>Favourite to be next Dutch PM vows to BAN the Koran and CLOSE all mosques
>Favourite to be next Dutch PM vows to BAN the Koran and CLOSE all mosques
Geert will rule the world!
The Dutch...
Geert Farage Trump Putin
My body is ready
Geert will rule the world
it will happen.
He won't win, mo. America is way morr pc than even my country. They have affirmative action and way too many minorities and guess who they will vote for.
Dutch-user, what does that say in a nutshell? I can make out certain words but is it just the OP in more detail?
>more PC then sweden
Ahmed al Abdul please
This takes me back.
Dutch is so cute, I should have made my Dutch gf talk in Dutch to me during sex while I still had her ;_;7
Isn't there basically no chance Geert will become PM, since Netherlands is one of those places with 50 different parties and all the other parties hate his too much to form a coalition?
He wants to close all refugee camps, mosques, and Islamic schools. The koran will be banned, immigrants from muslim countries will not enter the country and radical muslims will be locked up.
He also wants a "Nexit" and more money for old people/military and less money for art (not all of it was shown on the "seefax" but I read some more stuff on his twitter page)
Keep dreaming, I mean I'd love stomping religions but no there's no way other parties will cooperate with this.
Yea teletext or is still used by a few 100000 people. I always loved browsing it as a kid because I liked all the colors
Hmmm, interesting, reminds me of Hopper from the classic Pixar film, A Bug's Life
Verdomme waarom krijg jij wel dubbels. Nu gaat het nooit gebeuren. Kanker.
However much I would like to see his 11 point plan be implemented, some of them are unconstitutional, so they'll likely never be.
Besides, it's becoming ever more clear other parties are just going to team up in order to keep the PVV out, so unless Wilders gets more than 75 out of 150 seats, which no party has ever managed to do by some margin, I don't think he's got a chance.
Awesomely impoverishing too, as a trade nations flipping the countries you trade with off is just going to be shit.
Teletext was killed off over here a few years ago.
It's sad that the only reason we are still a trading nation is because we give large multinationals insane tax cuts.
Belgium discontinued it a few months ago, but apparently it's still quite popular here.
Yea I know. You guys called it ceefax or seefax
Islam is fucking cancer and I can't wait for the muslocaust
Hmmm, interesting, reminds me of Hopper from the classic Pixar film, A Bug's Life
Wow, not even Le Pen or Trump or anyone else has the balls to say this. Bravo.
What will be the reaction to this in the Netherlands? I see Wilders is in the lead but that's still just like 30%
>Favourite to be next Dutch PM
This is what Americans ACTUALLY believe.
>that's still just like 30%
When they say "30" they mean 30 seats in parliament.
Our parliament has 150 seats, so 30 is 20%
It's not taken seriously in the media, all parties are going to distance themselves from this. Many people will vote for him based on this, but he's going to lose some support with this, as well, so it's hard to tell.
Yeah, I don't see that happening. Even if he gets 40 seats, no one will want to work with him.
And we will make sure he gets elected.
He's the only party that has an actual point.
The rest is ''rebudees welcom :DDD'' cucks.
more like
>we need to gib more money to the boor :DDD
>no we need to gib less money to the boor :DDD
An actual point as leaving the EU, a tiny dependent country like Holland?
The anti-Islam stuff is great, although even that isn't feasible, but the whole leave the EU business is enough to not vote for him. Might as well not vote, because the only alternative is the VNL, who are way too small to matter.
Fucking loved that film.
>loved the colours
thats how (((they))) get you
Holland kan prima zonder EU en de EU kan prima zonder Holland. Als een nexit komt zullen we met gemak handelsverdragen sluiten met voormalige EU landen, het enige probleem zal de muntoverdrag zijn.
We trade with more than just mudslimes.
In fact, everyone should stop dealing with them and leave them to die in their sandbox.
What are you basing this on?
>An actual point as leaving the EU, a tiny dependent country like Holland?
We managed just fine for hundreds of years.
You don't need the EU to trade, we're trading just fine with the rest of the world.
>thinking you can stop immigration and/or Islam within the EU
Get a load of this goy
Gebaseerd op het feit dat nederland prima kon handelen met andere landen voor de EU
The EU needs us more than we need them.
We're basically their trade income.
Of course, there is no need to leave the EU if they change their retarded ''refugees and muslims are cool and borders are not'' policies.
If I gf a dutch girl, is there a good chance she's smoked DUDE WEED LMAO
>there is no need to leave the EU if they change their retarded ''refugees and muslims are cool and borders are not'' policies.
>what is CAP?
>what is pointless bureaucracy?
>what are bailouts?
How do i learn dutch quickly so i can shill for Geert ?
there arent so much DUDETTE WEED LMAO'S so small chance emu.
Also, IF you gf a dutch girl
When are the Dutch elections?
We have lower marijuana use than all our neighbors.
If you 'gf an English girl' that chance is 7 times higher, for example.
There you learned dutch
Yes, before there was an EU to begin with. We'd still contribute to the EU, EU rules would still apply to us and we would have even less influence than we have now.
But sure, we can make our own deals with non-EU countries, that's true.
I never said you could. All I'm saying is that some of the anti-Islam stuff is unconstitutional. It's perfectly possible to stop sandniggers from entering the Netherlands and the sooner we do that, the better.
