How can feminists say that they are sex positive while at the same time rejecting what makes women sexually attractive to men?
Can someone explain?
How can feminists say that they are sex positive while at the same time rejecting what makes women sexually attractive to men?
Can someone explain?
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Well Lena Dunham is a rapist, so there's no worry about sex appeal when you're forcing a sexual experience on someone.
Because, user, they hate women who actually try, and work out. Lena Dunham is a fat cunt.
Coming from a woman, they LOVE bigger girls, which makes me ashamed to be curvy, but even that, they hate us over some 400 pounded whale any day.
With the average feminist vs. the average girl who takes care of themselves, they envy us. I cant tell you how many times a bigger girl has threatened me physically for talking bad about feminism.
Its all about them wanting to feel superior, so I ruin their day by having their boyfriends message me and me rejecting them.
feels great being a girl sometimes, its easier to piss feminists off.
The irrational paradox in Feminism, is that they claim to advocate gender neutrality, yet by their own actions infact only reinforce gender by constantly stressing it.
-Feminists look at the GENDER of persons as heads of state, CEOs, judges, in various other professions, and exclaim "ITS DISCRIMINATION, NEEDS MORE WOMEN"
-True gender neutrality would be NOT CARING what gender the persons in those positions are.
Feminism: Counting how many men and women are doing what.
Gender neutrality: Not caring what gender is doing what, as long as they are suitable for the job.
Something something feeling beatiful is every woman's right and wins over man's right to choose what is attractive to him.
See pushes for every race to be represented equally in everything.
The best part is they love to hit people but if you hit them back they act like a victim.
Which is hilarious, since I nearly beat this one bitch up while in a moving car, which is hilarious, because she ran inside a fast food joint to hide from me.
She refers to Sup Forums as a person btw, so shes utterly retarded.
>expects feminists to be logical
>dumbfounded when not
It shouldnt matter if jobs are held by 100% men, women, or any % of either inbetween, as long as they are qualified, fairly selected and perform their job.
Yet to Feminists, that is all that matters.
They defscto predicate women in their considerations, as a gender, over men.
As to sex positivism, and the Feminist approach to what men SHOULD find attractive in women, they are trying to FORCE men to find attractive whatever Feminism decides is attractive.
Feminism is an essentially fascist movement, focused on enforcing their own social norms onto everyone else
According to Feminism, if a man does not find every single woman on the planet sexually attractive, he is wrong. Inversely, if a man finds a woman sexually attractive, and expresses that, he is guilty of sexual harassment if the WOMAN does not find him attractive.
Feminism doesnt make even one utterance to trying to decree what women should find attractive in a man (cos ofc, its a womans choice), but they do shout from the rooftops about what men should find attractive or not in women.
Again, its an irrational, hypocrisy and paradox.
sometimes in order to equalize the scales after long periods of abuse you need to push it in the other direction a bit
also I think you're generalizing-
just because a fat bint is likely to be both feminist and pro-fat acceptance does not mean all feminists are pro-fat acceptance. Feminist can mean a large swath of political concepts, too, from the boot-wearing butch girls who think women are objectively superior to men, to the people who want true equality.
>Its all about them wanting to feel superior, so I ruin their day by having their boyfriends message me and me rejecting them.
Surely that ruins the guys day, rather than hers.
So you are seducing the male, then suddenly rejecting him, as a device to hurt the woman?
What about the guy? Do you not care about what you are doing to him, plus him then having to deal with his gf?
This is only one of several weird incongruities in your post.
>also I think you're generalizing-
Please, spare me this "depends", "not all, hence i sidestep your central arguments" nonsense.
What are you trying to defend, fatties or feminists, and why either one?
>I got a crushes on ramdom female psicopaths
Would you be my waifu?
Male sexuality is toxic.
welcome namefag.
we met in the other masculinity thread,
You have to consider that women are sociopaths by nature.
it's the same case as gender studies vs STEM
go into gender studies -(not stem) --> scream: "MORE WONYN IN STEM"
go protest for sex positivs -(not busy having sex with whoever/havign sex with people regardless of how they look)-> ACCEPT SEX POSITIVISM.
the problem is that thinking about and talking about some subject stimulates roughly the same areas in te brain. This makes you think you are actually doing something while you are not actually doing it but are just simply talking.
now it would be easily solvable with a simple neuroscience course, required before being able to go into gender studies. this would bring this case to an end. However that is not the only thing going on.
sex is about desire and overcoming some projected obstacle (for example the fear of not being liked back). Now if this obstacle becomes larger the projected gratification from overcoming it becomes larger. this evolved because humans who found more pleasure in overcoming greater obstacles trived more.
so basicly they are placing a barrier (unatractiveness as okay) which they have to fight (protest) to overcome.
in this way they prove to themselves and their surroundings to be of higher sexual value if they succeed and thus feel good about it when trying to.
