What's the appeal?

What's the appeal?

It's entertaining

It's good

The characters

something about boars

LOTR but with fucking


Appropriation of "geek culture."
Have a huge cast with multiple plot lines running you so never need to resolve anything. Just build something up, then cut to another plot line, build it up, cut to another plot line etc. etc.
It gives the illusion things are happening without ever having to do anything with it. Throw in some "shocks" to really hook the pleb normies. They'll never know the difference.

it's a soap opera for "nerds"

strong womyn

Redditors have shit taste.

>only good fantasy tv show ever
>originally designed to subvert tropes, it was very exciting to watch week-to-week since you didn't know what would happen
>arrived right as nihilism and gray morality were peaking in popularity for fiction

>watch 5 seasons and get bored and drop it
>literally every normie on planet earth asking me why I don't watch it
kill me

just edgy Lord of the Rings. bottom-of-the-barrel normie trash television made for IQlets tbqhwy

You're literally too dumb for the show. That's okay, lots of people can't keep up with all the characters and give up.

You are a fucking idiot trying to sound smart. Gtfo

It had 3 good seasons.
Nowadays it's mostly the shitposting about the latest episode and how terrible it was.

I'm too dumb for it yet the main fanbase is braindead normies and redditors. Ok

Low IQ popnerd pandering

Yes, I'm saying you're even dumber than them.

first few seasons were kino

>You are a fucking idiot trying to sound smart.
And yet it still went over your head.
Really compels one to cognate.

>The BvS defense

It's a pretty solid and interesting fantasy story and certainly more original than all the LOTR ripoffs we have been getting as of late.
It has some plot holes and the occasional shit writing but people here give it too much flak because they think GRRM is trying to surpass Tolkien or something and that triggers them.
Also the show turned into generic shit once they ran out of books to adapt and the writibg was left to a bunch of retards.

S1-3 were goat tv and since then I have been too invested in the story and characters to stop watching regardless in the drop in quality

and some gore.
and not as much diversity

big budget
soap operish/cliffhangers
appeals to both women and men
sex and violence appeals to teenagers
very different from a lot of things on TV (yeah a lot of other fantasy tv shows are either kid stuff or straight up campy)

The appeal for the first 4 seasons was political drama, unpredictability and just all-around interesting writing. Now it just feels like it's made for the Big Bang Theory crowd and all it goes for are "OOOOOOOU!" moments to pander to the hipster bar-viewing crowd. These last couple seasons are objectively different in writing and tone. Feels bad, man. I still enjoy it, though.

Great production, special effects, set design, costume design, music. Fight scene choreography is hit and miss, but when it's on it is some of the best you will ever see on television.

It's schlocky enough to appeal to people's base desires while at the same time having enough moving parts for people to think it's smart. This allows them to ignore the laughable dialogue, cliche story, and poor characterization.

According to youtube comments, you're all jumping on the GOT hate bandwagon if you point out that the show is now different that earlier seasons.

I enjoy the books and still do but the show is so damaged beyond repair that they only care about reactions on Twitter now rather than trying to legit write a semi-decent story.

Red Wedding ruined fucking everything.

Intriguing political drama and great characters for the first 3 seasons.
The drop in quality has been increasing but its close to ending so no point in dropping.

It is because they started ignoring the source material and putting more and more original shit since S4. Once they ran out of material after S5 ended they went full original cancer while only following some vague guidelines gave to them by GRRM and it shows.
Back in the first seasons the distance between two places mattered and going from point A to point B took an entire season. Now you have teleporting armies and popular characters coincidentially meeting in the same play to form le badass Suicide Squad because reasons.

Tits and dragons

Even the normies realized it turned into generic shit but we are like 9 episodes away from the end (even though we have one more episode and then a two years wait) so there is no point in dropping it now.


The atmosphere of every scene.


I have a theory as to why the show is now not nearly as great as before. It's because all the great actors and characters have died and now we're left with half-assed actresses who can't carry the show by themselves. It's like if you're fighting a war, then all them men died, so now we have to fight the rest of the way with their daughters. I'm not saying it's because they're women so they're bad, I'm saying that they're not as experienced in acting and the script isn't writing them to be very interesting. It's a double-whammy.
I saw this coming since the first season and now it's actually happening. Oh well.

The book is solving that problem.


Lena Headey has consistently been one of the best performances of the show.

Lots of buzzwords there buddy well done

the actors aren't the problem. the writing and directing is

Yeah, because their absence from the show doesn't mean GRRM told D&D that their plotlines wouldn't go anywhere and they would die and that's why they didn't even show up.

She, Jaime, dwarf, dragon's lady's man-friend and a couple others are still great at everything they do. I'm more just talking about all of Ned's kids. None of them are particularly good. Even Snow dipped in quality. But I recognize that it's most the script and not the actors and actresses.

It's both. The script and writing became pretty shitty but even then a talented actor could have made it less shit, the problem is that all the talented actors were casted as characters that died in previous season so now we are left with talentless shitlords like Emilia Clarke or Sophia Turner.
I'm even willing to bet that the reason Bran and Arya are so autistic this season is because the directors realized they suck at acting and gave them the easiest characters to play.

The story was never that different from tour standard fantasy tale. It's just a little grittier. It never meaningfully subverted any tropes and embraced several. Grafting on some elements of good historical fiction doesn't chamge that.

The problem with the series is tjat the source material was never gpod to begin with.

Reminder Aegon is real and Daenery's is the murmur's dragon.

>people ask why I don't watch GoT
>Reply I already played WC 1,2, & 3

Boarposting is the new Baneposting

I bet they think you're really witty and not a total dipshit.

Got is going to end with Bran warging back into the boar and killing Robert or Bran warging into the wolf to have sex with another wolf to give birth to the Direwolves Jon and co find in the very first chapter.

