I live in Washington D.C. I have never seen a Trump hat, or shirt, or sign even once. Can anyone else relate?
Cities with NO Trump supporters
Live in Chicago. Never seen nothing.
I can relate. And it's fairly obvious why
1) cities are full of violent non-whites
2) anyone who is a trump supporter is not going to walk or drive around with a trump emblem, because that is just begging to be beaten up or have your car keyed or tires slashed by leftists and dindus
It is quite dangerous being a Trump supporter. You have to watch your fucking back. And hell, even without the threat of physical violence against you, you have to keep it under wraps for fear of negative repercussions at work. At the office when the cat ladies are saying some retarded shit about how bad trump is or how wonderful hillary is, I have to smile and grit my teeth. And then I have to act like I don't pay attention to politics when they ask me my opinion on something.
Were politics this gendered ever before? Like one candidate was so taboo amongst females? I know males have voted more Republican for a while now, but this seems extreme.
I'm in DC and I own a MAGA hat.
DC is entirely too political to ever truly voice a political opinion. Additionally, there is always the eerie feeling of being "watched" the closer you get to the White House or the Capitol. You wouldn't want to be so blatant about it.
I live in a metro area in VA and have ONLY seen trump signs and bumper stickers. Not as Much as past elections tho. my work involves driving all around city and the outskirts all day so I have a good sample size.
litterly NOT ONE hill sign just a few bumper stickers.
Yeah that watched feeling has gotten increasingly creepy. It was so comfy before 9/11 and nobody will ever know :(
Issue is, most of VA lives in NOVA now and there's new transplants like my sister who said "Trump is a buffoon" and just give no consideration to the actual process.
As the white population falls this will worsen.
I in Louisiana and see them so often now I don't even get as excited, I did spend a week in Commiefornia over the summer and saw one on Venice Beach and couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.
Yea im in central. Northern VA is a different beast.
And the scary part is people who aren't even FROM the U.S. are concerned about us.
I wonder if Trump wins if there is any chance to electing by popular vote.
NYC reporting in. I've seen a few people wearing MAGA hats, but each one, without exception, was some kind of deformed retard. I'm talking actual special needs, not just an insult. One was some gross old lady wearing short-shorts, another was some guy who was clearly mentally challenged.
>never seen nothing
>implies seeing something
also nice get
I live here too. Everyone knows it is a liberal hell hole and people generally know how leftist are. Additionally, we are generally young. You and I both know how millennials are. People who feel educated about current events because they get HuffPo updates on their phone and instant tweets from Elizabeth Warren. DC is cancer.
>NH fag
>signs/hats/shirts everywhere
feels good
Where my D.C. brothers at? WHY DO I NEVER SEE ANY Sup Forums people. Its the same fucking nu-male cucks with tan chino shorts, usually pretty short and tight, a navy blue wifebeater, maybe with a pattern, and Black sunglasses. No fucking variety! Well apart from the assorted diversity.
Are we best friends now?
Phoenix here, luckily no trumpcucks here.
I go home after work and play vidya and watch anime in my studio apts that costs me 1800 for 500 square feet. The outside scares me.
never seen a MAGA hat or a Trump sticker where i live either...
Omaha reporting in. Three sightings in the month of August thus far.
It's fear. Wear your hat and shirt, and in a day or two, you'll see others doing it.
Yard signs aren't allowed in my city until after Labor Day. :(
>being at the foot of liberal shitness and niggers
>no Trump support
I bet there's a lot in the closet.
Nice mine is 1900 dollars and I rarely leave it. Sort of funny to think of bunch of 4channers stuck near the White House and rarely leaving.
Fuck off, I live in Chicago and I see Trump supporters out the ass.
Also ever heard of or been to Potter's House? Its degeneracy central.
I'm here I feel if I went in my neighborhood I'd get a black eye after a few streets of promoting Trump
I've only seen black people wearing maga stuff desu desu
ive seen a few bumper stickers, a shirt, a hat (trump 2016, not the infamous MAGA hat though), and a yard sign
funnily enough the first election-related imagery ive seen in my town this year was a Cruz sign. Ive seen a few bernie stickers since then as well as the above trump stuff (and some ron paul stickers from 2012 that never got taken down)
i have seen absolutely nothing in support of clinton here
Takoma Park here
I saw one or two people on the metro with a MAGA hat
just do it man
Uber is a goddamn blessing. Uber Pool + Lyft Line cheap AF so I don't need to rely on that evil old fucker anymore.
