Trump was right about him.
>Austrian immigrant
>become best bodybuilder in the world
>transition to become an action star and beloved cultural icon
>good looking
>become politician
>conservative with strong morals, but also environmental concerns
>become a puppet to the corporate left and pander to SJWs and anti-white propaganda
such a shame
his father was a nazi TEAR THE STATUE DOWN
>sticking up for what you believe in is now considered pandering
really makes you think
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
>I admire hitler
>not siding with nazis means you're an anti-white SJW
fuck off
There's so much more he became a millionaire in the fucking 70's by investigating before becoming a movie star, he also became a republican governor of fucking liberal state that can't even pronounce his second name etc etc
Tbh I think its just Chad things that he is doing, he sees another Chad like Trump and is just trolling, why agree with Trump and be part of mass when you can troll him from opposite side and be beacon
back to your containment
>has a 5 min speech where he btfo all the alt right cucks
>reminder that your heros are all losers
the absolute state of alt right betas everywhere lmao
>conservative with strong morals, but also environmental concerns
This is all that should matter. You shouldn't care whether he defends literal neo-nazis or not.
I don't get it.
Arnie hasn't had any star power since the late 90s and he completely sold out.
Theres trolling like Trump does which is actual trolling then desperate dabs for attention like what Arnie is currently doing.
Fake news sad.
Literally seeing my childhood adulthood hero sell out and become a dumb shriveled Marxist scum made me die Inside.
How is Trump "trolling" anyone except unintentionally by being retarded?
>strong morals
>cheats on wife with a wetback
only a sith deals in absolutes.
Can I get a quick rundown?
doesnt even count. any marriage with a kennedy is purely a political one. history proves me right.
plus, he spends a lot of time with the bastard.
Did he investigate 311 though?
he's been desperate for attention for awhile now. stallone doesn't sit around trying to be a meme all the time.
isn't that an absolute?
Why does everything have to be so black and white with you fucking Americans?
We literally have black guys getting beat up in the streets for being racist Nazis by white guys who are actually acting like actual Nazis but call themselves antifa.
No wonder your country and the western world is fucked.
Hahahahah I'm like an poor widdle immigrants now ain't I just like u?
T. Literal virtue signaling son of a nazi
Sad isn't it.
I kinda wish Arnie just stayed out of the spotlight after the 2000s but like a old dog that shits itself he can't stop.
yo shutup
How could arnold betray us?
Arnie didn't betray anyone. He never claimed to be a Nazi supporter.
living for too long in COMMIEfornia he became a degenerate libshit degenerate and is now dying.
What a disgrace.
Why did he turn into such a cuck, lads
>he actually thinks that he could resist wetback pussy if he was in arnold's shoes
ITT: People without statues
Apparently they tore down a statue of Robert E. Lee because he was a Confederate, so now all statues are potential targets for history revisionists, so Arnold is jokingly keeping an eye on his by sleeping next to it.
I think, I've been under some rockets in a cave on Mars.
He just showed his true colors except when he was popular we didn't really care.
Now the nostalgia has warn off due to him shitting over it for the past 20 years it's just sad.
Who the fuck cares?
Nobody even gave a shit his folks where Austrian ss I sure as fuck never did.
California cucs we're forgettable faded after 1 week sjws on tap.
I wish we where in the timeline Nazis won.
If Arnold was willing to put a baby in his frumpy maid then just imagine how many illegitimate children he has in the world.
Have you seen that stinking beaner cunt?
Even in her prime she looked like the famale Gremlin from Gremlins 2.
And then the receptionist calls for another customer, and you know you could kill every single person in this lobby before the hotel security could put you down, but you lie there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future SJW career over this. Just bear it. Get comfy and bear it.
Either one is a provocateur or they aren't. Being an instigator is pretty black and white.
>ywn have high test like arnie to understand the irresistible appeal of this mexican goddess
So? Either way its white men turning on themselves society is breaking down and all sides are pointing fingers rather than fucking doing anything to fix it.
Going out into the streets and larping plant of the apes won't fix shit
It boggles my mind that someone very likely made this image completely unironically.
>Still thinks problems can be fixed.
Oh my sweet, sweet summer comrade
Nah, the hotel said he'd always have a room there when he was president and that statue was put up - then when he actually came calling he was told they were full.
Sleeping outside rather than getting a room elsewhere to prove a point.
Being branded an instigator, not so much.
On the contrary I'm enjoying the Carnage.
Would have been such a droll dull decade.
At least social media actually has something to do now rather than just the stupid YouTube tier sqwabble and shitflinging were used too.
>mfw arnold blew the alt right the fuck out
A true American. Immigrants understand the spirit of this country a lot more than you bitter neckbeard faggots.
>I wish we where in the timeline Nazis won.
kill yourself
If you ignore the bit about "white men," as the "white race" is an amalgamation created by mongrels attempting to claim as their heritage the accomplishments of people who'd spit upon them, your assessment can apply to literally every point in history.
Was the speech loaded with self-referencing puns like "I say to Dhanald Tramp and da alt-raight... Hasta la vista, baby!"
>I wish we where in the timeline Nazis won.
You are
>Droll: amusing in an odd way
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
You're alright
It's not very hard to understand
Jews own hollywood
Jews use media to fight for them etc
>Calling everyone to the right of Stalin a Nazi.
America is our containment
don't have pride in anything, be a nihilist.
We're the growing majority.
Have pride in what you personally do. Having pride in things you contributed nothing to is simply an existential bandaid.
>agree with Trump and be part of mass
Do we live in the same timeline?
>We're the growing majority.
I'm not confused by what the image meant, friendo.
Having no sense of heritage is how you lose.
>hop over from politics on Sup Forums to Sup Forums for a breather
>mfw this thread
You're just as much a viking as african-americans are KANGS.