No. Laci Greene is also pretty redpilled.
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's one more.
Inb4 Shoe0nhead
She's not red-pilled. She's a phony cunt, attention whore with nothing original to say.
laura southern is a jew
>mfw I am actually older than Lauren Southern
How can she be 21? Shit don't make sense.
Lost respect for her when I learned she sells her piss and worn panties online
oy vey
no longer based
Lauren does? Is this true?
Her parents survived the lolocaust in Denmark LOL
I didn't know about the HRC vlogger outreach.
Reality Calls is very red pilled.
Think (((Youtube))) shut her down again though
Are you retarded?
She shut herself down after some fat, bald, vegan, jew accused her and her boyfriend of racism in a youtube video.
No, just sarcastic. Blow me.
it wasn't abas les ciel was it?
Fuck off Lauren is way better then shoe
this one is my new waifu
I'd buy it tho
Ever wonder why Lauren focuses 90% of energy attacking the right?
She worked for Jew owned Sun Media until it went bankrupt and now works for (((Rebel News))) majority owned by Ezra (((Levant))), partly owned by race mixer and jewboot licking Gavin McKinnis, and it's staffed almost entirely by kikes. Stephan Molyneaux is another Canadian crypto-kike. They have to hide their tribalist controlled kikes in this country because most of us were brought up to spot the Jew.
yeah. theyre still recovering from the danes
Yes, it was him. The man is the definition of a pseudo-intellectual. It takes him half an hour to say what I could sum up in 5 minutes. Absolute baseless, regressive drivel. Check it out:
How did I not find her before? Thanks user
kek. I knew it was this faggot when you said bald. I hate this nigger. Eisel Manzard, I think his name is. Huge retard. And yeah, his videos are fucking LONG as FUCK.
>works for (((Rebel Media))), a site that supported crypto-kike Harper until he got BTFO and they fled to America to shill for Trump instead
Will you Canadians fuck off we just want Lauren not all of you guys
Trips tell the truth.
anyone who's accepted money from Ezra Levant is not redpilled whether you want to fuck them or not
>the only red pilled female youtuber
that's a dude
That's a man baby
Here, have a (you)
Just like all women, intelligent men are writing her work for her, and she simply parrots it. Like when you watch an actress in a film, how all of her lines are actually written by the superior male gender.
Why listen to manly shit through a female voice? Because it has boobs? You worthless cuck. Gynocentrism is trash.
That's only because Shoe is a total fucking quack who, when confronted by a real hero of the right like Davis Aurini or Craig Brittain or Chuck Johnson or anyone with an IQ over 110, has an immediate meltdown and starts saying shit like "everything is not a debate!", literally the lowest quality Canadian bullshit you can possibly watch m8
>kike lover
so who is the REAL deal? who should we listen to for red pills? now that lauren's and gavin's message should be completely dismissed because ________, who speaks what we think?
Wait Moly is a jew? Sauce on that?
>so who is the REAL deal?
Iron Pill.
He's real and wants only the best for us.
>The only one that matters
Reminder that Shoe is a legit coalburner
So is "Lauren Southern."
All the "alt-right" leaders are coalburners, trannies, jews and legitimate subscribed gays and they are based off of reddit and twitter.
Evalion was pretty redpilled.
looks whoreish,
no, more like a Slut
>stop texting Chad
Shes alright, despite being outside the kitchen.
> (OP)
Yeah, I know.
>kike lover
Yeah, this too.
I demand proof
She definitely isn't, I agree.
>red pilled
Way to contradict yourself, my man
Give me a break. Lauren Southern is to politics what S-Club 7 is to music.
yeah, men are even better at being women
She's hot af and is 21yo.
Lana Lokteff is based imho.
Basically more professional version of Lauren Southern and calls out the kikes.
Sadly she isn't.
Would let her convert/10
Yikes. Is this one a tranny, too?
Behold, faggots
Link? :^)
I want women acting as the voice of reason like I want nigger astronauts.
Interesting that a Canadian youtube channel is telling american women how to vote....
Would love to watch her get gangfucked by niggers
That's a dude.
Jews aren't redpilled.
Yeah it's weird there were 1,000+ complaints to elections Canada and we have locked up Americans for interfering in our elections. its one of the most sensitive issues here. yet the whole world intervenes in the American election and more than 20% of the the_donald uses a Canadian flair.
Barbara is getting there
1,000+ complaints because of John Oliver's video before the election.. nothing pisses off a Canadian more than perceived nefarious American influence
That expression is Golden.
you forgot Shoe0nhead
hnnnggg dat accent
I want to marry Lauren and it's virtually impossible to find girls like her pls help.
