How many younglings do you think the Rebels killed when they destroyed both Death Star stations?
Thousands? Tens of thousands?
How many younglings do you think the Rebels killed when they destroyed both Death Star stations?
Thousands? Tens of thousands?
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>navel-gazing film talk
This isn't Clerks, user.
you can't whitewash the rebellion's warcrimes, user
Tennōheika Banzai!
>military vessel in active service
Children on a space station of war.
0 but I agree with you, they killed people and should not acted like sinless smug fags. sometimes people need to die to get shit done and that is what the empire is all about
They were just kids. Younglings are Jedi is specific.
Do you have pics of the conception?
Definitely not half as many younglings as Vader killed for the lulz
Why do Imperials hate non-humans exactly?
>military vessel in active service
Its part housing complex. There are no kids there but its like attacking a base
>How many children did the US kill when they sank the Aircraft Carrier Hiyō in 1944
How many families with kids live in an aircraft carrier?
On the other had, considering that is the same universe that designs narrow bridges crossing bottomless chasms without any sort of railings, it is obvious that safety isn't a prime concern.
the """rebels""" aka terrporists dont care about innocent lives, they only care about their ideology and power
implying anakin did not save those younglings from the things emperor would do to them. death was better
>the empire did nothing wrong
>sometimes people need to die to get shit done
Exactly what did get "done" by blowing up Alderaan?
aircraft carriers aren't naval stations with populations in the millions
a better comparison would be a naval port, like Norfolk or Hiroshima... oh.
The "Death Star" is just a rebel meme. What was blown up is nothing more than a Habitation Sphere. Its purpose was purely peaceful and it was destroyed by terrorist.
They don't. They go with the nazi view mixed with US view. first came the "muh jobs" people which sheev used to ban non-humans from working on coruscant, then came the "the negro was created to do heavy labor" people and sheev used that to make wookies and others like them do heavy labor. Then came the "twi'lek are born to suck cock" people and the "Asians are cool" people so he put twi'lek into whore houses and imprisoned Asians to work on his technology and since they are different species and not races, sheev sometimes has a point.
>getting to play as this hero in Rogue Squadron III
One of the few redeeming parts of that game
less than when they nuked hiroshima?
Alderaan gets destroyed and nothing of value is lost. sheev overshot, his power base was not ready but like nukes it can be a deterrent and with deterrent there is always the question of "what if we had not nuked Hiroshima" most people agree that while the nuking was bad, someone needed to get nuked for the world to learn the lesson
Why would destroying the bridge make the entire ship collapse like that?
because it makes it easy
The helmsman fell on his controls sending the ship crashing into the Death Star.
I always found this scene incredibly retarded.
It's a ship 1 Km long, and all it needs to fuck it up is to blow its bridge? If that's the case, why put the fucking thing completely exposed and unprotected like that? Why not have the bridge deep in the center of the ship? It's not like they need to visually see the enemies.
No joke. It is supposed to be a psychological trick to inspire fear with arrogance. Where would we be without Wookiepedia?
So, why not put a fake bridge that isn't connected to anything and staffed with the worst guys in the imperial navy, and have the real bridge buried deep beneath the hull? That way you have that retarded psychological effect AND your 1km long flagship won't go down in such a stupid way.
Now you're just being practical.
Cause the Imps didn't think anything could penetrate their shields.
Have we ever seen a ship actually having shields in any of the canon SW films? Not a piece of dialogue saying something about shields, but something onscreen showing them.
I am starting to believe that they actually don't have shields, but all sides pretend they do to try and fool their enemies.
They don't. The old Republic and thus the Imperium was just started by and mostly run by humans. Kind of like starfleet.
There's visual indication of a shield in Rogue One, though not around a ship.
They stink and come here by boats also they molest children and have bad anal hygiene
Mel Brooks did it first
>twi'lek are born to suck cock
Where does this meme come from?
