting like you're not a Muslim.
Because Christians aren't blowing people up and beheading children.
your entire religion is a problem since its conception
>its ok, its just water under the bridge, he fucked only a kid
>entire religious cult follows in the footsteps
>but oh muh pooooooooooor muslims.
Those are just edgy white kids trying to be different
Try being here and you will see how it really is
I consider myself a hard motherfucker. I crushed the throat of a home intruder and watched some of my close family die painfully. That video of them cutting off the head of the little kid disturbs me.
The only way to live is to honor your ancestors by keeping good care of their heritage and traditions.
If you want to be part of my tribe, you have to be just like us. If you have different ways and you pray a false god, you will never be part of my tribe.
I equally hate Christianity and Islam. I just don't think that people of a particular faith should automatically be categorized as dangerous and subhuman.
I also still hate radical Islam. I just don't know how to reconcile the normal people who happen to be Muslim being in the same category as those deranged lunatics.
There's no normal people being muslim you can fuck off
>I equally hate Christianity and Islam
That's the mindset that kills the white man.
>I just don't think that people of a particular faith should automatically be categorized as dangerous and subhuman.
And that's just completely foolish. What if a faith encouraged its followers to kidnap and rape other people's children? What if a faith endorsed cannibalism? How outrageous does it have to be before your rationality kicks in once again?
Anime is also eastern and degenerate.
You've met normal people who were Muslims every day. There are many Muslim women who don't cover their hair and wear normal fashion, and many Muslim men don't grow beards.
Christianity is a middle eastern religion. Why not follow the actual religions indigenous to white people instead if you're really concerned with the integrity of your race? Christianity is followed by all races and was never at any point an exclusively white religion.
>If the alt-right loves conservative views so much, shouldn't they be welcoming Islam with open arms?
>drug use
>transsexual fetish
>everyone is gay
>everyone hates Jesus
>everyone hates Whites
Yeah, Islam sounds totally conservative.
xtianity b-btfo
Islam and Ummah are two different things
" explicit ethnic or racial stratification and prejudice are absent from the Koran."
" As the Muslim community expanded beyond the confines of the Arabian peninsula and over time incorporated numerous ethnic and racial groups, both an awareness of ethnic distinctions and a sense of racial hierarchies developed."
" If Islamic theology and law were color-blind, Muslims were not."
" The fact that Islam had originally been revealed to the Arabs and the preeminence of Arabs in the early centuries of Muslim history initially fostered a sense of Arab superiority to other ethnic groups that expressed itself in literature, in an initial reluctance to accept non-Arab converts as the equals of Arab Muslims,"
Here's your political chart.
there is no "normal muslims" there is "good people that happened to be born muslim", they aren't muslims, they don't follow islam, they have reformed islam in their own mind, no one consider them as muslims except leftists and themselves, i will accept muslims people when islam will be OFFICIALLY reformed, fuck all muslims and particulary those who don't practice islam and repeat "islam is a religion of peace" they are the worst and it's because of them that we are accepting terrorists and criminals in Europe
>they aren't muslims, they don't follow islam
Isn't this the no true Scotsman fallacy in action? Christianity has been similarly reformed over the last few centuries, and now many normal people today identify as Christians, despite contradicting many of the Christian teachings with their lifestyles, yet no-one bats an eye. Why does it make sense then to apply this logic to Muslims to live the same way they do? Islam has already been separated into different groups who believe different things. It isn't a singular, unified religion where everyone thinks the same way. There are many calls for reform within Islam.
If so many Muslims call Islam a religion of peace, even though so many terror attacks persist, then doesn't this imply an innate desire for reformation? Doesn't it imply that a majority of Muslims don't approve of the violence?
Terrorists attacks are bullshit, islam is a far worst problem than that, our prisons are full of muslims, they are murderers and a huge danger, they are a minority in my country but a majority in prison, how can that happen if you don't have the western civilization ?
Even in middle east (even the Maghreb), in their own schools there is a lot of salafist propaganda, so even the "good muslims" still have a bit of hate for every non-muslim
And like i said, yes Christianity has been reformed OFFICIALLY, islam hasn't, that's the problem, i don't hate muslims, i hate islam, i know there is some muslims that are good people, but ask the majority of muslims if they consider them as muslims, and they will respond no
Also you can't compare islam and christianity, i'm atheist but you have to be a big hypocrite to think muslims and christians are the same
Also you say that a majority of muslims are peaceful, again a lie, more than 80% of muslims are sunnite, and don't even try to convince me than sunnism is peaceful
>if you don't have
Okay, whatever. You win. I mainly just made this thread to post these cute drawings because I'm weirdly obsessed with them lately.