Reminder Lysa Arryn's son is really a spy for Varys because he is technically a "Little Bird".

I think it's objectively true that almost all of the dead main characters are better actors and actresses than what we're left with, with the exception of a few. Older people are just better actors than younger kids. Even now the adult characters who are still alive are acting circles around the kids. GOT is not as great because it turned into Nickelodeon, not to mention Dennarynes is fucking terrible at acting. I'd kill for more screentime with the Lannisters.

Bullshit, say what you want about the fat man but ASoIaF is way better than most fantasy stories. The worldbuilding, characterization and the political shit is pretty good and the story is original, interesting and for once you can't predict how everything will unfold from page 1.
Yeah, it has its flaws and calling it perfect would be retarded but, again, people tend to treat it as if it was shitty fanfiction just because other retards claimed it was better than LOTR (which it isn't, specially because they focus on completely different things).

>Mfw Rickon is going to have the best career out of the younger stars

Double digits of same repeating order confirm

No it isn't. Boarposting is pure cancer. Literally a bunch of austists writing "BOARD AND WHORES MY STRETCHER" in caps lock and posting the same pics over and over.

none anymore

Big fights and fantasy I guess.
That's how I got hooked up to watching this shitshow, hoping that something would eventually happen in the next episode/season.
Then when it got ripe they rush it like crazy.
I feel almost as fooled as with Lost

Cool setting
Hi fantasy is rarely good
Closest shit I'll ever get to lotr tolkein universe on tv
Shame it ages like cheap shit post season 4 and the plot slower than lost

>Imblying Baneposting wasn't always cancerous

It's just a work of fantasy that incorporates some elements of historical fiction. If you were familiar with the rare works of good historical fiction, the while series would seem cliche to you.

Hell, half the characters feel like they're taken directly from I, Claudius.


Boarposting is even worse.

It can't be as bane cancer wasn't sponsored content

I just want to know whether Last Hero and Azor are one and the same.

That's not how you spell Hot Pie.

I actually think Kit Harington is really good, I know it's said a lot here but what I like is that you can tell he really cares about nailing the role. He's no Charles Dance or Stephen Dillane but you can tell he works pretty hard onset

The guy who plays Sam is pretty good too. He really nails Sam's dorkiness and introvert nature.

TV genre-shit always requires a strong actor or two to hold it all together through the absurdity of it all.

Imagine TNG without Picard and you get Season 7 of GOT.

He's probably the saddest example of the script failing him. I think he's up as a great actor, but lately, he really doesn't have shit to say except to be a hype-man before the battle or being lectured by his sister. I still enjoy him, though.

It's basically Rome-but-with-dragons-and-shit.

I agree 90%. There's still a bunch of strong actors, it's just that there's too many mediocre ones that are given more screen-time and bad dialogue.
I actually haven't seen any episode this season, I'm waiting till Sunday to marathon it all for the mid-season finale. Still, though- S6 and S5 still suffered from a dumb script.

At first: tits and swords. Now: mmorpg shit.


>mid-season finale
Pretty sure this is the season finale and then the next season will be as short or shorter than this one.

>LotR borrows heavily from Norse and Saxon myths
>Most fantasy that follows does the same
>ASoIaF borrows heavily from historical fiction

How about you try writing an entertaining, epic story for us to enjoy, user?

t. George

The last season will have 1 episode less but the episodes will be much longer.

Yeah, Sam's actor is solid as well. The character has some very off-putting flaws but he makes him sympathetic. I also like all the facial tics he's incorporated into the character

What pisses me off is they didn't include any of his actual decisions as Lord Commander, such as manning the abandoned castles with wildlings, marrying Alys KArstark to the Thenn prince, helping Stannis get northern allies. Like, I get administrative work is not the most compelling television but show Jon just stumbles into every win he gets now

True, either it's luck or someone telling him his plan is shit and to do it their way. Him learning how to command is good, but they should at least make him do actual commanding without being wrong all the time or just lucking it out by some once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The last great thing he did was getting the Wildlings on his side, and even that had elements of luck, despite his clever wit. I guess it's a nitpick, but it's pretty annoying.

Nah, it's not a nitpick. Ruling and what makes a good or bad leader is the central concern in the books (inb4 muh tax policy). The best elements of the show center around it too: Robert and Ned's friendship, Tyrion as Hand, Tywin vs Joffrey, Jaime commanding the Lannister army. They cut too much of Jon and Cersei's individual decisions from the 4th and 5th books which show their leadership styles. Now Cersei is just vaguely 'in power' and Jon lucks out constantly. They don't even CGI Ghost in beside him when he's in the Great Hall with the other Lords ffs. That would at least give him a mythical presence and justify them rallying around him. Very little attention to theme or detail now.

It lost all appeal ages ago, but after all this time I at least wanna know how it ends.

Guess that's what happens when you have great talent writing him up to power and mediocre talent to write him after he gets it.
The saddest part is that the show is going to end with these once great and well-written characters being a shadow how what made them so great. Feels bad, man.

Thing is, for D&D, what you said is fairly accurate, they use the multiple stories to confuse the audience so they can drop plot lines without people knowing or suddenly cut to something different and have it feel normal. As much as the fat man will never finish the books, his story is made infinitely more complex and interesting by showing multiple povs and jumping around both chronologically and geographically.


I'm about to start watching this for the first time. Does it pick up over time or has it only gotten good in the last couple of seasons?

The first 4 seasons are good. After that it's like a slow descent into madnuss.

The first three seasons are great, the fourth season is good and the fifth, sixth and seventh seasons get increasingly shitty.

First 4 seasons = really good HBO period drama
Season 5 = really bad and pointless with a couple cool battles at the end
Season 6-7 = the same characters as before but in a Die Hard movie