The great debate
The great debate
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Jaime beat Rand Althor, Aragorn is a cakewalk
Aragorn is super human, not a fair fight
I've seen Aragorn stand his ground in battle. I've only heard about what a legendary fighter Jamie is supposed to be
GRRM said that Jaime could do it but that's total bullshit let's be real here. It's like coming up with your own OC doughnut steel character and saying he's OP as fuck and beat goku
Do people really still give a shit about LOTR? I could never watch those movies again.
don't ever post again even your bait is offensive
>GRRM said that Jaime could do it but that's total bullshit let's be real here. It's like coming up with your own OC doughnut steel character and saying he's OP as fuck and beat goku
Was he answering a question somebody asked? It's an autistic thing to ask "WHO WOULD WIN XD"
Conor Mcgregor
Did Aragorn ever fight a god tier swordsman?
No but hes Mary Sue protected by plot armor.
one of those two has literally about 50 years more fighting experience than the other
He fought an orc chief I think, he was pretty good
an UrukHai you mean
Did Jaime?
Aragorn is a Numenorean, pay attention to how he managed to contest a big fucking troll at the end of ROTK. Also fighting off the Ringwraiths. Aragorn would fuck Jaime up.
the witch king of angmar vs the night king?
Gandalf vs the three eyed raven?
LotR troll vs GoT giant?
Warg vs direwolf?
Sauron vs R'hllor/the great other?
the ring wraiths on their felllbeasts vs Dany on her dragons?
I can't remember orc runes
aragorn makes jaime bend the knee through sheer power of will
there is no fight
LotR wins them all except wargs and dragons
smaug vs drogon
Aragorn. You can't even compare him, he doesn't even blink when he strides out to start fighting these motherfuckers
>Gandalf vs the three eyed raven
>Sauron vs R'hllor/the great other
How can you even compare them?
>the ring wraiths on their felllbeasts vs Dany on her dragons?
Danny would easily fuck them up, fellbeasts are shit.
Night king
Close one, but I think GoT giant win
Sauron with ring>r'hllor>sauron without ring
the witch king of angmar>the night king
(if it's a battle with their armies the night king might win, depending on wheter he can revive/entrall orcs/trolls)
Gandalf > the three eyed raven
LotR troll = GoT giant
Warg = direwolf
Sauron > R'hllor/the great other
the ring wraiths on their felllbeasts < Dany on her dragons (if she doesn't turn away in fear)
frodo vs jon snow at least would be on the same weight class
absolutely no contest. Did you see how fucking big smaug was?
Also one is intelligent and the other a smarter than average animal
nice meme
>Sauron with ring>r'hllor>sauron without ring
that's a good answer
Witch King > Night King
Gandalf > 3 eyed Raven
Troll > giant
Rhollor/other >>>>>>>>> sauron are you retarded
dany > wraiths
arthur dayne > aragorn > jaime
>>Gandalf vs the three eyed raven
>>Sauron vs R'hllor/the great other
>How can you even compare them?
>magic wizard who is greater than he shows vs magic wizard who is greater than he shows
>evil god who controlls people like chess pieces vs evil god who controlls people like chess pieces
Legolas is by far the strongest fighter anyway
Several nazguls at once.
Lurtz (the Uruk Hai chief) was also pretty fucking badass.
>magic wizard who is greater than he shows vs magic wizard who is greater than he shows
The "magic wizard who is greater than he shows" is the cover that Gandalf uses. His final reveal is that he's an angel from heaven itself to guide men, not turning wizard mode on.
>evil god who controlls people like chess pieces vs evil god who controlls people like chess pieces
Do Gods even manifest themselves in GoT?
>a mere wood elf
There was a far stronger dude in Rivendell when they were passing through.
Book Aragorn would flatten book Jaimie without even raising a sweat. He's a Numenorean ranger with almost a hundred years of experience.
Show Jaimie jobs to fucking everyone and movie Aragorn while not shown to be super proficient from a technical standpoint has still fought more and better.
>muh brienne reeeeee
He is supposed to be really badass but we never actually see it, in the books because he is on an actual character arc where he is turning into a decent man and good leader while in the show D&D just keep him around to say nice things to Cersei.
LOTR fags are so fucking cringey
Night King. He's not a man anymore so...
Depends on the battlefield and the kind of troll I guess
Sauron being a necromancer, it's rather hard to tell. I'd say R'hllor since there is no known way to defeat him.
The dragons.
>Massive dragon with human intelligence Vs big Wyvern with dog intelligence
R'hllor revives people using a drunken priest as a medium
It's called autism, faggot
one punch man would beat them both
who'd win?
Uruk Hai means "orc folk"
Uruks, orcs and goblins are all used interchangably in the series.
is this an edit? that hammer looks straight out of Dark Souls.
>that hammer
This is the most retarded thing I've seen in ages
Definitely a shop. The one in the show was only slightly implausible as far as media depictions of weapons go but that shit is straight out of a computer game.
