Germany, FUCK YOU.
Germany, FUCK YOU.
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I care about women anymore
all the sjw white bitches who moaned about feminism in our faces for years whilst calling us racist and anti immigration CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES
I hope they all get raped
Madness.when will they realise that muslims will not integrate no matter how nice they are to them
Like the lady said. It's all from above. The agenda is being pushed by the task masters. And they can't do anything about it.
German women are ugly and don't put out. They deserve to be raped.
Is this a Hans or a Mehmet I'm speaking to?
probably a roach that can't get laid
I'm a Sven.
Please help destroy the Euro the European union and these Dellusional left wing elite.
Reduce your spending on European goods now increase your spending on British goods.
We need collapse the euro europe financially and bring it down.
I urge all Europeans to do this we need help now.
Americans as well buy British.
The British Nationalist Brxit vote most be showen it worked and way forward .
Change euros pounds as well if can to profit from this.
If they won't let use vote we need bring system down financially.
This. Fuck them
this will be one hell of a ride, when the patience of europeans finally breaks
Does anyone have statistics for the nationality of refugees entering germany?
we are ruled by those who lie
Will you die in front of a screen complaining, or will you stand up and do something about it for real?
wew lads
I'm travelling to Germany this year. God damn it this is going to suck ass. Any tips to make sure my sisters don't fucking die?
No one forces her to do that job. She can quit anytime. She keeps the system going. No pity for her from me.
Should prob wear one yourself.
I think about doing an internship in a BAMF this year. Got one in walking distance next to my home and just want to look what it's like inside. Also get some shit to fill my CV.
Good idea or worst ever?
get hidden camera
stream it
cmon why not, show what really is going on in there
>witnesses refugee madness firsthand
>"that's why the right gets new followers :("
fucking goddamnit
Just start killing. It might feel wrong at first, but the alternative is far worse.
me too mate. I'm taking at least a knife with me.
Pepper spray is legal there, just saying
t. Mohammed
tfw no rightwing death sqauds
Like that is ever going to happen.
Sounds male to me, what makes you think otherwise?
>Sounds male to me, what makes you think otherwise?
says female employee
guy in video is just reading out a report of an employee
I don't have any proof that this isn't bullshit
This is just to make people hate muslims
>leftist gets treated like shit
This. I smile when I see a rape case
>This is just to make people hate muslims
Third world values don't exactly find endearing ground in civilized society, my man.
It's not the fault of the observer.
Implying people need made up reasons, reality does a good enough job on its own.
>He thinks there are documents and statistics
Holy shit. I'm dying. You can't make this up
It would be racist to keep track of such things.
Well I can't tell you what percentage they are.
I can however, tell you what percentage they aren't.
0% white
0% east asian
>tfw I'm an American with a masters degree in stem and Germany denied my visa application
They are cute guys.