This is not conscious ofcourse, like most nonsensical "reasoning".
TL;DR; neuroscience & (human) genetics
t. neuroscience&behaviour minor student
and please rant hard enough to make it worthy of pasta.
True. Most of the conservative "red-pilled" anti-feminist women from middle-of-nowhere America are extremely overweight trash.
I do, and that post certainly demonstrated that.
I want to hear an answer from the mares own mouth though.
I am the other face of Sup Forums
a nameless namefag!
because shit always depends, you lazy motherfucker
extreme ideals that ignore reality to deal in heavy-handed policies instead of balanced, well thought out practices are what destroy nations
if thinking about it is too hard for you don't fucking talk about it and fuck off to facebook or some shit
call me triggered, nothing pisses me off more than people who find thinking too hard
I just saw this, might not be related but..
> 1:26, it is fucking glorious.
> I was drowning and he saved my life, but he had no right to touch my body, SEXUAL HARASSMENT.
> MFW Feminism
hmm, makes sense, but I think there is far more to it than that.
my view on feminism is that it is more like nazism as a social construct and vehicle.
just as people today wonder "how the hell did an entire nation unify behind the nazis", generstiins in the future will wonder "how did the west swallow the feminist fascist norms they are shoving down everyones throat.".
The cringe the cringe!
what if i return the favor, and diswualify everything you say as "depends".
where is your thinking then.
also notice all your vitriole, bitchiness and cuntish wagging.
yes you where triggered.
ask yourself why that is.
think about that for a minute.
They fight for the sexually disabled (women).
>call me triggered, nothing pisses me off more than people who find thinking too hard
what triggers you, is:
a) someone disagreeing with you
b) your incapability to respond rationally, politely and reasonably
c) your emotional investment in the issue
d) your fear and anxiety that you k ow you fked up, and cant justify it
e) your self-serving hatred of anything and anyone that does not fit into your narrow echo chamber
f) your basic lack of intelligence, rational thought and argumentative skills
Not that you will, ofc, admit even one of the above.
Prove you're a girl, with timestamp.
Preferably boobs. But whatever.
Lol, good to know our ancestors had sense too. Shame they didn't act on it though.
you didn't even do it ya shit, how about you try and "diswualify" something I said
I come here to talk about politics because no one is afraid to say what they feel. I do this because I need, desperately, the argument. I find it fulfilling, it helps my political views grow.
What I hate most are people who
>don't want to talk
>don't want to think
>lalallalala this is too complicated I'm going to go watch tv
because they are a void. Because I can get something out of someone who is wrong, but I can never get something out of someone who refuses to think.
Now I have to make my point again. Yes, I am triggered. But you are a vacant shell to led about at the nose by whoever has your attention. Why even post here? Why waste my time with this trivial garbage instead of just trying to voice your opinion?
>How can feminists say that they are sex positive while at the same time rejecting what makes women sexually attractive to men?
>Can someone explain?
Yes, I'll explain that you're stupid
Women always maintain plausible deniability
Spend more time reading a book on sexual evolution and less time on Sup Forums
Well, that depends.
>Why waste my time with this trivial garbage instead of just trying to voice your opinion?
The irony.
I expressed my opinion, and explained it.
To which you respond with "that depends" and now fixating on typoes.
Thank you for legitimising, once again, the negative stereotype of women as incapable of rational argument.
this is the second time you've said "that depends"
I like how you're trying to make it out to be a easy argument in order to belittle me, but you still can't come up with "what depends on what". Are you retarded, or are you wrong?
You don't know what you're talking about, you don't CARE what you're talking about. Why are you talking?
>Thank you for legitimising, once again, the negative stereotype of women as incapable of rational argument.
Why, are you a woman?
Yeah most feminists aren't pro fat and shit like that, still the bulk of his argument you just side stepped like a mother fucker.
If you don't get the point im trying to make you should end yourself
State your arguments as to my original posts, concisely, and we can try this again.
>sometimes in order to equalize the scales after long periods of abuse you need to push it in the other direction a bit
there is no "need" to do so.
furthermore, what abuse are you referring ro.
your argument is flawed. its like a rapist saying he is justified because he is pushing back a bit against some perceived abuse.
>also I think you're generalizing-
I think you are generalizing my points, not me.