I'm not too fond of all the powers being taken from the national level to the federal level. Also, you know as well as I do Brussels doesn't care what people in the EU want; we all remember what happened with the Lisbon Treaty.
Start watching Dutch films/series with English subtitles.
March of next year.
Well all the dutch girls I've met are nothing like the german girls who just come here to ride the cock carousel
Forgetting the non-democratically chosen council who smack laws in our face that no one wants
March 2017
Presenting the party's plans is the very first step in the campaign.
Stupid move of him to add that shit to his campaign.
Because they are no degenerate filth unlike germans
This one always make me kek
Ha, what? Dutch girls are just as much whores as the German ones.
Leer lezen, VMBO.
Everyone in Holland speaks english too, except for some of the older generation and a few mentally handicapped.
It's glorious to shill in english for Geert, especially if you claim you're an minority living in holland for years and also want the muslims out, leftists brains shortcircuit when that happens.
chosen of Kek
Still waiting for the sand nigger indiefag to get deported to shithole, buttfucktown, Middle East and get decapitated.
Just remember:
Geert during the 2010 campaign
>Retirement age must stay 65, this is NON NEGOTIABLE! 65 means 65!
Geert one day after the 2012 elections:
>OK let's bump retirement age to 67.
Geert during the 2017 campaign
>Retirement age must go back to 65, this is NON NEGOTIABLE! 65 means 65!
As Louis van Gaal would put it:
His plans will not be eaten as hot as they are served.
95% of the civilians speak english, 100% of the civilians speak kanker
>even less influence than we have now.
This really is the biggest meme.
>"I don't want to lose my 1/28 part of power while being the highest per capita contributer"
You could even argue we have 0 influence (especially on trade). Just like you saw with the Ukraine treaty; the EU commission is solely competent on trade, and it's not like they are ever going to give a fuck about what member states think as long as French and Germany don't start protesting.
You could use the argument if you were a German and/or Frenchmen. But for us? Na, not really. We're just one of the 26 who gets to sign when Merkel and Sarkozy decided on the contents of their latest shitpost. Even on things non-trade.
Yes. Jesse, we know.
>95% speak English
That many don't even understand English.
It's not the main reason for not leaving, it's just a factor. I know as well as the next guy Holland's influence in Brussels is practically non-existant.
Gas the EU nexit now
He also wants to cut all subsidies to innovation and the green industry.
The money saved will go to repealing a retirement measure that keeps people working for longer, and the military among other things.
Keep in mind however that the Dutch poldermodel of politics means there will be compromises. Wilders is preparing for it by following the Art of the Deal.
It was a matter of speech, jan.
90% speaks English.
10% speaks Arabic.
5% speaks Nigger.
85% speaks Dutch.
Nah. Gewoon de Rijn en de Schelde dichtkankeren, moet je eens kijken hoe snel Duitsland en België met ons willen handelen.
This. He knows as well as anyone he's never going to get all these ideas realized.
Ok, Kees, but people from other countries might not know that. The everyone in Holland speaks English fluently meme needs to die.
You know about Rotterdam, right?
Did you know that without Rotterdam, German industries will be starved of materials to produce goods with?
There's Antwerp and the Hansa ports, but they don't have nearly enough capacity to deal with an embargo on trade through Rotterdam. To accommodate will be extremely costly and take several years.
We're in the same position as Britain really, except for us having ditched the gulden for the euro.
Vlaanderen bij nederland en wallonië bij frankrijk. De enigen die zullen tegenstribbelen zijn de walloniërs omdat het de nikkers zijn van belgië
Now I can see that light in the end of the tunnel.
So the EU countries will keep using Rotterdam for a few years and in the meantime they can upgrade the German ports and Antwerp. Excellent.
A lot of people speak english, henk. Stonecole English but english
We have the highest weed experimentation rate in the first world dumbass.
Exactly, same for German, by the way.
What the fuck are those posters
I hope you guys can come lend us a hand when you sort out your problems.
I love Geert Wilders. Good luck with your next election dutchbros
Who the fuck cares about germany, they are dependent on us
And we keep upgrading Rotterdam and keep making deals with and for businesses that will make Rotterdam the better choice, even if all its competitors suddenly have more capacity and throughput.
We've been doing this for decades already, centuries if you take some liberty and include our dealings with Asia.
will be moving to dutchland if it happens
I did'nt think it was this far already.
Too bad he wont win, not enough delegates seats whatever you want to call it. But sadly its the only real party.
Many in the PVV want to do just that. It's shameful how the UK and Holland have neglected you guys all these years.
I was talking about the language meme.
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate how smart it is to call it a "concept"-programme?
If people would start complaining about how short it is he could simply get Bosma & co. to write some ridiculous 50-page monster with 2000+ footnotes.
And on top of that, exploiting the public secret that nobody fucking reads election programme in the first place. Whatever you say about the content, the form really was genius.
I went to Amsterdam. The North African Muslim coffee shops were the least welcoming to tourists, they were in a rush to get rid of me.
The Afghans were cool though, they had a peace pipe.
kanker. Net geen driedubbele dubbels
>appeared at faggot Trump rally
saviour of the white race jejejejejejejejeje