Caring about your race

>caring about your race

>caring about skin color

>talking about "culture dying", which is impossible

>caring about religion

>caring about the sexual preference of other people, like that is your fucking business

>not judging people beyond these factors

The rest of the world has accepted that. Everyone knows that.

Only right-wingers, loser nazis and fascists don't do it.

When will you finally grow up, Sup Forums?

Everybody else is waiting for you.

Other urls found in this thread:

So if my sexual preference was raping dogs you'd allow it and wouldn't judge me good to know

>defeatist nihilist

Enjoy living under sharia law within the next 10 years.

what if its in my religion to kill infidels, homosexuals and adulterers - and this religion, that has nothing to do with itself, is an inseparable part of my culture and society?

>culture dying is impossible
Romans? Obotrites? Old Prussians? Ancient Egypt? Native Americans?

Its actually the exact oposite of that, it is the right wing that doesnt care about race/sexuality/gender. The left wing is the one pushing for discriminatory and divisive policies.

This thread is a great flame bait.

You've pretty much summed up the main tenants of Islam and Judaism
As well as probably a vast majority of East-Asian countries

So either
A. You're implying we're vastly superior to them, and the way we see the world should be enforced and preserved
B. You're saying that they are right-wing nazis losers, so potentially dangerous and to be avoided at all costs

Care to enlighten us ?


Ach Kevin.

Don't even bother replying. In typical nihilistic liberal fashion, this psychologically broken kraut cannot be defeated in debate or made to see reason because he has no convictions and believes in nothing.

That deer is cute.

Whatever you say achmed

Maybe for the so called Cuckservatives, but the nationalist backlash roiling America and Europe has much to do with resisting mass demographic change. White Europeans don't want to become like America but with Muslims, and white Americans don't want to become like Brazil.

>"culture dying", which is impossible

I want to ____ that ____

Do you think that your new friends from Syria want to sustain German culture? Do the Turk immigrants give any indication of trying to do that? No, mostly they become citizens of a 2016 metropolitan Americanized culture and influence the natives to do so as well. The ones who find this identity thin gruel try to retake their Muslim identity, not the German one and become wild jahooties.

>dying culture


We are on the rise again. and this time we will stay on top like we did for thousands of years.

Thanks (((OP)))!

Man, you are a douche. I care about Germany, I don't care about the refugees. No-one invited them except Merkel.

>dying culture
Try harder next time faggot

>sees flag
>culture dying (which is impossible)


Muslims care about all that shit faggot.

This. Look at cities like London or Paris too. The culture there is slowly being replaced by foreign ones.

Nice trolling Hans

And that's why you krauts are ridiculed as cucks

>caring about patterns in life that may improve your life quality by knowing them and working with them

Most of medical science is based on racial things.

Statistical meta analysis also expands on it with things like pic related.

You would have to be a retard to discard something that not only works, also increases our understanding of our own nature and the world around us.

I would ban people like you op.