I worl in an environment full of 50+ people, and it's quite the hassle to make them consider and respect me.
How am i supposed to earn that?
Should i bang their daughters and dump them? Should i hit them?
I worl in an environment full of 50+ people, and it's quite the hassle to make them consider and respect me.
How am i supposed to earn that?
Should i bang their daughters and dump them? Should i hit them?
50+ years old people*
the youngest of the pack gets sodomized by yhe elders to earn respect
This is odd. Old people tend to like me quite easily. My issue is with young people.
>old people (boomers)
>everything handed to them on a platter
>more entitled than millennials - muh respect!!
Respect people who have served their country, respect people who have achieved. Who gives a shit if they don't respect you when most of them have done less than you save for pay into the tax kitty.
If you were a respectable person, they'd already respect you.
be polite, respectful, friendly, shake hands, smile
french people are more stuck up than americans, but just showing a little old-school class, hanging out at a bar during its quiet hours, that sort of stuff. Don't be afraid to start talking, but don't talk about yourself.
Stick to classic style dress, too- collared shirts, nice jeans or causal wear.
Hello OP, just lift weights and be kind to people, learn to be confident.
Don't apoligize to anyone but women, never complain, never say anything bad about anyone or lie.
Don't engage in disrespectful behavior, and be a man.
You,ll get what you want.
I don't really care, I have issues with older men because they always think they cna tell you what to do and they act like what is best when they are really fucking retarded. As if their generation of parasites were not rebellious fucktards themselves an as if they have amassed some form of higher wisdom and aren't a bunch of mongrels trying to assume a position in society over the youth they don't deserve as filthy witless degenerate mongrels anyway.There are older men who know what I'm talking about and are quote understanding, but they are fewer in number because they were either righteous children or at some point they had some righteousness enlightenment, but besides that I don't like fucking meathead cuntfucks who think I should be this or that as if they were my fucking father or something.
Are you a shithead? Because you sound like a shithead. Odds are they'll never like you because you're a shithead. You're 100% millenial.
Funny, the 40+ yr guys I work with have no problem with me either. Just be cool, work hard and buy them a 6 pack every now and then and they'll love you.
What are you, twelve?
This is the exact problem i have, old cunts being patronizing.
Older people are threatened by younger people. Younger people remind them that their time is limited. So they will probably never respect you or like you. You remind them that the world will go on without them and in some ways they do not matter. Best to just do your work and ask yourself the question "Am I being a shithead?", and if the answer is yes, then don't be a shithead.
As a 50+ yo guy let me tell you exactly what you are going to do.
Go to your sister's closet, grab one of those sexy panties of her and put it on yourself, after you shaved that sweet little asshole of course.
Go back to your sister closet and grab one of those feminine, delicate dresses. Put it on.
Stand in the middle of the room filled with men and get on your knees. Close your eyes and scream loudly: "I'm here to serve the noble generation".
Let them do their job boy. Let them do it.
After that, you will be one of them.
>Should i bang their daughters and dump them?
you already have the answer
why are you asking?
I do note this generational shift. Millennials, for some reason, can't stand the idea of people giving them suggestions about their own life/job or people explicitly having preferences for some traits over others.
What's the big deal, really? If you don't agree, ignore what they say. They won't like you that much afterwards, but they won't bitch about it.
And I am a millennial.
>Wanting the respect of boomers
Pretty easy. Give respect, be humble and always listen to what they say, also ask their opinion even if you know they are wrong. Work hard.
>keep your mouth shut, unless its banter
>don't ask stupid questions
>no really, don't. look it up first, exhaust every other possibility, and if you ask, ask in private
>always been on time
>for good measure, follow the 5/5 rule, arrive 5 minutes early, leave 5 minutes late
>don't bitch and have a yes-i-can attitude
t. sailor who has worked with the some of the worst old people the planet has to offer
So basically be a dog and shut up? Fuck, this is the reason why most of you faggots claim niggers steal your girls, you've got no backbone
are you a faggot OP? To get their posts attention, most people add pictures of random girls they find cute.
You are the first one I have ever seen do this. This board becomes more faggoty by the day. As for your question, why the fuck are you asking it on a political forum?
Meant for
You don't need to respected by boomers, they'll never give you any while all the time trying to figure out ways to rip you off for more pension money.
Also get ready for the age war, its coming soon.
Solid advice!
And never forget to lift!
>buy them shit
Fucking cuck
>What's the big deal, really? If you don't agree, ignore what they say.
Ignoring a boomer never works, they start gaslighting to get you to do what they want.
>Don't apoligize to anyone but women
Punk ass bitch
old people usually tend to like me. Or at least the teacher's did back when I was in highschool.
did they ganglove you?
are you still getting loved?
>all these cucks sucking wrinkledick
>needing respect from anyone at all
Top kek
>caring what others think...
didn't mean to quote anyone
OP. I'm one of those old fucks. I work with a lot of 20 -30 yr old people. Most of them do have my respect. The ones that don't are poor workers. So if you want respect from older people in the workplace, try getting to work on time and do your fucking job. It's really that easy.
dont be a spineless faggot while beeing polite and respectful aslong as they are
No, never. I just did my work was usually obedient. I only had trouble on occasion with shit teachers. Fuck'em. And subs, subs usually never liked me.
Seeing as you're from Sup Forums, I'd recommend chatting and complaining with them about modern society and the such, just don't antagonise them. Make them feel like you're the only young person who can see things from their perspective.
I do this with my barber and some of my older workmates, they always enjoy a good circle-jerk while romanticising the past.
You're never going to get respect from old people.
So just learn to respect yourself.
