How do you say i wan't to die in your language?
i'll start :Quiero morirme
How do you say i wan't to die in your language?
I want to die.
Minä haluan kuolla
What a weird thread
refugees welcome
I want to die
Eg vil do.
roça o piru nela que ela gosta
allahu akbar
Shit's fucked, cunt.
Jag vill dö
I | want to | die
Will you marry me, Courtney Love?
eu quero morrer
Move to Sweden!
Voglio morire
Ik wil dood
Ich will schnackseln
necu umrijeti
I voted for Hillary.
Jestem pedałem
Someone screencap this
whoops this means i wont die
this means i want to die
zelim umrijeti
Build the wall
Flüchtlinge willkommen.
I want to win.
You want to toilet?
Vreau sa mor.
Came here looking for this.
weird we share the same language family but in german it is rlly different:
"Ich will sterben"
do you guys have a similair word for "sterben" ( to die) that sounds more like ours?
Do it yourself, lazy spic.
or just walk across the border
Bong beat me to it.
Я хoчy cдoхнyть
Coming from Brazil this makes sense.
Quero morrer.
Where the fuck did you find that apostrophe, Jose? Weren't you paying any attention in your Federally Mandated American Studies class? You don't need one of those in the word "want".
Aš noriu mirti
deal with it gringo
starve and sterben are related. English just had a semantic change
What a
>ID: dLite
full joke
I love you.
Quero morrer.
and kek'd
Let Germany run your country
that makes sense.
maybe we germans died more often cause starvation in history so we made it our primary word for dying.
...that's kinda sad
Jeg stemmer AP hvert år.
bester nachbar
Não quero mais gajos da Amadora no Colombo.
Temos de cortar a despesa do Estado.
O 25 de Abril destruiu a prosperidade económica dos anos 60.
I have information that will lead to Hillary's arrest
Ani rotze lamut
אני רוצה למות
>Jeg stemmer AP hvert år.
Menar du, "Jag stämmer arbetarpartiet vart år"?
^ Will pay for the wall!
i want to die in Croatian: Peпyбликa Cpпcкa Кpaјинa!
Soy mejicano