Mine where quite specific.
>just because a fat bint is likely to be both feminist and pro-fat acceptance does not mean all feminists are pro-fat acceptance.
I have not claimed otherwise anywhere.
This is a false implication.
I havent mentioned fat-acceptance even once.
> Feminist can mean a large swath of political concepts, too, from the boot-wearing butch girls who think women are objectively superior to men, to the people who want true equality.
Again, I have not stated otherwise.
You are falsely inferring and implying that.
That leaves you with no points relevant to my posts, and no argumentation of any weight in rebuttal.
Well, theyre usually feminists too, and ugly cucks so, lmao.
I dont sleep with men who sleep with landwhales, not my style, negro.
You completely missed the point.
You are despicable.
I know, I know, its hurting the man more than her, but look at it this way, they wont stop talking about how much of a bitch I am to them, which ultimately makes me win.
but you are a landwhale yourself
even presuming that isnt a shop of that timestamp page ontop of someone elses tits.
Feminism is dissolution of sex. Instead of stopping it from the outside they destroy it from within. All the negatives are turned into positives because muh discrimination.
It's promotion and protection of non-sexually viable couples. The LGBTQ-alphabet grows every day so there will always be a from of Marxist degeneracy for you to adopt. Gay couples are a good way to end our species because they produce no life. For those who are still heterosexual, feminism's got you covered.
The easiest way make someone sexually unattractive is physically. The feminist uniform is the destruction of everything that has historically amounted to beauty - weight gained, hair cut and dyed, ears gauged, skin inked and steel rods stuck through their faces... You could transform a feminist in an afternoon. It'll take a few months for the obesity to take hold, but you can effectively transform even the most beautiful young woman into an unfuckable waste of carbon in no time.
The cornerstone of feminism is the feminization of men. The beta is ideal to the feminist - he's soft, thin, quiet, and submissive. He caves to her without consideration for his own desires. The man does not take any control in the relationship, but allows the feminist complete domination. This situation often results in cuckholdry. If fertilization is achieved it will result in abortion because of "muh choice". If not it results in a mixed, fatherless child with no future.
Meanwhile there are women who do not subscribe to this. With classically beautiful women around, their "liberation" is revealed for what it is - degenerate Marxist social programming fresh from the school of Frankfurt. Their new age feminism cannot compete with classical feminism - and I mean feminism as in being feminized; to be a woman. They throw it all away because they read something on tumblr. It shows that it's not positive at all which is why a pretty girl is the biggest trigger feminists could ever encounter.
ooooooooooooooooooooook lmao
>they wont stop talking about how much of a bitch I am
well, they are right.
you are a bitch for what you are doing to the men.
the women may deserve it, but the men dont.
>be mongol
>get rapey with women online
Cool it Khan
Awww id give you nice preggo tits
Written in eyeliner btw
and poorly shopped onto someone elses tits, whom is holding their arms tight across their gut to pull out the sausages and stretchmarks, whilst the arm says it all as FAT.
Nice tits famalam
What do you define as fat any woman over 60kg?
>How can feminists say that they are sex positive while at the same time rejecting what makes women sexually attractive to men?
They say what is sexually attractive should be up to women, and not up to men.
They think their sexuality should be about them feeling good about themselves instead of catering to, and/or pleasing men.
I define it as the square root of how many times you are going to switch your router off for another dynamic IP.
Fat, is fat. Do you not know what fat is, physiologically? Its when a human gorges themselves on more calories than they expend, over a protracted period.
A fat human, is a human with a lot of fat.
Its not difficult to define.
Yes, whereas they all expect a perfect male to love, worship and serve them free meals, shoes, praise, security and listen to their endless fking whining and ranting, as well as bend to their cuck fantasies, support their fatherless children etc etc.
And then we wonder why growth rates are approaching negative in the developed West.
Because femenism is just fucking postmodern:
denial and nothing more.
Would you recommend Russian women?
Can we dip our dicks into that?
nice fuggly tits
back to Sup Forums
this is great
Sure, why not.
Russians dont mind a finn-bro getting some of that?
Any tips/warnings about Russian women?
They seem to be remarkably physically fit, feminine and redpilled.
Sex positive means they want to have have sex and not be publicly shamed for it.
>can anyone explain?
woman get away with anything, what there is to explain?
Sex positive, means a woman can accuse anyman she wants to of sexual harassment or rape.
>sexually ,olested her younger sister
>celebrated by feminists
i have no words to describe this.
i can only hope future generations wake up out of this mass hysteria and feminist fascism.