>When you finally realize that it doesn't matter if the world is fucked or society is crumbling because, ultimately, worrying about things outside your control is pointless
This is the true Redpill
>When you finally realize that it doesn't matter if the world is fucked or society is crumbling because, ultimately, worrying about things outside your control is pointless
This is the true Redpill
The Buddhists want to kill the Muslims.
>This is the true Redpill
its not outside my control, mb it is today but tomorow
Buddhism is so comfy. Buddhism is a redpill, but I wouldn't consider it the ultimate, because most redpills are equal.
I was dead for 14 billion years and will live for 50-60 years more than be dead again for eternity. I'm gonna be as kind, respectful and patient as I can as long as I'm alive since we're in this meat grinder together.
But Heil Fucking Hitler.
I don't worry, I prepare.
This and only this.
Buddhist monk is based.
The reason we fight the jew is to restore balance to the universe
Once balance is restored we can all reach enlightenment together
I was on the path to enlightenment but then realized I did not want to leave the others behind to suffer
Plus memes are really funny
>ultimately, worrying about things outside your control is pointless
Embracing this belief will make you accept things are outside of your control more easily because you're taking the path of least resistance due to laziness and low self-esteem. Buddhism is liberal.
Why don't monks study?
In a world gone jew
Nazism is the force that must restore balance
>being a defeatist faggot
Sieg Heil!
I realised this last year, and started changing my thoughts and plans to concentrate on things I could control. As a result I started sleeping better, being more focused at work, being closer with my friends, and generally more confident in difficult situations.
It's not a guarantee, but it works for me. And it's not giving up, or running away. It's not suddenly feeling all nihilistic and helpless either, it's just about prioritising.
I'm still heavily interested in politics and the path of society, but I stopped fretting and getting all pissed off about the latest posturing, liberal cause, or immigration figures. Me getting angry at my keyboard doesn't achieve anything except waste my time and leave me with a vague sense of dread.
Instead, I register the information, draw my own conclusions and move on. My reason is that if I'm successful in my career and my personal life as well as being personally fulfilled, I become a role model, someone to be looked up to by others. And that's how you affect change. Not by getting angry and preaching to other people, but by showing them that your ways and values work.
?? they do??
No people no problem.
Buddhists know whats up
I had this realization 3 years ago. How?
It was always obvious that no civilization lasts forever. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, Byzantine, England - all the greatest at some time, and today it would be "the West", ultimately led by the US.
The question to me was only at point the West is - still ascending, or already descending? Had it reached it's peak? If it had, at what time was it's peak, and if it hadn't, when would it come?
The last puzzle piece I needed came through "Sex and Culture". In a nutshell, each great civilization essentially has to start with women having lower rights than men, in order to incentivize men to produce and fight for their civilization by rewarding them with women for productive behaviour. As the civilization progresses, it slowly but continuously pushed for equalization - this happened to all civilizations.
At some point eventually women become equal to men, i.e. men lose incentive and get conquered. This happened for all civilizations mentioned above. Unwin also noted a lag around 50-60 years (3 generations) before giving women equal rights that society would fully be affected by this shift between the genders, mainly due to societal norms still prevailing some time. From that time on society will decline with full speed. How and exactly when it perishes then depends on how strong external pressure from other civilizations is.
Assuming giving women the equal rights to men started somewhere with the sexual revolution in 1968, we end up somewhere with 2018-2028 when it will fully start to decline.
If the West does not decline: we would be the very first civilization that gave women equal rights to men - and survived. But this seems very far-fetched, especially with the developments since 2015.
It made me very to realize. To realize that, basically since 1970, the fate of the West has been set in stone. And there is nothing you can do. The West will die, and it will be conquered. Likely within your lifetime.