Jamie wins 8/10 times
Aragon wins 10/10 if he gas tge one ring
>slightly implausible
h-he almost beat brianne! But they were interrupted..
4 great eagles led by Gwahir vs Drogon
Tom Bomb vs Rhollor
Treebeard vs Wun Wun
The Mystery Knight vs Durins Bane
Shopped image is shopped. The real one is a bit derp but nowhere near so stupid.
Gendry would get the advantage but then "WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH BALROGS SAVE ME" and Melkors balrogs gimp him
Smaug is about 50 times Drogon's size
>4 great eagles led by Gwahir vs Drogon
>Tom Bomb vs Rhollor
Rhollor (i hate Tom and he's a fucking meme)
>Treebeard vs Wun Wun
>The Mystery Knight vs Durins Bane
durins bane no question
You left off the "as far as media depictions of weapons go," user.
Most of the time the weapons they use in movies or tv shows are made to look the way audiences expect them to look rather than how they really did and used in ways that show off slow choreo so that the action is easy to follow rather than with realistic techniques.
It used to really activate my almonds but now I'm happy with small victories, like hammers that don't have a head the size of a small continent. By those metrics, Gendry's hammer is positively petite.
he also almost beat Boromir! But they were interrupted when Boromir took a spear to the knee
That hammerhead would probably weigh 15kg at least.. jesus
By the current state of GoT everything is plausible, nevertheless, the shopping is excellent
It's not so much, imagine the mountain swinging this it's be like a feather in his hands
Obviously it isn't since it's Gendry's hammer but still, for a big guy 15 kg aren't that much
This will never not be bullshit.
Nah mang. Everyone thinks medieval weapons weighed a fucking ton because of how retards in the media swing them around. Even big two-handed swords were a bit over two kgs.
I mean, the head is oversized that's what she said but unless it is mostly lead with a steel overlay I doubt it would weigh that much. And a real one would be lighter still.
Witch King since the night king can be killed
Three eyed Raven since gandalf is basically a lesser angel whereas the Raven is closer to being deity himself
Got Giants are way bigger than lotr trolls
Sauron is a fucking pussy. The real question would be morgoth or the valar vs r'hollor
Danys dragons kick way more ass than the fell beasts in both size and fire breathing ability. Note that nazgul are weak to fire
Jaime is efay af
lifting 15 kg isn't much, but swinging it continually is fucking heavy and makes it unwieldy
i know that original medieval weapons didn't weigh very much, otherwise they'd be useless.
But as long as that hammer of his isn't completely hollow, there's no way that thing weighs less than 10-15 kg
Durins Bane would win v anything in GoT
ungoliant bootyblasts anything in GoT
Well she bootyblasted literal Satan in LoTR so yeah
The only way to use something like that would be by spinning continually, you can't be fast with something like that, miss one hit and you are dead, 15kg isn't that much to carry, but it is for a swing
Smaug is an actual dragon so there's not much contest and he's also super rich
Everything LOTR wins in the end because it's simply on another scale of fantasy. Especially Jaime vs Aragorn, Aragorn is a superhuman. A fight against Arthur Dayne or Barristan MIGHT last for a few minutes before Aragorn simply overpowers them, but still, LOTR is actual high fantasy when ASOIAF is based in realism. It's hard to compare.
I haven't read them but maybe if you compare LOTR with Wheel of Time or Stormlight Archives?
t. never used a 7lbs sledgehammer
you could be the mountain and a 15kg hammerhead is still ridiculous
Spotted the faggot
>destroys satan
>gets fucked up by a couple of balrogs
>couple of balrogs
it was a whole fucking army
To be fair, the historical way they used big swords like zweihanders required them to constantly keep swinging them in a sideways 8 shape while advancing.
Maybe something similar could work for an oversized hammer?
This isn't the schoolyard you dumbass, you don't get to make fun of me for being a nerd. You're trying to brag about being a dumbass in a nerd thread on a weirdo website. Kill yourself
ah that reminds me
fingolfin vs azor ahai?
>historical way they used big swords like zweihanders required them to constantly keep swinging them in a sideways 8 shape while advancing.
>you don't get to make fun of me for being a nerd
he makes fun of you for having stupid opinions
A zwei weight 2kg, and is balanced, a hammer isn't balanced, a horizontal swing is way harder to control, in a real, effective warhammer, if you do that swing with something so heavy you won't be able to lift the weight anymore, not before you die anyway
Ancalagon the Great vs. everyone in Westeros and Essos?
Everything I said is undeniably true
ancalagon the black vs all of the GoT dragons who have ever existed (i have no idea how much there were)?
>Couple of Balrogs
This reply only makes you a bigger faggot
Ancalagon is fan fictiontier though
*gets hit by ice lance
the silmarillion is fanfiction?
>Historically accurate
Would it even fit in the game of thrones map?
His size is complete fanfiction
The dragon is fanfiction tier, something of that size just can't be killed, it doesn't even said how they killed it
How strong are the balrogs anyway?