Quote Cool Hand Luke, they love that shit
>I just did my work was usually obedient.
did they hog tie you out of love?
Banter back. If you've been raised around women this will be surprising, but really bring the bantz. Make fun of them being old and unable to work. Ex; "need me to carry that for you old man?" when he's just got a box or something. It's that simple.
To get people to respect you, you have you to make yourself respectable.
>woman crying about "the way you said" something
>not trying to fight for hours, just say sorry
>pussy later
Seems easy
Hi cuck
>Don't apoligize to anyone but women
El autismo.
Just show them Pepe memes and tell them how FBI is posting all over Sup Forums
I like how only the white man is worthy being memed.
This proves our superiority.
54 yo here.
>If you were a respectable person, they'd already respect you.
So, 50 is considered old now?
Dude I so feel it now...
Eyes, hearing, ability to bounce
Lots of changes
>Funny, the 40+ yr guys I work with have no problem with me either. Just be cool, work hard
This. Every old person I've worked with respects hard work.
>those obliques
By "ignore" I am including just nodding and not following any advice and arguing back with them. The fact they don't like you when you have wildly different views of how things should be done is not their fault but human nature. You don't like them either.
This is not true. They only do it in so far as they have hope you will change. People, including you, don't waste time with those they perceive to be lost causes.
Old people think you're stupid cuz you're young how I see it they're just jealous cuz their time is gone and you're is only beginning don't respect any old fag just for the age respect who respects deserve
old people are cool and generally polite
Oldfag here (50). Be yourself. Don't be false with us we'll see straight through it. Be respectful and listen to people who have a lot more life experience than you. Don't be a know-it-all you'll get slapped down. We'll be patient with you and genuinely try to help you if you do these things because we were young once too.
boomers are cunts
they act like they are this tough generation that had to endure so much because of "muh coldwar" meanwhile our generation has gone through a recession, stupid costs of living, war on terror, ridiculous amounts of immigration, and stagnant wages. Yet boomers always want you to "respect" them as this user said: old people won't start to respect you until you are about 30+ years old I've noticed. the only reason they even somewhat respected me at my blue collar job was because I threatened to kick their ass. doesn't quite work in an office setting.
Old people like me because I dress like a normal person, I dont smoke, drink nor take drugs and I legit enjoy when they tell me their stories.
Old people enjoy younger people who wont shift topics to talk about them. Old people hate convo highjackers
what life experience do you have? just because you've had to live an ordinary life in peace time? that makes you worthy of respect? you are just as average as anyone else. I've met old people who haven't endured half the plight I have. experience != age.
The problem is it effects your career progression. When you're surrounded by nearly retired workers, and if they perceive you as inexperienced or incompetent, it can seriously fuck your chances of improving your lot.
Christ that looks stupid. Lay off the TEST-E
Be good at your job and be a respectable person, not a whiny bitch.
>I am a social retard
If a new guy entered the company with a know-it-all attitude, when in fact he doesn't know as much as he thinks, and he does not listen to his colleagues, no self-respecting manager would promote him.
I work around older people and they while they did think of me as inexperienced in the beginning, they never doubted I was smart and valuable, and could become a great worker in the future. I'd say they think pretty well of me now.
Listen to them and their advice and even if you don't follow it completely, make sure to seriously consider doing it first. Also, never sperg out with "this is new, so let's do it", "I learned this in college so it is better" or "experience doesn't mean shit because of evolving technology and muh better education". On this point, it really depends and answers are not black and white.
Also, something important that I forgot. Do not whine and do not make up excuses when you fail, just assume the responsibility and move on with it. This will make them shun you if you sperged out before like in the examples I gave above.
why do you need their respect anyway
>Don't apoligize to anyone but women
>but women
Top fucking kek you sad whiteknighting faggot
>woman crying about "the way you said" something
>just say sorry
Pussy, grow some fucking balls and tell that bitch to shut the fuck up or just ignore her, it's pretty simple
Just know your sports.
Just work hard, and if they still don't respect you then move on. I prefer working with old people because they won't press me about (as much) inane shit like
>muh jew vision
>muh girls
>muh alcohol
I guess the field matters too, older engineers are a lot more based and kind than people in some type of do-nothing-gossip-and-backstab environment.
This pretty much more than 80% of the time at work. I use to give them a pass cause' of the whole respect my seniors crap I was taught, but I'm starting to think they got some kinda entitlement complex for just being alive this long. It ain't senility either given that they can still form coherent biting complaints and insults.
100%; their sense of entitlement is unbearable
If they dont respect you for being you, they will never respect you.
Some guys can talk to older men and form a link of mutual respect. Others are bitches who act half their age and are only fit to serve. Guess which one you are, and then kill yourself.
You're French, aren't you already used to surrendering?
Don't ask for advice if you can't take it unless it fits your specific criteria.
It's the mentality that since Person A is Older, Person B dosent know shit.
A never takes into account how B generation has new tech, new social norms, etc.
Instead, you get the
>Back in my day, 40 years ago, well that's not how it's SUPPOSE to work
They don't give a shit about the youth, who are poise to take control. This will lead B to become A with its own yourh, while also fucking up A via new laws.
Then we wait, become A, and tell B that they are to young to even be considered.
>Say excuse me i need to get through because the stupid bitch was blocking my way
>What what what omg can't you see im a woman blah blah
yea i don't give a fuck what entitled bitches say anymore, i just walk off
Did you try not being a faggot?
Funny thing is that I actually tend to be more popular among "old fucks" in my workplace than among millenials, and I'm just 25.
Just be respectful, learn to listen and make questions that show interest. That's it.