Friendly reminder
Friendly reminder
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Canada should be in caliphate tier
whatever mexican intellectual made this really hates the US
>implying being around for 240 years means we have no history or culture
put Denmark in Caliphate Tier please my Nordic brother.
>devoid of refugees
That is actually very accurate chart for once.
this is sadly true
Thank God we still have Poland in the EU
Denmark is more like effective tier than cuck tier. We're not taking in a lot of refugees and those that do come end up going home again, because we basically give them nothing at refugee centers anymore
>UK that low
We left your little cuck project and don't have muslim populations as high as countries above us, nor do we have violence or monetary collapse. This is a pretty poor image gypsy.
are you sure this isn't Belgium ? burqa is not allowed in France and since the Bataclan attacks people are very vigilant on salafists
>Cuck tier
Helsinki does not represent the whole country.
You allow burqa and the mayor of London is a muslim
You are cucked just accept it
>Mexico not being in effective tier.
What even
Was legit getting worried there not seeing NZ on top half I mean I know John can be a bit of a cuck but not that much r-r-right?
>Root of All Evil Tier isn't Israel
>just accept it
Never said otherwise, i just said we're too low on the list.
We're exporters not importers.
we are cucked for now, sorry
This, spoke with an old guy in a bar yesterday and he said he wants to chop up immigrants like blocks of wood with an axe.
Se siente bien.
>shitty little desert country the root of all evil
They wouldn't even exist without America.
It is pretty effective, everyone wants to jump out of it, not jump in it.
I can't argue against it fucking america has set the pace for white genocide of the world and Germany sped it up.
Wait Israel isn't the root of multiculti? Are you fucking retarded?
Its true tho, you barely have any culture worth saving. Thats why you guys are so despetate to prove something to the rest of the world.p
Dont worry, in 1000 years you might start having some history, filled with niggers, civil wars, muslims and white genocide. A history of failure like liberia, rhodesia, haiti, france, germany and maybe united kingdom. A warning to us, mediterraneans to wake up and reconquer your lands from filth and breed with your still non mixed women -if there are any left-
why are brits so fucking delusional, it's embarrassing. face it, britain is a steaming heap of shit
It is. Check the cuck map again.
I know more about Kazakh culture than Spanish culture. Spain is irrelevant with the most boring history I can think of. Pot calling the kettle black.
>Led by king Cuck
>Not in a tier of their own
Technically, the root of all evil would be Germany.
They purposely had Lenin returned to Russia during WW1, where he could spread the mind disease that is communism.
>shitholes even refugees don't want to live in
>wall tier
9 out of 10 people from those places would sell their assholes to live in Germany
The top two groups are all shitty third world countries really obligated me to further consideration
>not cuck tier
not for long
You have all of those retard
>Media spins their narrative and elites do whatever they fuck they want
>Lies/ pretends the general public agrees
M8 you fuck off and leave my caliphate tier brethren alone. You aren't even human.
Feels good be poor
Most Helsinkians aren't that fond of immigrants either m8.
It is the media and university sphere leftists and our treasonous politicians that spout that shit.
>mfw hoping for more firebomb attacks against the "refugee" centers this winter.
Burn their shelters, and let them freeze to death.
look at the signs in the background (zone 30...) it's France all right
It's not that bad here yet, but it's getting there.
What is the name of the MILF?
Says the 2nd world shithole full of gypsies
Its relevant in the only history worth anything, defending the west from annihilation caused by muslims. You cant say the same
We accomplished more in 250 years than your empire has in its entire existence. You can argue with me all you want but it doesn't change the fact you're shittalking about us right now instead of posting the glorious triumphs of the Spanish empire. Just the mere idea that somebody typed out an entire essay saying why the US is bad is proof enough to me that we matter more than you.
Israel should be wall tier.
A fucking gypsy slave telling me I'm uncultured. our niggers live better than you and are cleaner.
Our politicians are supercucked but the people are atleast effective tier.
I would literally rather kiss a nigger or spic.
