Sup Forums BTFO with one pic ONLY!!!
Sweden is based, keep it going.
Cheers Romania bro
True nords stick together
>Presupposing materialism when God is over, above, and before that which is material.
>Making yourself the judge of the sovereign Lord of the universe
>Your atheism cannot account for why hating someone is wrong when the logical consequence of your worldview is nihilism
1/10 Made me post, literally a Reddit-tier post.
I wish this country would get it together and start to shine ... but I think that's a distant future, there's much to work and the good people with the potential are leaving.
In few years I might not be a Romanian anymore - it's the only rational option I'm left with.
I understand bro
Although I think your country may be a safe haven in the not so distant future for white people
>big bang theory
>something from nothing
>Sup Forums BTFO with one pic
You must have posted the wrong pic by accident.
almost all of the quotes are from the Old Testament(a book for jews) with the rest being missinterpreted ones from NT
Why wouldn't a creator hate something that cannot procreate?
Big bang theory is a placeholder for we don't know what happened before after inflation, get educated.
Science is not afraid to say we don't know, for now we don't have the means to peek behind the curtain of the moment when space and time begun from a point smaller than an atom, things didn't work in relativistic way at that scale anyway, and all the forces from the moment history of development of matter beings were mixed together for a while, also the quantum properties which are non-intuitive and we try to understand right now were the
dominant force back then - it's proven by irregularities in cosmic background.
>better teach 'em early
The belief that there was nothing and then suddenly the big bang appeared from out of nowhere and made everything after that.
And loves gays.
Makes perfect sense.
Religion created the structure necessary to accomplish those things. There would not be society without religion.
If God did not literally create Adam and Eve out of dust without death existing in the universe prior to that moment and only their actions against God to have brought it... if Moses was not a real character and literal events in exodus didn't happen - then Jesus story is pointless and has no meaning.
Well we already know that life came to be trough evolution so death was part of organic existence since day 1... also there's not a single archeological evidence to support the exodus narrative.
We also know that the story itself undergo many alterations and changes of core meaning over time - especially after Babylonian exile.
Also you failed to notice that more than half of the quotes are from new testament.
God is eternal genius
We don't need a religious base for society anymore, we can stick together as human beings by other means
>durrrrrrrrrrr muh evolution
Most Christians accept evolution. We cannot comprehend what time is like to a God, so there is no reason to believe it isn't his handiwork.
not an argument
Lile not killing, stealing, being respectful to your parents and your neighbors? Oh wait, weren't those commandments or something?
>We don't need a religious base for society anymore, we can stick together as human beings by other means
>implying kikes haven't already manufactured a new cult that controls the nations youth
If you were saying that 20-something years ago I'd probably agree with you, but it's 2016, if you catch my drift.
plz fuck off Hans
If you need a god to teach you not to kill someone, you're either a moron or a moron
Normal people do these by nature.
People that need it codified in a text are still immoral, and merely obey the rules because they're too chickenshit to risk burning for eternity(basically they're morons AND cowards).
Christfags belief that god is the ultimate being he created time , he is eternal ,i would take that theory any day then a universe came from nothing. a universe from nothing is just stupid magic happend twice from it self , then a frog turned in to a prince
So you're saying our ancestors were morons? Hmmm
That's because religion is human nature.
God wanted life to have meaning, and the only way for life to have meaning was to give man free will. Hence all the bad stuff.
then why does science repeatedly try to convince that god doesnt exist?
Even with an infinite amount of time in an infinite universe. Dirt cannot mix together to form sentient life. Its fucking retarded. And most scientist agree the universe is not eternal.
If our universe is a mathematical construct - it simply always existed, from inside we perceive it as having an apparent begging, because we are fundamental parts of that construct.
This explains it
Well I don't like kikes either and I'm agnostic, I don't think I completely understand you. I don't like the masses being controled by anyone.
So are you saying our ancestors didn't kill anyone? hmmm
Science just happened to collect lots of evidence against the case of God existing - some science communicators felt the need to go open and become militant against religion because of its approach in teaching creationism in school and bringing lots of irrational theories on the table... do I also have to mention the terrorism acts?
Lex - If God is all-powerful, He cannot be all good. And if He is all good, then He cannot be all-powerful.
I'm saying they were a lot more savage before organized religion, which led to civilizations and societies.
>That's because religion is human nature.
It's because being an asshole is unnatural.
You? You're an asshole and think fear of god is needed because you yourself can't act decent without fear holding you down.
Rape also served a great purpose in our evolution, but on grand scale we just left it behind because it's not compatible with our way of being right now.
Abandoning religion is just the next step.
Religion is not the problem.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the problems.
>t - it simply always existed,
No big bang disproved this , this was what atheist were holding on to before the big bang
Sup Forums has no defined religion, those saying Sup Forums is a X board are just trying to divide and weaken Sup Forums
yeah agree.
How does big bang disprove it?
kek always existed.
He always existed, he did not appeared from out of nowhere
>It's because being an asshole is unnatural.
What is nature?
>You're an asshole and think fear of god is needed because you yourself can't act decent without fear holding you down.
I don't need fear, but people need fear. Without unifying fear we would not have gotten this far.
I mean you might be right, but you would deluded to not conclude organized religion has been better for humanity than it has been worse. Also agnostic btw
Imagine if there was no evil. There would be no free will. Both mold us into human beings. It makes us human. We would be mindless zombies with out evil. Good and evil are required for free will.
Deeply rooted Abrahamic and Semitic ideologies. Yeah I agree. Tool to fool the masses.
Hmmm, interesting, reminds me of the classic Pixar film A Bug's Life
>Without unifying fear we would not have gotten this far.
It was fearless men who got us this far, not cowards like you who fear the stupidest shit.
