Honest opinion?
Honest opinion?
Entertaining flick, would watch if it's on.
It's about as historically accurate as Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter though.
I'll need to rewatch it before I can discuss it, OP.
For such a manly movie they sure shoehorned in a lot of feminist crap like Leonidas looking to his wife for permission to kill the messenger, her rape and followup revenge killing.
Never fails to get my TESTOSTERONE BONER going.
Pompous swine
Snyders a gearbox
Fascist, imperialist, racist, neo-nazi propaganda.
Spartans had a lot of respect for their women, since they were responsible for raising their future warriors.
For some reason it and Suckerpunch reminded me of Samurai Jack.
Because Samurai Jack had an episode with Spartans that came out before the comic 300 was based on.
I remember when it was okay to admit liking it. Now everyone is a little bitchy fag
Right. The same way Starship Troopers was.
Yeah those poor oppressed Persians just wanted to spread their love for all mankind to the bigoted white males in Greece
Man you're crazy, you should check yourself.
This, just like Project X makes me want to go out and party all night, 300 makes me want to go out and fight someone. Those movies aren't perfect, but they sure are good at transmitting a certain types of feel.
Whatever you say, roastie.
>white males
>in Greece
Wait a second, greeks didn't have concept of hell
blame dumb americans who would not understand "tonight we dine in hades"
Great movie. I skipped it for 10 years because I dismissed it as just a "fun flick" for low iq retards, but when I finally watched it...wooooow.
Im cynic as fuck and after finished the movie for one moment I believed honor, courage and brotherhood could exist in the world. I wanted to grab an axe and start killing Persians.
The movie is very very simple, but its so effective, god damn it. You could say the Ugly the good and the bad was "simple" too. Nothing bad with a movie being simple if its so well done and evoke such great, big feelings.