Do you support Israel Sup Forums ?
Do you support Israel Sup Forums ?
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More or less, I think you should leave WB and Gaza, other than that you're ok in my book.รค
No. Bunch of warmongers, liers and manipulators. Also no different from rest of the sand niggers in middle-east.
Not every Jew is a corrupt banker.
I do support you kikes. You deserve all the territory you have. The sandniggers could have made peace in 48, but refused. Now they pay the consequences.
I'm getting closer to a bingo.
sure but stay there
I support them both, but I also think that both are retarded.
Yes. The fact of the matter is that Jewish subversion isn't more or less powerful if they have clay. And I hate Muslims. If Israel wanted to conquer the entire middle east and subjugate or better genocide Muslims, I'd endorse it wholeheartedly.
I don't even know the difference anymore
Nope but I don't support Muslims either, although I would like to see Palestine recognized as state only to butthurt Jews.
Don't forget to make the posting if bingo!
Will do.
Kek this is awesome, does it reset at the end of the day.
Of course!
I'll be damned, if we let a bunch of sandniggers kill em off. We will gas them ourselves, we won't let anyone rob us of that divine pleasure!
Only the good looking one, like gal gadot. I can't come up with a handsome israeli. Maybe Wentworth Miller, but he's not native, does he?
All of that has just been in 20 minutes my friend.
And we got a new one
>Alt right threads
I know the Muslim Palestinians are generally idiots, but so many Israeli Jews are their own brands of moron.
I hate arabs and jews. Both need to leave. Gtfo
Fuck you both.
I hope you kill each other.
Sure. Confining all the rats makes them easier to exterminate.
Palestinians are in their full right in the 1967 border, Israel is a better country by all standards.
Therefore I dont give a fuck, genocide each other for all I care.
No. One state only, Palestine.
I still don't get it why is america so into supporting Israel. Do they have a fetish for them?
Daily remember that hating israel = loving muslim
Nope. I personnaly hate both.
Broadly speaking, yes.
Yes I do. I can`t say the same for my faggot country.
Anyone who removes kebab is, or should be our friend. Too bad Obongo wants to slob on the muslim dick so much on the country's behalf.
but every corrupt banker is a jew
I think kikes need a containment country and I don't see why it shouldn't be one that they might actually want to stay in.
I'm not sure, I don't know enough about the situation
Regardless I think any problems shouldn't be something I should have to worry about anyway, it's hundreds of miles away from me
I like Israel and their nationalism, and your tallent for killing Muslims. You also represent a big chunk of US influence in the middle east.
now stop getting the USA do your dirty work and make use of your own army if you want to take over the Middle East, and gas the assholes that are shitting up the west
I support open borders for Israel.
well you come from a nation of beautiful people, so your standards are too high
we could just make them a concentration country
I support any never ending conflict between two semite nation. As long as they don't want our money.
We need to build a wall and a ceiling around the middle east so you sandniggers can have your fun with other sandniggers and it isn't going to be anybody else's problem.
I also don't campaign against them.
I don't think I could care less, actually.
I don't really care about Palestine Jew user. I just want your Government to stop having a foreign influence controlling our politicians and banks.
That is my only criticism I have against your Government.
Yes Schlomo, check Sam Harrison argument - I literally had the same one before checking him - except he is more charismatic and you'll enjoy listening to it.
Tbqh I was considering converting to Judaism as my city was a huge Jewish town in the past, and there's still a huge beautiful Synagogue left... but circumcision... man I don't know - that skin is pretty useful.
Matter of fact - I'll probably end up marrying a Jewish girl, and invest my energy and money into kids - to generate superior offspring. My kids would be Jewish and I wouldn't have to mind circumcision.
>Supporting kikes or goatfuckers
Israel's GDP is 2.5 times that of hungary. hungarian people come here to work in shit jobs and not the opposite, so shut the fuck up.
We just need to build a massive massive nuke and whipe out entirety of miggle east and Afrika at one.
The world will be a Utopia ever after.
I support nuking Israel
yes, look at how israel lives, then look at how the muzzies live
>muh tsar bomb
kys senpai
>Betraying your beliefs to actively poison your bloodline
What's wrong with you
>stop having a foreign influence controlling our politicians and banks
Calm down, Hitler.
israelis are very efficient at killing muslims and driving them out of territories, for that i admire them
Of course! The only democratic, secular place in the Middle East goy.
they also are great at replacing whites with sandniggers in white countries.
You will always have me respect Jew user.
and 90% of it is free american money
>nice try you filthy scum of the earth
>muh goyim must serv us
yeah no
glass them both.
same, also nuke them
You don't have to be Hitler to realize why this is a bad idea
kek, Leb-user.
Of course not you fake jew khazar kike rat. Muh torah and talmud muh promised land muh 6 trillion muh personal palestinian death camp
Both your countries are equally retarded
I mean, you Israeli kikes do a fine job at killing the Mudshits, which are worse. You also seem much more authoritarian/right wing than the disgusting kikes we have in the West.
Quite respectable, however, I only support Israel as a place for all Jews in Europe and America to flock to, never to come back. That means all the shitty leftist ones, too, but you can take care of those, I'm sure.
Also please learn to fight your own wars.
Woah buddy, just take it easy.
This is the same problem I face with jews in real life. They get so defensive and lash out at everyone around them like it's anuddah fucking shoah.
>You can only pick one
This game is rigged.
The New York Police department receive their training from Israel but remember cops are racist
ill take a kike over a sandcoon anytime.
Jews are angels compared to palirats.
How did you create a State from nothing lil jews? Banks,rothschild .....
And that country could and should be Israel.
Seriously, if you don't support Israel you might very well support the genocide of the jewish people, because the only other option would be for them to stay in our countries, and that really shouldn't be the goal.
Well, it depends. I certainly don't support Zionist neocon, merchant type, or liberal SJW Jews.
But none of those traits are unique to Jews.
Your average Israeli who kicks Muslim ass? I very much like them. In fact, my only complaint is that you let this drag on for far too long because of ethnic guilt. You should have driven 100% of the Palestinians out a long time a go and ended the problem for good.
Ironic, I thought the same but opposite thing
jews girls have big booobs
This. The occupiers and land-grabbers can have the fucking Falklands
What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting raped by muslims or something?
if all jews could get the fuck out of Europe, then yes i would support Israel
>1 euro equals 4.23 sheqels
you fellas aren't doin too good. your economy needs a shot in the arm
>that Asian girl in the top-right thread
You eurocucks are such pathetic subhumans you'll go extinct in less than a century by a competing race superior to you which are the sand niggers, and then we'll come back to take Europe from the sand niggers.
A prime example why goyim need Jewish bankers.
but one euro is the currency of the whole european union
>babby's first nation
Natives won't respond to your narrative? Aww, how cute!
>Implying that someone should read that
>when goys try to understand economy
Of course. Why should I support a bunch of retarded mudslime savages while there is a fucking based Western state destroying them since 1948? We have the same Islamic plague over here in France, so I understand your situation perfectly.
Why do people unironically support a bunch of savages like the """palestinians"""?
>Bombing them
Have you learn nothing from Israel sempai?
Better sell them guns
And lest promote feminism
And so and so
Bombing them cost shekels
Tricking them makes shekels.
BTW why do you cover your dead with your national flag?
Sasuga jewish reading comprehension at work.
Sasuga jewish intelligence at work.
Fucking kill yourself, jew.
Pure irrational behavior.
t. non intelligent individual