Liberals won't start demanding for mo-

>liberals won't start demanding for mo-


Ah, I'm sure it's merely a (((coincidence))).

>Liberals demanding
>ESPN decided

Show me a liberal demanding this

Don't you understand that this is all being orchestrated by the elites to pit us against each other?

This wouldn't have happened if he were black or Mexican.

What the fuck is wrong with the alt-left

This. You are honestly the best tripfriend.

I quit watching football after they started bringing politics into sports.

Not watching this year because they fucked us over by suspending Zeke without proof because feminism appeal

OP doesn't even give a shit about Asian-Americans in general.

>having a racist name
The guy should acknowledge his white privilege and then commit suicide.

No shit Krager, you stupid nigger.
The problem is no one gets organised to fight corporations and the government because they're too stupid fighting over small issues.

Since the destruction of the statue of Robert E. Lee liberals have done the following.
>defaced a monument to Christopher Columbus
>demanded the removal of a Ghandi statue
>demanded the removal of a Thomas Jefferson Statue
>demanded the removal of Nelson's column
History revisionism is trendy.

the guy was clearly a nazi and has no business being on tv

Even liberals think it's fucking retarded.

>tv network takes an executive decision acknowledging recent events and common sense
>autistic children believe this is an unmistakeable sign of the leftist agenda focused on removing white culture
I know one of the traits of autism is having no possible way to understand common sense and empathy, but holy fuck take your meds and go get a nap sometime

You forgot Joan of Arc in New Orleans.

>>demanded the removal of a Ghandi statue
wait! what? why?

Colombus can go desu
I'm okay with removing monuments to that massive dipshit

They say that now but I guarantee they would've thought it was a joke by ESPN if they DID send him.

>"Robert Lee? Is this a joke? They couldn't have sent someone else?"

This is what happens when people get offended by everything these days.

Ghandi was racist as shit.

well, he's a blood thirsty nuke toting madman after all

Literal racist pedophile

he was a nazi

Because Ghandi was a little racist.
No historical figure is 100% altruistic even cuntish people deserve to be remembered.

>No historical figure is 100% altruistic
Sure, but you don't have to genocide and enslave people to make the point.