Why couldn't all the guys that flipped tell about it to the boss? For instance when the FBI flipped pussy, why couldn't he come to tony or jackie and tell them "the fbi has me and I need help"? That way they could all fool the fbi or they could help pussy leave the country without the fbi knowing.
Why couldn't all the guys that flipped tell about it to the boss? For instance when the FBI flipped pussy...
Other urls found in this thread:
>hey guys, the FBI has me absolutely fucked
>it's in my best interests to rat you out to save me and my family
>they'll be watching my like a hawk
>so could you take a massive, expensive risk and somehow get me out of the country so I can be a potential problem forever instead of just shooting me and ensuring I'll never be an issue?
Why indeed user, why indeed
But they don't watch them like hawks they call them up every couple of days
Why did they get Adriana instead of Janice?
Dumb ass relationship shit for the script, that's why.
Regardless, they're not getting out of the country
Janice wouldn't rat out family
Because they would arrest them as soon as they decided not to flip you retard
Lol sure she would, even easier than ade because Janice is a sociopathic cunt and she couldn't give two shits about her family
She fucking hated Tony when he didn't have a wad of cash out of his pocket, and I'm sure not just in a sibling kinda way.
Why not? Get a fake passport and fly to italy or even easier just drive to canada/mexico. Even move to some rural place in the us no one will ever find him
>tfw we could have seen Tony in jail at the end of season 3 if Livia had lived irl and actually ratted on him
Shit timeline, desu
Yeah she does. Have you even watched the show? Especially after Tony sorted out her problem and got rid of the body she killed. You can even see it with the state she's in when he got shot.
>fbi:so you'll cooperate?
>mob guy: yes
>mob guy to the boss:help me leave
>boss: ok
>massive, expensive risk
None of those options are easy and the FBI aren't the keystone cops to begin with
Can't trust after that.
That storyline was going to end with Tiny trying to appease his mother before the trial only to end up strangling her. It was recycled for Paulie to use in his arc.
And then she runs after him with a knife in her hand at the dinner table.
They need something on you first, Janice didn't get caught selling drugs like Adrianna
>sacre bleu where is mi mama?
He deserved to be stabbed
he was just breaking balls, janice was way out of line
Why was gloria so important to tony? He dreamt about her multiple times, and she was the voice of his wife when he was in a coma
because she killed herself and is very much like livia
He was a lil fresh. A lil bit.
OH! you're talking about the boss of this family.
Apparently everyone in, "the life" either dies, goes to prison, or flips.
Because he felt guilt (very rare for Tony) over her suicide. And you can't exactly pick what you dream.
Just bustin her balls a lil bit
Watch it user.
watch your mouth! *touches you looking for wire*
Considering there were 6 seasons of the sopranos, one thing I would have liked in hindsight would be a prison/court case arc.
Shady lawyers, prison officers etc. could have been sweet.
I don't really count the Jonny Sack in prison arc, as he wasn't on the inside, so we didn't really see the ins and outs of prison life for him.
There was also paulie but we didn't see much either.
thats what bothers me about sopranos, in real life more people get booked and less wacked, nowadays people snitch all the time without getting killed
There were a lot of snitches who didn't get whacked. Ray, carlo, jimmy patrille, gene etc
>all the mob guys lie into each others faces all the time and everybody knows about it
>trust me on this one, boss
Stop watching this show, plebs
the pussy kill scene on the boat was sad
and thats only the big ones, I saw some interview where they said most mobsters who get arrested are because of snitches
>trying to find plotholes in sopranos
I thought Adriana could have pulled that shit. the sympathy shit because she's a girl, and being unrelated. just immediately going to Tony, saying "even Chrissy don't know, what should I do?"
But girls who smoke pot and drink don't know what to do in any situation
Adriana was an idiot for not getting a lawyer immediately
If you even have questions like this you should probably consider watching Sopranos one more time and actually pay attention.
>I want to speak with my lawyer
>ok, who is your lawyer
>I don't have one
Dumb spoiled cunt.
>Why couldn't all the guys that flipped tell about it to the boss?
Because by the time you're out as a snitch, you've already given them something. Pussy is a great example. He had to give up some serious shit to avoid doing 20 for H.