I wore my MAGA hat at the USF campus and a few people actually said stuff to me. Nothing serious because I'm pretty built but they ask me why I support him and usually I get some good conversations with them.
I live in Arlington and go to DC often. OP is a faggot, trump shit is everywhere. Blacks sell trump shirts and hats in a similar way to Obama on almost every street corner. Because DC is a city you can't see most people's political ideology. Literally no Hillary or trump signs. The counties near DC has a ton of trump signs. Even nova
I too like to role-play.
I live in DC and I wear my Trump hat. And I've seen others (prob tourists though).
I also saw a 500 lb fat literal neck beard wearing a red parody "make racists afraid again" hat. I actually laughed in his face. Tried to get a good picture but couldn't.
why do stuck up right wing men always have such tiny 6/10 wives.
10/10 women usually are liberal
maybe that is why!
Calling BS. Just traveled to Chicongo from S. IL. All along the way I see Trump billboards and signs in yards, bumper stickers. To, through and outside Chicongo. Illinois goes red this year.
Eh I used to see some Bernie stuff and there were tons of BLM signs on churches and even businesses.
Thank you patriotic citizens, we'll nuke these cities.
Nova still has a ton of conservatives. For a "city" it's extremely conservative.
Tons of the don't tread on me bumper stickers.
I live in cucked Washington state and I've never seen public Hillary support but plenty of Trump/Bernie.
Nova still has a ton of conservatives. For a "city" it's extremely conservative.
Tons of the don't tread on me license plates.
Yeah but my sister moved there recently to escape D.C. public schools and she can't be alone. And she's guaranteed a Hillary voter and her husband went to the DNC.
I see little kids here in D.C. but nobody over the age of 6 which leads me to believe most of them will move out after their kids hit schooling age.
We are worried that what is happening to you will happen to us too. Its clear that racial tension will only increase as whites fall to being a large minority instead of the majority.
You had economic reasons to allow immigration. It made you richer as a group.
When its EVERYONE'S country no one will be the benefactors of the "diversity" The people making the economic decisions wont change their course because their goal is to get rich in a working life time, not the long term sustainability of the US.
I don't really go out. I've given up on finding a wife material gf.
But, I'm looking for some poker buddies. Anyone in the DC area wanna get some Sup Forums poker going on?
>Be Canadian
>Live in SJW infested city
>Slap a MAGA sticker in my back window
>Get called a racist on the daily
>Get threatened with violence by sad beta manlets on the regular
>Mfw I can't just smack some logic into these beta numales without going to prison.
washington dc doesnt matter. they dont get to vote
Did you go to the rally in Northern Virginia a few weeks ago OP? Tons of Trump supporters there. There was even one faggot with a Pepe T-shirt
boston and new york (i split my time)
never seen anything trump related
I only ever go to DC to work, otherwise I stay outside of it. DC always feels so weird, I don't know how people feel comfortable living there.
That is true. Liberals are like locusts, moving on from their shit (DC, Maryland, North) to feast on successful states like Virginia.
I work in DC. The city is populated mostly by niggers, yuppies, and faggoty hipsters, so I don't expect much. Come out to the burbs sometime and you will see more Trump stuff.
The one in sterling? Sadly I missed it.
>Trump signs everywhere
>not a single Hillary sign
The blacks are being push out of DC. Three cheers for gentrification!
I live by Detroit and I see a lot of Trump support outide the city
Its just sort of terrifying to be in the middle of D.C. and powerless to stop it. I hope, sincerely, and I've said this in multiple threads but never really gotten much of a response, that if Hillary wins, the NEET army of Sup Forums should rise and camp out in front of the White House. Its legal to do as long as there is at least 1 person awake at all times.
What about a bf?
I agitate pretty hard for Statehood. Yes, it would hurt the Republicans a little but I think overall its important to gain representation and not just be a city-state.
Its not comfortable. Its awkward. Rich yuppies surrounded be a sea of anonymous brown and black people who they will never talk to or be friends with or date etc. but will defend equality to the nth degree.
I will tell my sister she's a locust when I see her this weekend. Kek.
It wasn't THIS faggoty hipster before Obama got the crown. I wonder if Trump wins if somehow that could reverse the tide.
I heard Trump is having a big rally in D.C. in october. Any anons interested?
Seriously best thing to ever happen to this place. Fuck them so hard.
In SoCal. I wouldn't blame anyone that they wouldn't show it. I'm a minority here anyway, mostly blacks and Mexicans.
Did you see this in the express the other day?
