How do I become alt-right?
How do I become alt-right?
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What the fuck is that?
cut your penis off and shout cuck at everything that moves
Take a dick, dye your hair, be a provacunteur and cut off your foreskin. You're welcome
Go to ebaumsworld gold account
Just stay being immature and insecure. Alt-right will find you
what the fuk is that?
Hold down the alt-key and press the right arrow
You have to be either gay or Jewish
the fuck is that
Accidental /thread
ask your rabbi
I'd guess a pig fetus. Not sure what the fuck is going on with its face though.
By not giving a shit about feels and promoting non-corporate capitalism as well as rights such as castle law and gun rights like in Switzerland.
Basically making sure politics stays out of our daily lives as citizens and the beraucracy actually doing their work instead of abusing their positions.
That's the true Hillary Clinton.
Her "body" is just a failing host.
Fetus from Interracial parents.
>promoting non-corporate capitalism as well as rights such as castle law and gun rights like in Switzerland.
>Basically making sure politics stays out of our daily lives as citizens and the beraucracy actually doing their work instead of abusing their position
and how do i do that?
>Non-corporate capitalism
Learn the secret hand gesture and watch as the liberals tremble when realizing who you associate with.
you're here already
I did that thinking it would close the tab or something, then it hit me.
1. Use the internet
2. Don't support Hillary
3. ???
4. Alt-Right
Pig with human features.
This i gues
Make your down to your nearest alt-right registration office and apply. It takes up to two weeks and you will need to bring some form personal identification with you.
Go ask reddit, we're far right here
It looks like a vaginal pig mouth with a cock
1. Buy a fedora.
2. Spend 10 hours a day on Sup Forums, /r/the_donald, and /r/kotakuinaction.
3. Listen to ancap podcasts.
4. Ingest 2 pints (946.353 ccs) of Milo's ejactulate.
5. Congratulations, you're now alt-right!
>Non-corporate capitalism
Basically, corporations are evil, and government is evil, so we should all just go live in the woods, as God intended.
Hot damn that venn diagram is spot on
looks like a deformed pig, much like hillary clinton as a child
A duck bill and a penis on your head are human features?
I-Is that a penis growing out of its forehead?
Only true answer
Those two circles are missing.
So basically you want tribal traditionalism?
Now days I'm starting to be more and more sympathetic to you lot It makes more and more sense the shiter the world gets.