What are they shooting at? They looked like they were just shooting at the planet and missed the entire physical structure
Also the fuck is with the fat asian? He got fired on once and panicked, flying away from everyone else and then asks for help and dies cause he was out of range
They were shooting at the shield to bring it down so they can go to the planet surface.
how the fuck is the shield protecting the entire planet...
Twi'leks are poorfags and literally the only thing of worth in their planet are the hot women that you can choose in all sort of wacky skin colors. That's why almost all the Twi'leks you see in the movies are whores or slaves.
Also why you don't see them Twi'leks in Nu-Wars, they are considered problematic.
It's a big shield.
It's not an unreasonable thought. In WW2 my grandfather was stationed in Africa. My grandmother, mother, and aunt lived on base with him.
they suck dick for passage on spaceships. unlike Zeltrons , they don't enjoy it
They're coming out with a kids book where one of the main characters is a Zeltron.
Thoughts on Chiss?
semi interesting society but otherwise not much going for them
>live in a machine that destroyed at least two planets
>"but what about the rebels"
Why does Sup Forums indulge post-modernist moral relativism? It used to be a left-only thing in the 60s and 70s. Now the right does it more than the left. Someone lost the culture war.
They were shooting at a plot device shield, instead of the structure creating the plot device shield.
also, the fat-ass asian is supposed to be Red Five, Luke's Callsign from A New Hope onward. They were just poorly setting up why he gets that callsign in the first movie.
>live in a machine that destroyed at least two planets
Because it's funnier than simoly saying the rebels are the good guys
Probably not too many younglings died on the first Death Star. There is a good chance that the destruction happened so early that the internal housing weren't being fully utilized yet, which would have been the bulk source of children if it was full.
I'd be more worried about Starkiller base, which had already been populated by the first order far longer than the Death Star was at this point. Not to mention that the First Order specifically used children in their military at very young ages. There is almost a guaranteed chance of there being at least one indoxrination camp on Starkiller. Maybe even more.
Because aliens formed the majority of the CIS, disregarding Dooku, almost all of their leaders and top brass were non-humans.
The Death Star destroyed two planets in Rogue One and one in A New Hope (or Return of the Jedi, I can't remember). Lots of people died, more than just rebels and Empire. Then Starkiller destroyed multiple planets as well. It doesn't matter that some Empire lackys were killed on the Deathstar because they had already killed many more. Killing a killer does not make you a bad guy. Killing someone who's killed thousands does not make you morally equal.
Palpatine was from Naboo. You'd hate aliens too.
Starkiller was a planet on its own
>The Death Star destroyed two planets in Rogue One
can you name them? I only recall them destroying 1 city and an imperial archive
>because they had already killed many more.
many of them had not killed anyone
Actually no planets were destroyed in Rogue One. The lazer was never fired at full blast, only enough to destroy the major city at the beginning, and a large portion of Scarif at the end
+ his dad sent him to school/cult of sexism and racism
Please, that game had plenty of good missions, and that wasn't one of them.
The Executor's bridge was protected by shield generators which had already been destroyed by persistent Rebel assault before Arvel Crynyd's kamikaze attack, which set off a chain reaction of explosions, destroying the Executor's navigation systems and sending it careening into the Death Star.
The worst part of Disney Star Wars isn't the movies themselves, but the fact that it brought in all you pseudointellectuals on Sup Forums who think you're experts on the films when you don't know jack shit.
is that Yuthura Ban?
Who cares they are evil.
Disney Wars removed a justification for the Empire's existence that they made into novels in the late 90s.
There is a saga about edgy sadist biotechnology-using aliens that come from outside the galaxy and wreck everything 30 years after the fall of the Empire, which would have been more than capable to stop the invasion soon, as opposed to the weak and corrupt New Republic.
Yeah they lived on the fucking BASE, not a fucking warship. Would children live on pic related? No? Then why the fuck would they live on the space equivalent of a navy ship?