That doesnt mean their parents are jewish. please learn how to read dumbfuck
All girls are like her. They all seek out fronts for attention, and then specialize in various niches. Go to a Magic the Gathering tournament and you'll find them. Go to a computer programming conference and you'll find them. Go to a science-fiction con an you'll find them. Go to a Bernie rally and you'll find them. Go to the alt-right and you'll find them. The difference is superficial. As mainstream awareness of the alt-right grows there will be many more Laurens around.
It's not his bad reading, it's her bad writing. The comma is ambiguous because it's not grammatically correct.
You cucks can talk shit about Lauren all you want but she got more balls than all of you virgin internet though guys combined.
>stop texting chad
she's literally monetized Sup Forums memes. confirmed jew.
I'm not a cuck and not a virgin. It's cucks and virgins who fall for her routine.
>Posts video of LS literally going to nigger men
Wow, she's redpilled!
>go to an event where humans gather and believe it or not, the female human will be around
>as the alt-right grow in number, there will be more human with a vagina
kill yourself ASAP
There's no proof she's a Jew, but anyway, why would you care?
And yes Ezra Levant is obviously Jewish, and Gavin McInnes is a race-mixer, but these guys are pretty based
I don't think I'll understand your motivation for ethnic purity because you'll never get it. Ever. Meanwhile, these right wing pundits actually have a chance of influencing the world because they're not advocating racial hatred and/or genocide
If you had any life experience you would know the difference between how women act and speak when they naturally congregate and the posturing they assume when they are trying to gain attention from men.
i had more experience with women than you dont worry. you probably never had a relationship that lasted over 6 months. Keep peddling that pseudo-science backed by literally nothing but anecdotal evidence and frustrated virgins dumbfuck
oy vey goy only listen to our controlled opposition or y-your a c-cuck!
rebel news is the laughing stock of the country. the only good they do is calling out the OLP and feminists. after sun news went bankrupt they started a shit internet studio which is owned by hardcore subversive zionist ezra levant.
you keep talking about teenagers. go outside most women don't act like this. most white women in this country are hardworking, beautiful and great mothers. although this mgtow shit just ensure bad genetics don't spread which is already I guess.
>stop texting Chad
>pretty based
that's the key. they spend more than half their time attacking the right and they never address the jewish question. but you kikes love that shit and it's why you run so many failed moneypit studios like rebel. no white man is going to lose money to subvert his own nation.
She went to document that those immigrants are mostly men and not refugees to BTFO the MSM narrative.
What have you done to fight marxism other than being a retard of Sup Forums?
Oh wait, you are a marxist scum
I refuse to get any news from the desert rats that make up 1.5% of my population and that makes me a genocidal nazi? Why do you fuckers even come on this board? Don't you have grandmothers to swindle and babies to molest?
You probably have only 4 toes on one foot, faggot. You likely are wearing a green t-shirt at this moment, you anecdotal dumbshit cunt. You probably have one sister who you finger fucked, and only had one girlfriend. And you never got your driver's license! What a shithead!
Why not just call LS a useful idiot and be done with it. If she didn't get shekels or views she wouldn't be doing any of it.
Varg Vikernes is the only redpilled youtuber
thank you
>they spend more than half their time attacking the right
I don't think they do. They're all pretty conservative. They attack mainstream conservatives for selling out conservatism.
>the jewish question
I don't think there is a Jewish question, when you consider some jews like Ezra are, in my opinion, pretty based. I care more about the threat of Islamisation than I do the supposed threat of Jews.
>no white man is going to lose money to subvert his own nation.
Didn't you say Gavin part owned Rebel? So he's doing literally that isn't he? And he's Scottish, he's not fucking Jewish
I'm not Jewish mate, I'm Anglo-Celtic
Why do you care so much about 'da joos'? Do you even have a job? A life? Friends? A girlfriend?
Why don't Sup Forums make a list of women who are red pilled and those who are crypto-jews? I'm getting confused of people posting women who are "red pilled" but in the end they are crypto-jew.
That's called having a job, you NEET loser.
Also while she was in Germany she and her crew were stalked by police, which tried to terrorize them, exposing and documenting the terror tactics the German government uses against their political opponents.
Ok so we concluded that all you do is to virtue signal on Sup Forums, good for you.
Now, do you have a job? What job?
>virtue signal
topkek, dude. What's worse? "Virtue signalling" where I'm anonymous and it doesn't count for anything, or using the topcringe echo-chamber term "virtue signal" with no hint of self-awareness?
I asked what's your job, not for you to excuse your worthlessness.
Why the fuck would I tell you my job? Why would you believe me, anyway? It doesn't make any sense.
So her parents had her when they were 60+ years old?