I despise Islam but sometimes I feel bad and try to find a reason not to despise it. I appreciate its aesthetics though.
you're all wrong
there is no god
there never was
the things you do in gods name are counter productive
exchange suicide bombs at your next meeting
i though you were a muslim trying to push his propaganda like i saw everytime kek
well don't feel bad to hate something that want to destroy you, that's like a jew hating a nazi
Middle Eastern conservatism =/= European conservatism =/= US conservatism
how many people you beheaded Ahmed? 1? 2? 5? 10? even more than 10?.That is the cost of believing in a cancerous religion such as Islam, that contains a false prophet.
>only people of a certain race follow an ieology
Never go full retard, anons.
>Why not follow the actual religions indigenous to white people instead
Why not avoid ignoring the last thousand years of history? Think you're going to bring back your nation with some lame pagan movement?
>Christianity is followed by all races and was never at any point an exclusively white religion.
Point being? The Bible promotes nationalism, and without Christianity, white people in general are easy to lull into suicidal belief systems, as the last half century has all but proven.
This isn't anime. It's just an image. You're on an imageboard.
>meaning wanting to conserve current society and ideals
>opposed to change
So you'd think conservatives would oppose their society changing to an islamic one, huh?
>that image
>Never go full retard, anons.
so, you are telling us to never follow Islam? ok by my book.
That's because they know Muslims can't run countries with their shitty laws, so they use the west as a crutch to feel better about their shitty ideology whilst clutching to it out of shame for wasting their life's effort trying to reconcile the fact there parents and their parents,parents where wrong.
shit like this is not uncommon, when it comes to a cancerous religion such as Islam
Damn, those people got annihilated.
Because they are not us.
It's not our religion. The islamic world forms a different civilization. It's bad enough that we got colonised by Christianity.
Islam is conservative in precisely the ways I am liberal.. also i am atheist
I think the saddest thing to me about Nayzak is that he would probably have been a decently successful artist/mangaka today if he weren't a total nutcase. I can't imagine what goes through the mind of someone who draws nothing but religious propaganda.
because while i agree with Shairah law on many things, killing unbelievers goes against the core tenants of our nation
Couldn't design an ideology more anathema to mine than Islam. Most others can be bro tier at times at least but islam is pure evil
>drug use
>transsexual fetish
>everyone is gay
>everyone hates Jesus
Uh that is like half of the alt right on Pol and 3/4 of Sup Forums.
Fucking roaches like you need to be round into a paste and fed to pigs.
daily reminder: islam means peace and is the only true religion
Fascinating, isn't it?
saleel al sawarim brothers
Sup Forums is a muslim board. Islam's principles are already firmly accepted by a majority of posters, but it will take time for them to "break the conditioning", as you say, and realize that Christianity's failure to subordinate western women, in accordance with the natural order of things, is a critical flaw that guarantees the collapse of the west unless it embraces Sharia.
Islam, when cancer and blood-lust agree
>religion of peace
nice try Muhammad
If the west embraces Sharia, wouldn't it effectively not be the west anymore?
I'd revert to Islam if I got to fuck a little girl in exchange. Nothing too wild, maybe a 10-yo wife or so.
U said woot? Maybe, just maybe in USA, not so in Europe. Liberalism is about muh freedom.
Fuck off Jew, no wonder you deny that the cucks are bad christians- they work for you!
kuffars BTFO
is that what Islam really put in your fucking brain?
why would a proud christian covert into your cancerous cult of bloodlust? good luck with the whole spreading the cancer you call Islam in here. sandnigger
....But Islam isn't consrvative. It's progressive. Which is why it's embraced by progressivess.
The Alt Right likes fags and naked women and comedy and challenging intellectual stimulation. The opposite of liberals and Muslims.
White Muslims are traitors desu.
how does it feel to embrace cancer, Ahmed?
>If the alt-right loves conservative views
You don't really get the alt-right, do you?
Wow really made me fart.
islam is not conservative nor progressive.
it is a cult that is based on the blood-lust and irredeemable crimes that their false prophet did.
There's nothing conservative about a religion where half of its practitioners are born from incest.
>Burgerclap conservatives
Because conservative islamic values are not conservative western values.
start saving, you will pay the jizzya soon heebie
We're looking after our values not theirs
Everytime, everytime
It's just like my Japanese animes!
((( white )))