Is Unforgiven the best script ever written?
Is Unforgiven the best script ever written?
Is that the one where he's old as fuck?
boring and unpleasant
why do I even come here
A much better script then film. As a film, it's unbelievably overrated
Just tell me!
because you think you're too cool for reddit
I woulda fucked that whore that got her face cut and I wouldn't even ask for a discount
Don't get offended.
nah that's Chinatown
I'd argue mystic River is a better film
She was a qt3.14. In fact, I would have taken her home as my wife to take care of my children and help at the farm. Making such a ruckus because of one dead nigger is ridiculous.
Fuck off, pleb.
This movie is a masterpiece. The last true western. Clint Eastwood's amazing farewell to the genre that defined him. A man's film.
I don't think so. Not even close to being the best script in the western genre.
I was expecting Dollars trilogy, what I got was Gene Hackman
>I'd argue mystic River is a better film
Mystic River is kind of a shit film
Sean Penn really fucking hams it up, the score by Eastwood is boring. Eh.
Hackman was the best part about it, Freeman was the worst.
Fire me.
Honorable mention for the guy who says "John Bull".
>the score by Eastwood is boring
Yeah, it really isn't. It truly is emotional without being cheesy
>I was expecting Dollars trilogy, what I got was Gene Hackman
Got any problem with Gene?
You're wrong. For Westerns, High Noon has a better script. Among all scripts I can think of hundred. Casablanca for example.
Chinatown tbqh.
>For Westerns, High Noon has a better script
Don't think so, actually. Liberty Valance, cure, but the script of Unforgiven actually seems slightly better
Yeah, he sucks
>Gets superpowers when drunk
Hackman is overbearing on screen, over the top and out of place. He didn't fit the character
In my opinion he doesn't fit most characters he plays. The only character he can play is Gene Hackman
gene hackman is great
1. tgtbtg
2. once upon a time
3. unforgiven
4. dollars trilogy
5. outlas josey wales
john wayne ISNT EVEN IN MY TOP 5
High noon is fucking communist trash. Wasn't the screenwriter driven out of the country for being such a lefty piece of shit. Watch Rio bravo instead
Liberty Valence is better than Unforgiven. But High Noon is probably one of the best scripts ever. You could have had anyone play most of those parts and it would have been a great movie. Not sure about Liberty Valence. Although it's definitely good.
>it's god cause Clint and muh dad likes it!
Lol, imagine being this much of a brainlet
You don't like High Noon because it's written by a guy who got black listed? Man, you must HATE a lot of the great films of all time then.
The most kino westerns have and will always be italian made
This is a fact. You want corny shit, that would be american made westerns. Unforgiven is maybe one of the most tolerable ones to come from the US and even then it's not the best
LOl he was blacklisted because he was ANTI communist retard
You'd be William Munny out of Missouri. Killer of women and children.
.. the fuq is wrong with this fools list
At least John Wayne isn't on there though
Wut? John Ford Westerns are far superior to spaghetti westerns, and his were cookie cutter. There's dozens of American-made Westerns far superior to A Fistful (the best Italian Western, imho).
True grit
Dead man
The reverent
Searchers should probably be on anyone's list.
I'm glad Hackman was Hackman as Little Bill. Gene can be very charismatic, but he's at 25% or less in this movie.
Little Bill isn't terribly deep and I'm glad Hackman didn't try to overact.
This is the best western of the 21st century and that's fucking telling of the state of the genre
The apex of the western genre is Brokeback Mountain.
You anons are all pozzed
which true grit?
I thought the original was ok but the remake was much better
what about tombstone, or appaloosa
List of the most laughably bad movies in existence
Question: is No Country for Old Men a western or a crime drama?
>What if I said you'd shit your pants for a cowardly soul?
That's quite a put down. I say it to babies and people I know I can take.
Bloated overly romantic messes
Why? The last shot alone is iconic enough on its own. And forget about the rest of the movie.
>I'm glad Hackman was Hackman as Little Bill. Gene can be very charismatic,
ffs do you want to ruin the thread with bait? Do you know what's out there?
It's all /got/ and Dr. Who
I can almost watch this once a week, but I save it for once s year or so.
Ido t know but I consider Mad Max2 road warrior- a western, genre wise
Nice quads, but you ever seen his Led Luthor?
