You Americans have the NERVE to enter my country without speaking the language or understanding the etiquette and...

You Americans have the NERVE to enter my country without speaking the language or understanding the etiquette and making no attempt to learn and you expect to be treated like a king?? fuck you dumb fat

that's all you got? pathetic.

It's almost autum
When fall arrives, leaves fall
Goodbye Canada, it's 2016.

It's true. Americans should really learn how to speak English.

Dude, I speak Canadian. All I have to do is pronounce the following words in a goofier manner.


And then a ton of goofy slang

Every single canadian I know hates quebec and wishes the language police would just fuck off.

Do they shart in your shops?

We have more dialects of English in our country that are completely comprehensible to any English speaker, than the origin of the fucking language

I'd say we win.


>lower Midwest master race

damn right you moose nigger, and I'm gonna shit all in your Tim Horton's and marts too, then annex your McDonalds

Completely illegible sentence. 0/10 you get points for trying though.

pants are pants muhammad, the shart isn't doing anything to canada
god this meme doesn't make any fucking sense

Goes to show how well the English understand the English.


What's that? You want to know the time? It's a quarter past two in the afternoon.

>being this British

Only time I've talked to American tourist he started asking me what I know about America after I gave him directions
I told him they're narcissistic idiots like you who came here as a tourist just to ask people about America

Silly bollocks, we won the war, the least you could do would be to learn the proper use of English, the American way.


Damn you really showed him, good job

The war? You mean the Vietnam war? nope, you lost that.

>Not understanding the difference between a military and political victory
>Forgetting that US had the ability to nuke Vietnam if it wanted to and ended the war instantly

>Completely illegible sentence.
Maybe this will help you understand better, Muhammad
لدينا المزيد من لهجات اللغة الإنجليزية في بلادنا التي هي مفهومة تماما لأي متكلم اللغة الإنجليزية ، من أصل اللغة سخيف

I guess we don't need to make up excuses like political victory because we always win our wars correctly.

That's you as well cuck, fuckin cunuck

>Always win wars
>Loses its best colony to a bunch of farmers