My favorite thing about this is that basically being a man (a genuine man) these days can also be a major free pass
Think about it, women are sluttier than ever, society has no real hope or expectations from men, all you need to do is become somewhat established and you will have more pussy than your forefathers could even dream of
Civilization is collapsing, just enjoy the ride and stop caring
>Civilization is collapsing, just enjoy the ride and stop caring
Or better yet, find a way to proft from it
Soros please go.
sounds like an interesting book, thanks
That's what PUAs are doing
These guys get rich from helping astray men just become men
>he seriously believes this
i bet you like the ayyliens from avatar you faggot
Based. Very well said
Where i live its too fucking cold outside to sit like that monk every day. You need a house, and to vuy a house you need money, and to have money you have to deal with society that is fucked. So OP- yes i do care, and fuck you
We need war.
I wish i could believe your post.
However there is a saying that rings true.
"where there is a will there is a way."
yesss goyim
just give up
its all outside of your control anyway
Free will or control is an illusion, a deception created by the mind. It is the second greatest deception after the deception that you are your mind. When you wake up to the truth, the first thing you realize is that you are not in control.
Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control.
That's a bluepill..
I'm all for giving up and stuff. Problem is with what we lose in the process. What will the West become after collapse?
How much do we stand to lose?
>allowing yourself to be cucked
Fuck that, revolt. The happening will happen before 2017 mark my words
Nah. The bubble has to pop first and it can't happen that fast. Only a hungry man can go out on the streets. So during 2017, that's more of a possibility.
>yes goy, it's all out of your control
>no, don't worry, just go with the flow
>I will take the burden of choosing and fighting for stuff, don't worry
>just relax and let go, goy, let me worry about your life
Just a reminder that you should not be a passive subservient beta cuck faggot because of a cult.
You only live a short life. There is no immortality,or afterlife or anything.
You take what you can and fight as hard as you can.
Don't live your only time on this earth as a mindless, worthless slave of your own """destiny""".
Or watch those who don't become your masters.
Yeah man, why worry and try to fight back, when we can just sit there and do nothing
I think for the last 3000 years, no empire has been around longer than 250 years.
US signed it's independence 240 years ago.
Also what's that one book, is it Why Empires Fall?
Have you ever meet one.
Literally they all are the good guy
And this pacefull beings want to kill mudslimes
Removed kebab!
literally nothing red pill about it
benching 3plate used to be out of my control, I worried about it, and now I control it
American politics and the future of this nation used to be out of Arnold's control, he worried about it, he became governor and worked to help us
We were left behind.
>I think for the last 3000 years, no empire has been around longer than 250 years.
roman empire was disolved 563 years ago try again
Is it bad if my mind automatically draws a mental outline of the happy merchant onto that picture?
Looks like it's more of an average than a law
This IS a happy merchant
>This is the true Redpill
Ottoman Empire was only dissolved in 1923
That's less than a century ago.
And that's why places like Tibet are 3rd world shit holes.
Oh Lord, let it only be a joke
Please tell me you're not looking up to those guys
That's literally the blue pill you shitlord
I love Buddhism. It's too bad I'm a fiery angry American who's like the exact opposite of Buddhism. But I deeply admire it and think it's the only valid spirituality.
Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806 after 850 years of existance
Byzantine Empire was a thing for over 1000 years and it was disbanded less than 700 years ago.
the Chinese Empire lasted for far longer than 250 years as well, albeit under different dynasties.
et cetera
Who's this? She looks a fuckton like my girl
Japan as well, it was an Empire for thousands of years. Still is.
the examples just keep coming, so your statement of
>I think for the last 3000 years, no empire has been around longer than 250 years.
is complete and utter bullshit
>inb4 "no true empire"
I'm not, I think they're frauds
The point is that they're essentially making money of western degeneracy
Men didn't NEED puas to get girls 80 years ago, it's a product of society in decline
PUAs recognized this and made a business out of it
Again, I don't look up to them, but you have admit it's a great business move
> worrying about things outside your control is pointless
This is stoicism not buddhism.
Alright Jesus. Will an upboat make you feel better?
>Out of my control
Bitch please, do you not see the influence we're having on politics right now?
cheers Mohammed
my preferred religious name is Ukko btw, pronoun "The Holy"
Correct. As much as we try to deny - everything is as it should be. Just remember that sentiment when DOTR happens too.
