Seize the means of production, do it now!

seize the means of production, do it now!

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No Bourgie in Morocco fool. You'll just be raped in the night by filthy arabs...

So she's suicidal?

who is this semen demon?

I came...

Convince me to be a leftist

The face looks vaguely familiar to me

Every edgy SJW in history...

OKAY, I'll bite.

What will I do once I have the means of production?

I dont get it. She almost looks like a girl I saw on Chaturbate

what kind of haircut is that?

Produce, you mong

I remember girls like this in college.

None of them realize they ARE the bourgeoisie. Haha.

kek. underrated

That person oddly looks a lot like someone I know.

Who the hell is she?

What the fuck? Am I a slave now?

What happened?!?

You murder your nearest competitors then starve millions of people whilst accumulating fabulous wealth for you and your cronies/harem.

You fucking seized the means of production. Use it!

But I was fine before working when I felt like it. Now I'm a slave to production! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


>seize the means of production

seize the means of reproduction

You aint a slave.You own it, you CONTROL IT. You can CHANGE it if you want. It's YOURS

There's nothing better than upper middle class liberals misplacing themselves in the lower caste

Back on track, who is the girl in OP pic?

I'd have to travel to China since it all went there.

Okay. I sell the means of production to a capitalist for a tidy sum.

Do It Now!!!!

very nice

Show me 1 (one) example of Communism working and not being oppressive in reality and I will seize the means of production immediately.

>the means of production

the memes of production

We have just seized the means of production.
Now what, specifically?

The Capitalist will rip you off and have you thrown in the clink.

Best not to do this.

What do I do with all that shit I just produced?


Fuck I have just worked out who it is.

It's Lexi Belle

Anne Hatheway has bad skin.

Live off it, share it with humanity

The capitalist sounds like a fucking dick head. Can I kill him?

fucking leaf
I got a good laugh out of that.
Guess I'm a Honey Combunist now

How specifically do I live off what I just produced?

I don't think I like this communism shit, then. I'm done with it for good.

That's monarchy.

Piss off cameron

You probably should because there is a good chance he will try the same crap again and again. But we are going to lead from the front here and not kill him. Rather we will help him wise up a little


Eat it, make a house out of it, travel in it

OK, let me rephrase: show me a sovereign nation.

Dont be weird, You can have i all, and it wont cost you a penny

Is she in a university?

As in David??

N E V E R. W O R K E D


I'd treat her to the bourgeois life for a few days, if she wanted.

She'd just need to dress in kinky shit in our hotel room and let me tie her up and dominate her.

Sorry. I abandon the means of production and disappear innawoods.

That would be in China, and didn't they already do the whole communist thing?

>Big nose
>Adams apple
>Wide shoulders

Croatia, you guys got traps over there?

Seize means of production and give it to Shlomo? It is always happens like that with socialism.

ahahahahahahaha biggest capitalist on earth ahahahahahaha prove me wrong

What am I producing?
How does that production come to be?
Am I just producing what my evil overlord had me producing before?
If not, how do I finance the change?
Who is going to design the tooling I will need?
Who is going to produce the tools?

Your choice. But the bears will eat you. You will soon die

I don't understand why these people have to steal the means of production.

The fact is if you earned these means yourself through hard work, you would certainly not then let a load of freeloaders have access to your hard-earned means of production.

There's nothing to stop you acquiring means of production within this current system. Go nuts and let random workers use your means till they break something or take everything you have with a smile on their face.

Liberals are just lazy naive children who want everything handed to them and willingly ignore the shortcomings of human nature that make these imagined marxist systems impossible.

Remember that fucker who stole yours because they broke theirs?

Stop roleplaying, gaywad.

1. Whatever you want
2. By producing
3. No. Produce what you want and need.
4. You dont need finance. You want change, make it happen. There is no scientific law that states that change must be accompanied by money. Just lift up your tools and do it.
5. You.
6. See 5.

I almost spat my coffee. Heh.

Id seize her means of reproduction. No doubt no doubt

Don't need finance?
Ah, I see.
Thanks for confirming you are fucking retarded.

You are the fucking tard, you fucking tard.

You have completely missed the crux of everything that has been stated.




More anarcho-syndicalist balls!


Just to clarify if someone try's to seize my means of production and redistribute it I'll defend myself with force. I will not become a slave and have everything I work for taken away.

Isn't she the one with nudes of her in the shower drinking craft beer?

Its Lexie Belle, inst it?

I hire workers.

>got traps over there

no too exotic, we don't even have niggers

>cease the means of production
So they want us to attack china?
Do you need us to send you some?

>The capitalist will rip you off, don't sell to him!
I literally just "seized" (stole) an entire factory from the guy. Clearly I shouldn't be worried about what thinks.

Great, but no need to pay them, let them share and expand your means of production. Everyone working together with common goals

He's an asshole, consigned to the dustbin of history. He's had his day. His time is over.

Don't worry about it.

Ironically probably supports hitlary. Stupid deluded globalist boot licking scrum

I notice the one Australian communist in this thread hasn't responded to this guy at all.

no thanks, we have to make room for refugees soon.

>human nature

Herein lies your problem. Believing that communism is born out of a desire for laziness, totally as a part of "human nature", completely misses the point.

>But this is what the anti-intellectual right always do, take the easy way out.

>rich girl with problems wants to kill her family



Can someone confirm if this is Lexie Belle or not?

I think that is a good illustration of the point I was making, specifically, the final, green-text part.

Cheers pal.

Check your white female privilege

>bourgie trash wants to kill bourgie trash

Fuck I hate teenagers


WTF is that crap?

>Fuck I hate teenagers

Under 35's of today are the under 18's of thirty years ago.

>Best to hate under-35's

that's a pretty great music pack

Actually, I realized I don't have experience in running a factory. I sell off the factory instead.

it's not check the eyebrows, also doesn't look like her