>I don't like the masses being controled by anyone.
Consider the following:
(1) Society requires a chain of command and a dominant moral code in order to function.
(2) Moral education and indoctrination are functionally indistinguishable: anyone who sees someone being taught morals they personally dislike will refer to it as indoctrination, and anyone who sees someone being taught morals they personally like will refer to it as education.
(3) Given (1) and (2), the only result of stopping the masses being 'controlled' by anyone is that they'll eventually be controlled by someone else.
(4) Given (3), there is no way to stop the masses from being indoctrinated with one moral belief system or another, and any 'liberation' will only ever serve as a transitional phase.
A religion is just a cult that made it. If you manage to break it down, then another cult will be invented by the power-hungry in order to take its place. That's why 'progressives' seem so outlandish and religious. They're a cult, and they're under kike control.
Soros will burn in hell if there is one
Old testament doesn't matter.
Kill yourself you retarded faggot, chritianity is nothing but cuckery and bunch of beta hippies.
Really Sweden leave the shitposting to your betters
I genuinely don't understand why do people believe in RELIGIONS which appeared waaaaay after the first humans, and after all the polytheists cults as well. Why le true God of le christianity would have suddenly appeared so late?
Though I have nothing against religious people, only the mudslimes are annoying me.
We agree then. I still think that we've gotten to a point in which organized religion is holding us back rather than making us move forward. Apart from that, anyone can believe whatever they want.
>Old testament doesn't matter.
Then why is it part of the Bible?
Yes it's incomprehensible, I recommend watching the classic Pixar film A Bug's Life
Fearless men push and drive society, but without religion there would be no society.
tell that to the jooz who own your life.
>believes in gott in himmel
>talks about logical consequence
T. Atheist-Agnostic
Because it is important part of history, it's old covenant only meant for people of Israel.
read Hebrews 8:13
How do we go about removing the shackles?
Some christian told me that he believes god existed before the big bang, just in another dimension. He then created a new dimension (which is our universe).
>doesn't know about or understand the new covenant
>posts about le ebil Christianity anyway
Not even Christian, but you know fuckall about how it works and should probably not argue about it. The belief is that everything in the old testament happened, but God entered a new covenant with man upon the death of Christ.
Of course friend, just like Hopper, played by Kevin Spacey (voice acting of course, a real human portraying an anthropomorphic insect in an animated universe would be absurd) does to the Ants in the classic Pixar film, A Bug's Life
Civilized humanity goes back at LEAST 14000 years.
The Abrahamic fucks want us to believe we're 6000 years along, but really human civilization goes WAY further back.
The trouble is this: the seas rose by over 400 feet about 13000 years go, swallowing up most of humanity(as most human civilization dwells on coastlines).
To put it simply, Chrono Trigger was telling the truth. The Kingdom of Zeal(as in a great and advanced society) once thrived long before any modern religious faith ever was a gleam in God's eye.
Well thing is that god does not have to exist for a religion to work or for the values of said religion to be respected by believers
>Dirt cannot mix together to form sentient life.
Who even ever made such a stupid claim?
>read Hebrews 8:13
Read jewish lies? Oh yes. I'll start watching CNN too.
Haha! Probably someone who has not viewed the classic Pixar film A Bug's Life
What is this shit man this is not even in the bible top kek
Actually Jesus meet the conditions for all the covenants God made with humanity and fulfilled them in a sense - that's where the theology starts.
Without the Law Jesus is pointless, you seem to misunderstand everything - In correct understanding Jesus did not deny the truth of old testament, or the activity of said God in history - He actually confirmed everything to be true and valid.
I've actually studied the bible and Christian theology pretty profoundly.
It's part of the new testament, you moronic fat cunt. Christianity is Jewish too.
God exists, but he's the bad guy, and Lucifer is the good guy
Well I agree with everything to some extent. I believe in a libertarian secular society in which everyone can believe whatever they want (free from any kind of cult), but you have a point. I still think that even if it's hard to achieve, it should be our final aim.
Reminds me of this guy I watched a YT vid of who took this African drug Iboga. Basically allows crazy levels of introspection. He asked "what is the nature of the universe," and in an instant the whole universe was displayed before him, and then it was gone, it was then displayed again, he went out further and it was the heart beat of a titan. He then asked, "what is the nature of infinity?" And he was shown numerous Titans all running in unison, all beating hearts, all powering their own universe.
Nice! Reminds me of the final conflict in the classic Pixar film, A Bug's Life
what do you mean?
>Then why is OT part of the Bible?
I've been reading the OT recently, I think I now understand why it's so important.
It contains hundreds of pages of the same theme being repeated over and over. Here's the history section's primary theme in a nutshell:
>Israelites believe in God
>Israelites manage to have successful and strong nation
>Israelites turn away from God and start worshiping false gods (and presumably some became fedoras)
>other nations begin to invade them
>prophet comes along and wakes up the masses
>Israelites turn back to God
>nation is saved
>rinse and repeat
It happens over and over repeatedly. The Bible is big on the theme of learning-by-repetition too, so I'm sure you can connect the dots in regard to the importance of that Old Testament message. History may not repeat itself exactly, but it rhymes.
Go back to r9k
Is legit. Look up Lumeria/Mu. Protip, human life likely didn't even begin on this planet, nor this solar system, and other planets in our solar system were once colonized.
liberals on suicide watch
Modern interpretation
Even from a secular viewpoint, homosexuality is a crime against nature. Fuck your feelings r/faggots
I'm saying people are probably ready to move past religion, but how?
Right? You had one fucking job
>being an asshole is unnatural
>man has fought, warred, and killed itself for centuries over the most petty of issues
pick one
this should've been milennia