Can we all agree that the best western made in the last 20 years was Bone Tomahawk?
>any true grit
>better than anything
>The last shot alone is iconic enough on its own
Said the proctologist to the coroner during Waynes autopsy
It's a thriller.
That is not 3:10 to yuma or appaloosa
Face it, that is coen's worst
But that was an okay western with horror elements and a ludicrous ending instead of a good western
>Django cuck detected
Hateful 8 should get a mention
Do you think i like John wayne or something? He's a bad actor. But Ford knew how to get good shit out of him.
>not brim stone
>The most kino westerns have and will always be italian made
kys, my bambino
Very funny you faggot, Quigley Down Under and this prove all Australian westerns are about fucking sucking dicks
There's no point in making a straightforward western anymore. Market interest isn't there and there's 70 years of masterpieces.
This is why no one except Coen fanboys gives a shit about True Grit cause it really wasn't that good compared to Ford or Leone. Even the Assassination of Jesse James was more of a period drama set in the west than an actual western.
It's an oversaturated genre
Honestly, I think you're a dumb wasp
and most likely "redpilled". It's clouding your judgement, the first and most prominent symptom is extreme bias
Seriously, Wayne looked like he had a massive smelly log stuck in between his draws during that scene. Wtf is matter with you?
For anybody that isn't a traditional Western aficionado like myself. The western tropes are still very overused through blending the western with Sci-fi and other genres.
No one's attempted an actual western for a while now. I'd hardly call it oversaturated. Hopefully the reception of a great neowestern like Hell or High Water might inject some life potential funding for the genre
The Coens' with Daniels was better than Ford's with Wayne
t. Duck of death
Why was the new Magnificent Seven such a turd? I lost interest and never did return.
I'm definitely not red-pilled. I don't like Sup Forums I don't even like most westerns. But the Searchers is good. If anything, it triggers Sup Forumstards because it doesn't mindlessly murder Indians.
Once Upon a Time is ruined by the shitty beaner main actor
>Charles Bronson
Because it's a shitty remake of a remake by a literal tv-tier director working with a shitty screenplay
Because you're not a weeb, you probably won't like the original Star Wars either More Jap shit
This post screams "I don't go outside more than one hour a week"
Let's hear it about the Lone Ranger while you're at it.
I thought the opening scene was pretty good
then it went downhill at lightspeed from there, too memey with the characters (not all but most) and the set pieces/action wasn't very good
What about Once upon a time in mexico?
tv show to movie adaptations are rarely good
Lone Ranger was a special kind of bad
It was inoffensively bad, with no "Jesus this is shit" rewatchability
didn't quite deserve to flop as hard as it did though
>no intolerable cruelty
kys mang
No heart or understanding.
The end was literally just 40 minutes of shooting unnamed goons with zero impact or gravity. It was filmmaking at its worst
I recently rewatched My Darling Clementine and there's no way a italian or a mediocre actor like eastwood will ever make anything so beautiful.
That's not
>Jesse James
>slow west
>bone tomahawk
Dude the genre is fine, stop whining
The Good, The Bad & The Good?
>gay drama
>literal garbage
>horror schlock
>Italian westerns
>not corny shit
have you ever seen fucking any of them other than "muh clint eastwood"? Most of them have awful Italian """humor""" that drags on and on, and extremely predictable storylines.
t. I've seen most of them someone please kill me
I tried watching that once, fell asleep during the first minute
Must be an all time record
Django is fucking great. Screw you dickhead
Ford didn't direct True Grit
and john wayne wasn't in it
>hahaha it's a copy of Fistful but there's a hamfisted message about "greed is bad" and also he has a machine gun
At least bring up The Great Silence or something dude
meant to reply to
I disliked High Plains Drifter after busting my ass to buy it one day. I wanted to like it if that helps.
the 1969 John Wayne True Grit was directed by Henry Hathaway, was my point.
>completely missing the point of the film this badly
Psst, your pleb is showing
I was thinking of 3:10 to yuma lmao
You technically posted one second before me.
>As a result of his refusal to give the names of fellow Party members, Foreman was labeled as an "uncooperative witness" and blacklisted by all of the Hollywood studio bosses.
>High Noon is seen by some as an allegory for McCarthyism
Also there's bins full of DVDs of High Plains Drifter at the Tractor Supply near me lol