Tbf they tried to fix it but the West stabbed them in the back because "muh freedom".
That is the problem with people shit talking the USA, they make it about us, so of course it is hard to not think the world revolves around us because it just seems like the world can't stop peering into our affairs.
I dont need stat the accomplishments of my country because its not needed. You cannot compare to even small provinces in italy or greece in terms of grandeur, stoicism, advancements to western civilization and art creation. How can you compare to whole spain, italy or even portugal? Heck, even hungary managed more than you
They literally begged us to get involved in both World Wars when we wanted nothing to do with them. Then we BTFO their entire existence and became #1 and they haven't gotten over it since. Sorry, Yuropoors, we didn't even want anything to do with your poverty wars.
Insulting gypsies to try and get at me is like insulting black americans to get at a southern white american. It literally means nothing to me, I hate gypsies as well.
wow you're so based for stopping white immigration and embracing the indian and pakistani culture
most ofwhats written in there about usa is true , popular celeb culture influences europe alot , hiphop/rap and all thjat other shit that comes with it
>what is the reconquista
>what is exploration, colonization, and exploitation of the new world
Our niggers are literally more intelligent and cleaner than the average Romanian.
Canada should certainly be in caliphate tier
I would push for root of all evil tier but we only became this bad recently
don't be sorry too much you guys are no where near america regarding influencing other countries into multiculturalism and all that other stuff
Good for you
>5% muslim population
>Not cuck or below
Romania is 3rd world tho, of course no refugee wants to go there.
Those 5% aren't illegal immigrants iirc
in south africa we litterally purge our refugees once a year. Somalia has sent planes to come fetch their refugees back
>devoid of refugees
what did he mean by this?
bullshit. take one look at who is running your country, you shits voted that crap in, you keep voting that crap in, does not represent the whole country my ass.
>we left
>nor do we have [...] monetary collapse
So your whole country is represented by obama then?
You idiots were importing hundreds of thousands of brownies before the EU was formed
>Wall tier
Friendly reminder that your countries will be next after all relevant countries have been flooded.
I'm gonna celebrate by eating some delicious tacos de trompo.
Those tacos have pork meat in case that you don't know and they are delicious.
>there are actual retarded Europoors who think the US is to blame for refugees.
>there are Europoors who find it difficult to ensure border security
>there are Europoors who believe the EU is good, and not responsible for the refugees.
I always knew Estonia was a wall-tier country. No one listened until kek blessed me one day.
>pic related of said blessing
NL should also be in caliphate tier
Netherlands is in a worse state than Italy regarding immigrants. Amsterdam may as well be renamed New Aleppo and the "locals" would cheer.
It doesn't make sense to include countries like Mexico because their population is already highly non-white. Their resistance to immigration means nothing.
oh my lord.
are you actually trying to brag about a get you got in some other thread.
kill yourself user, have the strength to become an hero. Do what we are to weak to do.
I don't think we'd even notice if we had refugees
It should have the gay flag overlay.
I really hope you're being sarcastic
Nor are the ones in rest of Europe. They have all been welcomed with open arms.
>says Hans
Oh boy, someone is jealous that Germany is no longer a god tier country like it once was up until about 1991 when the dominoes started to fall. Your neighbor Poland will always be better than you cucks.
Having recently been around Europe I can safely say we should be severely cucked tier, Scandinavia, France and Germany are in a completely different league to us
What did you expect from someone with an American education?
We are in the same group as fucking sweden. Noone is as cucked as sweden.
>hungary experiencing small breakins
>devoid of refugees
>slovakia not even being on the main refugee route
>experiencing small breakins
whoever made this img is fucking retarded
2000 is too much for Baltic country
>american education
That's it, no more NATO. Have fun with Pootie Poots
>2000 is too much
Lithuania has an estimated 3000-4000 mudslimes and you're classified as a Baltic country so your statement is pretty condescending... You guys are still based though.
>didn't get a single (You)
>poor economic conditions to be strived for