Lol and that was after she already worked with the feds for 2 years
>David Chase will never write again
to be honest, if tony was boss and pussy would go to him immediately after getting pinched he might get away, tony loved that man and didnt kill him even when he knew deep down
Semi-related to this thread:
Is Tony kill?
I just finished rewatching and I think the answer is obviously no.
>too many pointless cuts to the feds
>too much focus on the Tony becoming paranoid and contemplating killing his friends
>the entire Dr. Melfi cutting ties subplot
Because if Tony is kill, none of that matters .
What do you guys think? In my mind we were left with the state of mind he has to live for the rest of his life, which is far more horrific than death.
Because when he met her she was successful, getting her mental shit under control by seeing a therapist, etc.
Then she stopped going to her sessions, started fucking up at work and eventually killed herself because of him.
We did have one with Junior...
Shady lawyers, meetings in the dr's office, etc.
I don't think he was killed. I just think the black screen represented the viewer having been "taken out" of the world forever.
it's not his fault, she was the one acting crazy and self destructive, she was the one driving him to leave and it's her choice to kill herself
What is with these "strong" independent women who just want to marry tony and have him take care of her?
You just reveal your own ignorance
Fair enough. I like to think throughout the entire series there was a moral stance taken by the writers, and it was reflected especially at the end.
I do hate that Sil got killed though. It somehow felt undeserved.
Wait, who's Tiny?
Sopranos really blew my mind in how characters you want to strangle with piano wire can still bring about great tv/drama.
>anthony jr
That said, Janice takes home the gold. In a f𝘢mily of literal thieves, murderers and drug dealers, she was the worst, most morally bankrupt person on the show.
Literally gets away with murder and feels she's owed more because she also had to experience the ordeal she created. Tony at least can back up some of the meaningless gestures with actual money. She just has well wishes, then switches the topic to her
The sopranos was his magnum opus, no reason to waste his time with something else when the ending to the sopranos was amazing.
Right. And every time around she fucks up and shows up demanding more, she's trying to invoked that
>it'll be different now, I'm changed
bit, as if that would somehow make her (overall consistent) behavior in any way acceptable.
I think this scene sums up her shit damn near perfectly
What a cunt. Holy shit how I hated Tony for getting her John's house in season 6.
Some people think that it's open to interpretation. Don't know about that desu, there are too many hints at the fact that Tony was killed and the entire scene makes much more sense if you look on it from that angle.
He's better calling the shots than straight writing, go watch his movie.
It doesn't matter, we know all possible outcomes. Either he's killed in the diner, goes to jail because of carlo or dies of a heart attack much like james gandolfini did. Thw point is there is no good ending to this life
>1) the scene may, but the story arch does not
>2) show me a mob execution where the killer went to the john first
>Thw point is there is no good ending to this life
With some endings there's a moral to the story, with others there isn't. Dying would be the "easy way out" and prison would be an unfinished story.
1.Michael's first kill in godfather 1
2.how is prison an unfinished story? Carlo flipping is basically the end for tony he would go away for 30 years
how come Tony didn't want to work to becoming a better person? He just gave up for no reason thinking, after like ten seconds, every time.
How come there weren't any black or female capos?
1) that's pretty arguable
2) Michael's kill from Godfather obviously
Because they are bigots
Hi Sup Forums, pleb here
Never watched The Sopranos but according to most sources it's the purest kino ever shown on the small screen
Is it worth this time? Is it really THE greatest show you've ever seen?
I meant in the Sopranos, obviously. You like leaving DNA evidence for shits and giggles?
>2.how is prison an unfinished story?
Did you watch the series? Tony was a selfish fuck who buckled in his beliefs under pressure. And whatever would happen to Tony's family? Would Paulie take over?
Because he was a malignant narcissist and a sociopath.
Nobody addresses the original post. As I said earlier (), there are completely irrelevant/useless subplots going all around if Tony got killed. That would be the kind of sloppy writing that would be antithetical to The Sopranos.
Yes, and yes you should watch it.
Leave the thread NOW, spoilers all around.
Chase is literally the American Hideaki Anno. He'll give us a sequel or something set in the same universe, someday.
Have you watched the series? What would happen to his family is what happened to rosalie aprile and pussy's wife, they would be provided the bare minimum. Who Cares who takes over? Most of the guys are dead and it's clear that more are going down because of carlo.
