>90 min
>80 min
What's remarkable about that?
>Runtime is in minutes
literally the perfect length
>run time
>64 minutes
90 minutes cannot be kino. I can literally look at the run time and sort out the shit.
90 mins implies formulaic bastardization.
>140 min
I have a copy of Courage Under Fire/ Man on Fire combo where the former audio doesn't work until you select in the DVD options. MoF works fine.
>180 minutes
>Director Michael Bay
>450 minutes
>190 minutes
Throw out that GPX DVD "player".
>9 seasons
>30 episodes per season
Tell that to "The Witch"
Most Bergman films are around 90 min and artsy stuff like Under The Skin are in that range too.
You just outed yourself as a pleb, kiddo
The perfect length for any film is either 90 minutes exactly. Or 3hrs.
Anywhere in between and you're just wasting all of our time.
>flip over the DVD for second half of the movie
t. pleb
Never watched a Bergman and never will. Suck on that Ebert.
You mean VVitch?
Your brain has been warped by television.
It's sad really.
How common was that? I only ever had one that ever did that and that was Godfellas
Gangs of New York had the same thing.
Yeah cause there's so many 2hr 30min+ TV shows...
>88 minutes
>denies himself good kino because he hates a certain critic
Imagine being this plen
That's just my go to insult when somebody acts patrician by mentioning meme a director.
>743 Minutes
>runtime : 180 minutes
Fuck you, peter jackson.
>uno farto
110 minutes is perfect prove me wrong
Close. But for perfect tempo it has to be 1:47.
>tfw you know you're in for some Bay Kino when it exceeds the 120 minute run time
>One minute and 47 seconds
the perfect length for a movie is 165 minutes, not too long, not too short
And its perfect
Bergman is pure kino though.
>watching a movie
that's for the miniseries tho
>TV series
>Hour long episodes
Literally cannot be kino
>1h 49min
literally the most red+dit runtime ever
>Lawrence of Arabia is 4 hours long
>Feels like 90 minutes
>usain bolt
>runtime is 9.58 s
>136 minutes
>watch in 2.00x
Feels good man
is there a more perfect runtime?
no film needs to be longer than that
100 minutes is the perfect length.
>runtime isn't metric
>2 seasons
>12 or 26 episodes per season
>432 minutes
what are good
Evil Dead (2013)
Between 1:40 and 1:57 is objectively the runtime kino zone
Perfect Blue
I always found 1:32:15 the sweet spot.
>13+ episodes in the season
>50-60 minutes per episode
i still remember exactly when to flip my last crusade and spaceballs laserdisks
90 / 3
30 mintues to stablish the story
30 minutes for training montage
30 minutes to solve the confict
>VCD bluray rip spread over 9 CDs
>not watching Empire with a cute girl any time she asks for your movie recommendation
Virgin video viewer detected
>190 min
Fucking Magnolia
>kids movie
>runtime: 90 min
I thought about it and all best movies are usually 99 mins long
>liking the studio hack and slash that is 90mins
>director's cuts always exceed that
Name 5 shows with 6+ seasons and 20+ episodes per season that stays better than "watchable" for its whole lifetime.
>super hero movie about a comic hero no one gives two shits
>147 minutes
There are though... most can Last dozens of hours you chucklefuck
Trash Humpers
>be any vine
>runtime 0:00:06
>annoy everyone
People actually do this?
>108 minutes
Anything below 180 min is reddit tier.
>7 hours
>lrn2difference douchenozzle
>haven't watched any movies directed by him
>he's a meme director though
Suicide will free you of all your pain
I will happily watch 8 hours of 20 minute to 1 hour episodes of something but I barely ever watch films because they're "too long"
If a movie is any less than 2 hours it's too short.
That's exactly why he's a meme. People stand on his movies and act superior, just because they watched one. It's redditculous.
>running time: 69 minutes
What did they mean by this?
>1000+ episodes
>20 minutes of credits
Childhood is idolizing medium length films by directors like Spielberg, Kubrick, or Cameron.
Adulthood is realizing four straight hours of Bay kino is the only real pleasure in life.
>293 episodes in 6 seasons
>runtime 61 minutes
>5 after credits scenes
>fake "behind the scenes" footage with in-character actors
i usually watch kino at .80x but capeshit and popcorn stuff ill usually watch at like 2-2.25x speed
confirmed garbage then
kino doesn't have to overstay its welcome
I really think we ought to be designing our insults better. 'Douchenozzle' is just a twist on 'asshole', both meaning 'something that expels only waste', but it really only means you think what he said was stupid. It's much more elegant, for example, for me to call you a clueless prick, which is to say 'you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're whining like you're trying to prove you don't have a tiny penis'.
I believe Adam Carolla coined this term.
Seems like him. Profanity can be really effective if you apply it properly but a lot of people look like idiots repeating that something they don't like is poopy doo doo.
>runtime: 200+ minutes
>year: before 1970
>in the imdb top 250 or any kind of "film expert" list
Last time I watched this it was 65 minutes including credits. Is there a longer version I'm not aware of?