woah... really makes you contemplate
Woah... really makes you contemplate
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Good for this guy. He worked hard.
Leddit manipulates those counts to promote goodthink (like this, and all the "good Muslim" stories), and to unpromote doubleplus ungoodthink like the_donald.
It really means nothing.
>implying affirmative action isn't to thank
Got no issue here. Went through a similar process myself and I now have 13 medical school interviews. Pick yourself up by the bootstraps.
He probably graduated in some stupid shit like African Studies or Sociology. And btw, thanks affirmative action.
>he worked hard
fillin out dat fafsa is a bitch yo
That's excellent. I wish I had his motivation and determination.
You're missing the point. Good on the guy or whatever, but this is leddit trying to push a narrative.
getting a doctorate? don't think so
>1.4 GPA
is that good or bad? Also wht the fuck don't you grade from 1 to 10 , like the rest of the world?
you have all of those things, you just need to believe in yourself.
>Getting treatment by a black affirmation doctor.
Enjoy your failed surgery.
Could anyone explain what gpa is? Just use normal and logical shit like the rest of the world
I've done OK, but I feel now that there is so much more I should have done. That there is so much I would have changed or done differently.
>Have just turned 46. My time for dramatic change is over
A friend from med school.
Lol some nigger hater tried to kill the nigger spawns
Its from 0-4 and yes its prettynstupid
The thing that most people don't understand is that it isn't race vs. race, it's the civilized world vs. barbarism. There are civilized blacks, civilized whites, etc, and there are barbaric blacks, barbaric whites, etc.
allright, which of you fucktards is his 'friend at school'?
A = 4
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
F = 0
GPA is the average of those grades. You're welcome
Very bad
lol you don't know anything
But why the fuck are they letters in the first place if you have to convert them to number to make sense of them?
i never understood until now
thank you based communicator
It's "crack baby with a serious head injury" tier.
The real question is why are tests in the USA so insanely easy. I studied at a British university - 70% was considered excellent work, and IIRC anything over 85% was considered publishable quality. That seems more fair than anyone scoring under 100% being a barely functioning retard.
going to assume you are not joking. a 1.4 is a high D.
what he does not talk about is the fact if he didn't take that year off he would have lost his government assistance due to poor standings. You have to maintain a 2.0 for Federal grants and most scholarships.
>first year pre med
>101s and 110s lookout
Lol. Progressives will thumb their nose and honestly say something like "think how advanced we'd be now if Christianity hadn't held us in the dark ages so long!" and then they'll push black people into everything, holding us back even further while we unsuccessfully try to integrate these subhumans into a modern society.
That's one of the biggest cases of cognitive dissonance that gets me
>fucking Christianity, STOP HOLDING BACK PROGRESS!!
>oh haha you see, black people have lower iqs because of """"social constructs"""" and they'll do just fine as professionals, so fine that we need to shoehorn them in despite universal under performance :^)
So 4.0 GPA is the highest you can get?
Because numbers are racist
You can get higher with extra credit and AP courses. Technically 5.0 is the highest but that's reserved for turbo-autist tryhards.
MODS please ban
At my university, 4 is the absolute maximum.
Turbo nerds get over 3.5
>>Have just turned 46. My time for dramatic change is over
oh no friend. The dramatic changes in store for you are only just beginning
Doctorate in liberal arts.. This dude is not a fucking MD. And wont get a job worth a fuck.
Its a bit more complicated as courses are weighted based on credit hours, an A in a class that only meets twice a week + a C in a class that meets every day (3-4 credit hours) won't average out to a B. It seems stupid and obtuse to people new to it but I guess it works.
t. Retarded college student
You realize in black high schools you dont have to be able to read to graduate
A doctorate in what? STEM? Literally impossible for this dude
Why is it carrying around feces as some sort of trophy?
Apparently he studied immunology
>he thought he would learn how to get immunity from prosecution
>got into university with a 1.4 GPA
>he deserved this
fucking libs man
>Brit who can't even read his own fucking language
>implying I would ever see a black doctor
>implying the only non-white doctors I've ever seen weren't part of the Commonwealth
Honestly, I would rather trust WebMD and do whatever needed done myself.
a doctorate in what? social work? lmao
>He worked hard.
topcuck. the statistics say otherwise
>first year pre-med
so literally just a college freshman? why does the media try to prop-up browns on non-existent pedestals?
Good on him. Not everyone follows a direct path.
Stay butthurt Sup Forums
I didn't make this thread to shit on him. Good on him for buckling down.
I made it because this is the type of minority feel-good story you will see at the top of reddit. Just look at the photo, you can tick the oppressed boxes off
>middle aged
>caring father
I mean if it was a woman the internet may have exploded from all the progressives jacking each other off about how she overcame the white man.