ITT: /ourguys/

In First place: James Woods.
Daily reminder that If people took James Woods more seriously 9/11 wouldn't have happened and the world would be a substantially better place than it is today.

James Woods Reported Suspicious Passengers to FBI Prior to 9/11.

I like him



c'mon Sup Forums, back to your board


If he's not careful he's going to end up being blacklisted from Hollywood goy

Isn't he already?

back to Sup Forums with you

James is too Chad to give a fuck.

Isn't he practically blacklisted already? The last thing I can recall seeing him in was in that mediocre remake of Straw Dogs.

James Woods is BASED

He's also a literal genius, he has something like a 150+ IQ IIRC

All that mother is going to do is turn her son in to a pussy slayer. Male ballerinas are irresistible to women. it's that fucking dancers physique

In his contract with Disney for Hades, he made it to where Disney couldn't hire someone else to voice the character unless he agrees to it or is dead, which means every time Disney uses Hades they have to hire him.

He really is smart

Even in the Japanese versions, if you saw that new Kingdom Hearts trailer.

The title of /ourguy/ is debatable, but the title of /ourgirl/ is beyond question (pic related)

>le boogeyman

180 IQ. Literally perfect student, etc.

>“The only reason I express my views is that I have accepted the fact that I’m blacklisted. Also I bought Apple stock in the 80’s”


Holy shit.

This might just be the most based motherfucker alive.

Is his best performance in Casino?

>world leaders are puppets

what's new

It's up there. I think I liked his performance in "The Boost" even more.

There's puppets and then there's meat puppets. Actual puppets sometimes a bit of greasing or rewiring. A mean puppet is more biological, it's the stuff that animates you and I, less the independent thought or accountability.

my nigga, thought I was the only one who has seen The Boost. For me though its hard to pick his best as he's great in everything, even his Simpsons cameo is probably the best celeb cameo of the series