Tony is the big fish tbe fbi were going for there is no deal dor him he goes to prison if they have him
>Ask if I should watch Sopranos
>Evangelion reference immediately after
I'll take that as a sign, see y'all in a couple weeks
not fade away was great
Who here /AJ/?
>What would happen to his family is what happened to rosalie aprile and pussy's wife, they would be provided the bare minimum.
But he was the boss. Tony kept saying he was well-prepared for "if god forbid".
>Who Cares who takes over? Most of the guys are dead and it's clear that more are going down because of carlo.
So it's a moral story of the downfall of the Mafia in New Jersey? What, were the writers from CNN? There were quite direct references to the notion that organized crime isn't going away, because it's human nature.
>Tony is the big fish tbe fbi were going for there
That's not really true. Tony were offered deals multiple times, and the NY crews were mentioned to be counted in hundreds.
tony wasnt a narcissist just had a few tendencies (like many people btw) hes just a sociopath. livia is a perfect example
friendly reminder that Ralph did nothing wrong
>Johnny Sack almost killed him because he couldn't take the banter
>be son of alpha mob boss
>take after bitchy mom
nah man
>Why couldn't all the guys that flipped tell about it to the boss?
Dudes get whacked because they might possibly be in a position to get flipped. Some guy gets killed in Casino (based on true events) because his son got arrested on drug charges and they thought it might be enough to flip him. Again, no indication that he'd even flipped, just that the police had leverage on him and they whacked this dude in retirement in South America. Literally happened in real life.
The mob doesn't fuck around.
Anyone else think that the fight between Tony and Ralph looked a lot like the fight between Tony and Gloria? There was something going on there.
>Because he was a malignant narcissist and a sociopath.
he was evil but not all those psychological explanations that have actual checklists
Fuck that sniveling piece of shit.
>tony wasnt a narcissist just had a few tendencies (like many people btw) hes just a sociopath
He was a vindictive, greedy, abusive, selfish, violent man who called himself a
>a good guy, basically
He could never face his failures (ALWAYS deflected them onto others), he had glib and unstable relationships with everyone around him, he's like a walking definition of a narcissist
Do I need to show you the checklist?
>Always pretending to be holier-than-thou because he didn't fuck other women
>But he was the boss. Tony kept saying he was well-prepared for "if god forbid".
So was jackie aprile.
>So it's a moral story of the downfall of the Mafia in New Jersey? What, were the writers from CNN? There were quite direct references to the notion that organized crime isn't going away, because it's human nature
The whole show tony complains that it's not what it used to be and how much he respects guys from the old school
>That's not really true. Tony were offered deals multiple times, and the NY crews were mentioned to be counted in hundreds.
Tony was never offered any deals they were trying to get a RICO on him for 6 seasons
but he didn't triangulate his children like a narcissist would
they offered him a deal when they showed him the tapes of livia and junior discussing having him killed. iirc they still thought tony was just a capo at this time, but still.
And it was very prevalent for a long time.
That's the only time and he was the capo under junior, after he became boss he's the main target. Maybe they could use him to get to new your but at season 6 all ties with new york are gone so he can't really give them much
>So was jackie aprile.
Boss, yes, prepared..?
>The whole show tony complains that it's not what it used to be and how much he respects guys from the old school
True, but also the whole show they kept telling in the media that the Mafia is gone when it was anything but.
>Tony was never offered any deals they were trying to get a RICO on him for 6 seasons
Forgetting something?
>pic related
>tell Tony that to become a more successful boss he has to conquer his mental distractions, and apply himself to therapy, which will lead to greater income
Rosalie tells carmella that jackie always told her that she will be taken care of and he's got enough money for them but it turned out to be not much.
And in pic related tony is not the boss, at least to the fbi's knowledge
>That's the only time and he was the capo under junior
i don't wanna start an argument, but why did you just pretend that i didn't point out that tony was a capo (in name only, remember)
>tfw almost done with the show
>after I finish those episodes I'll never be able to watch it for the first time again
I'm gonna miss it
Don't get cunty
>moving goalposts
You just said 6 seasons, and now it's 5. Sure, by season 6 the NY connections are gone, but before that, you have no argument. I'm losing interest in this discussion.