Byzantine empire lasted more than 1000 years, the Sassanid empire lasted more than 400 years, and your empire i.e. New Kingdom of Egypt (if you're coptic) lasted more than 400 years.
Let's not forget the Arabian empire or the Spanish empire, both of which lasted for longer than 250 years.
There's also the Russian Empire which only fell a hundred years ago and lasted for about 400 years.
Mayans also lasted for a while.
This is fun!
it is in our individual control. apathy and indulging in the luxury of submission isn't a redpill.
Yeah nihilism definitely doesn't lead to suicide.
I can't believe you made a thread for this. This board has become trash.
Nihilism is the ultimate red pill,but it seems most people confuse nihilism with apathy to the world. When you realize there is no meaning to our existence; your life will have exactly the meaning you give it.
you seem to have forgotten in vitro fertilization; gays, lesbians and everything in between can still reproduce.
I'm pretty anti-religion but buddhists are bretty based.
However we don't know if something is out of our control.
Include me in the screencap
How? She isn't asian.
Oddly enough The US was not a superpower until the turn of the century just a little over one hundred years ago.
Before that we were a frontier country of wild shit coming to kill us.
no it is the ultimate cuck pill
>most peaceful motherfuckers in the world
>want to kill muslims
God bless the hindu dindu
realising what is realistcaly under your controll and what is not is the true way.
this shit is not about sitting back and rubbing your anus while doing nothing.
fucking western conclusions about peace of mind.
"just give up"
"all pointless"
"no controll anyway"
damn burger get out and take your nihilism with you
>ultimate cuck pill
nothing compares to jesus h. jew
No they turn men in to degenerates and make having as much sex with many people the most important goal in their life. Its nothing manly to pick up random girls just to use them and then throw them away instead of developing a healthy relationship. At least thats what PUA teached me...
Pas grand asian en région de Québec, beauté.
Letting the jews win : the thread
Not every single well articulated post deserves a screencap you dunce
>The Buddhists want to kill the Muslims.
>>This is the true Redpill
They actually have to kill them so they can survive.
Muslims are like African carp. Look it up.
>implying the >H>R>E had anything to do with the Roman empire
read more on buddhism before claiming to know about it
I tend to think like this. We have a need to survive. Food shelter exercise sex. We need these things. But there seems to be a subset that don't have the drive to live. People that commit suicide are the exception to that rule. If basic survival instincts are real why do they break the most sacred line.
Maybe some can break beyond the determined route but the stress on the mind is too much for them to understand. Maybe it's confirmation bias but there seems to be a line between depression/suicide and great leaders and thinkers.
That's not what OP is saying
What is Byzantium?
>outside your control
That's quitter talk for " I'm a gigantic pussy who can't make a difference. My life doesn't matter"
someone hasn't been paying attention to the work of our holiest of lords kek
This pretty much. Let our current civilization decay so we can build something new on the ashes, no use in even trying to delay it.
This entire thread proves the OP's point.
All of you who are disagreeing are only doing so because you are unwilling to accept the reality that you have zero effect on 99.999999% of reality. And you don't even try to make a difference, not really, but you bitch at OP because he has figured out the truth. If you're not "in the club" you are out of it. You do not affect society. You do not affect the economy. You do not affect the political structure. Are any of you truly deluded enough to disagree with any of this? If so, please tell me the effect you have on these systems outside of just being another consumer with no real influence.
Sure, you could be one of the .0000001% of humanity who ever amount to anything meaningful. But that would require getting off your ass and actually trying, and this is Sup Forums, which I think we all know is a complete waste of time and just another distraction/time waster that we use to avoid facing those realities.
Tell me, what is the point of reading about millions of depressing subjects when you have no effect on them? Things that only make you sad and weak, and make you less likely to enjoy life? Why? Has anyone in real life ever cared about any of these topics? Because I think we all know the answer is, "No."
>outside of your control
whatever you need to justify being a cuck
you can do anything because anything is possible and that's what hitler believed!
self improvement is for homos