Would it be possible in the future to reverse gun restrictions in some states?
Would it be possible in the future to reverse gun restrictions in some states?
Yeah, of course. When the state governments collapse during the inevitable economic and social destruction of the United States, they won't be able to enforce them anymore.
Of course. Just takes new leadership.
It has already been happening for years.
woah, careful there the news might report on those digits, and blame 4 chins for inciting violence
yes, we've been doing it in good states for the last 20 years
fucking democrat traitors have no power here
It's already happening
who /green/ here
It's doubtful. The US is becoming increasingly polarized. Public opinion and especially the media, are on one end of the spectrum or another. In CA and NYC, restrictions are the worst in the country but they call for more whereas in a free state like KY or TX, even mentioning gun control will cost you reelection. I envision a future of communist consumer states and hardcore 1776 style patriot producer states. There will be no middle ground.
Ironically if the fight ever leaves the political ring, I think it's obvious who will win. The rabid leftists will find themselves defenseless and incapable if society breaks down but those who value their freedom and live accordingly will be well prepared.
>sanditched between two greens
kill me pham
Your country looks like Sweden.
I fondled your mother's Netherlands last night
>Your country looks like Sweden.
What did he mean by this?
Yeah, I heard her complain on the phone to one of her friends about that date of hers.
"This one had no foreskin, hon. I just let him use his hands for a bit before sending him away. Even that he couldnt do right; he was clapping so much."
>tfw yellow
I am going to try this year to become armed, but my county has restricted conceal and carry. What the fuck is that going to do when I park my car out in the street a few blocks away and I am walking to my place at 2AM and some nigger wants what ever I got?
If Trump wins and nominates a conservative Justice.
Otherwise, no.
I'm surprised my clapping didn't wake you up sonny
>nondescript Red, white, and blue striped European flag
fuck off sideways France
>and nominates a conservative Justice
Is there a chance of him not picking a conservative?
>in the future
This is why I hate gun nuts bitching about muh rights being taken away.
Not really. The senate would be too pissed off to grant consent
Pretty big one since he'd have to win first.
Congress has fuck all say in who gets in SCOTUS once Obama is out after killing any discussion on the matter for the year so "the people" get to have their president in charge of the decision.
If they continue to hold out it will be political suicide.
I don't care about what you love and hate. Step off kiddo.