Arlington studios cost about 1300-1400 and you get a balcony.
Only if they get pushed into the nogholes of Maryland. Don't want them in VA.
It's funny how liberals claim to support blacks and diversity but move as far from them as possible.
"hmmm move to PG County? No Arlington sounds better."
Ya that one. I'm pretty sure there were at least 20 other people there who go on Sup Forums, judging by what kind of people showed up.
Well but I don't have a car and commuting is hell. There's a reason its cheaper. A car and gas isn't free. Also less built up and dense. Here I can walk to everything.
FAWK sideways but hillary supporter is numale chick on the left and right is a CIS-gendered heterosexual white male
That was the case in the primaries too and he still got rekt by Kasich.
I'd be down for an October Trump rally.
Women always tend toward socialism because they vote based on their fee-fees. Women also have an innate psychological predisposition toward carrying whatever opinion is most socially acceptable (it's just the way they are, social ostracism is a fate worse than death to a female). So they tend to hold whatever values the media tells them to.
The fact that they also want hillary because "first vagina president :D" is also a reason here
For me it's really bad because my boss is LITERALLY a typical libshit from canada who, get this, is marred to a dindu and has a disgusting mulatto child. Imagine having to deal with that sort of person, smiling and conversing with them while also being sick to your stomach the entire time. And it's impossible to "redpill" this sort of woman, she's literally unsaveable.
With women, I notice more of them dont vote rather than votethis cycle anyway. They either hate hillary and vote stein(millenials mostly) older women from 45-65 tend to listen to how the media and their families tell them to vote so there are conservatives and liberal ones.
As long as they don't touch Fairfax. We have good minorities, we don't need it shit up by DC niggers.
Kasich is Governor of Ohio, though. That makes a lot of difference.
>not wanting a car
If you live near a metro station, you wont have much issue, plus having a car means you can drive around Nova or go out and stuff. I'd never want a car in DC.
I live in dc too, and haven't seen any trump support. I do work in a professional field, and a lot of people are secret trump supporters.
not saying you should mimic me, but personally I still try to lightly work the mentallyhill that I work with. I just say that I can agree Trump is ______, but (insert negative Hillary fact they probably haven't heard) makes me really afraid (or terrified, scared, blah blah blah) to have her in office.
With this method you're not being combative and you're playing on their emotions (literally the only thing in a woman's head besides shoes and dick (money is there too, but only to use for shoes and dick)).
She doesn't even have that many friends and doesn't work. She's mostly around her kids. She said she met Trump and he was a "buffoon" just like she sees him as on TV. She used to work for Democratic politicians but she was never really like that personally involved although she was head of College Dems and apparently got into a tiff with
Ann Coulter when she visited.
Also, abortion. Women will never openly talk about it but a vote for Hillary is a guarantee of abortion rights.
Metro is fresh hell. Uber has really changed the game. Like Uber Pool is maybe twice the price of metro, comes in less than 5 minutes, and goes door 2 door.
>Lives in Chicago
>"Never seen nothing"
Checks out
How do we Make Metro Great Again? (besides firing all the blacks)
It used to be world class, now it's horrific garbage.
Agreed, Ive been uberpooling back and forth recently and I gotta say, way better than dealing with the sleeping niggers behind EVERY ASPECT of the metro here.
Haven't seen anything, but I also go to GWU so that explains that. Trump tower here is beautiful though
Fire the nigs. Replace them with white workers.
Everything fixed.
>their emotions (literally the only thing in a woman's head besides shoes and dick
>South Korean flag
checks out
Yes I am in BRISBANE Queensland and I haven't seen any. I am very concerned
I guess make sure the people who serve on the board/run it actually USE it. But at this point Uber is here and its sort of a lost cause. Once we get self-driving Ubers only the poor will use Metro. I've always found it interesting that transport is such a racial thing here. Like Uber is usually driven by a dark person, rode by a white person, and Metro is mostly White people on it, but take a bus and its mostly minorities.
Do you think we could ever get a white mayor given gentrification? Its my greatest hope.
Trump needs to build a legit skyscraper on the VA side so that it's not limited by building codes. Maybe in Tysons.
Nah its not that complicated. Its more like there aren't many Trump supporters in the city so you don't really see them around much
Trump would be a good start. It all starts at the top.
Tysons is already on it's way to becoming a city, so a Trump skyscraper would be a good start
you would not know that, their a lot of trump supporters when they can talk in peace
I vacationed in DC for a week with the wife and was glad I hadn't rented a car because I would've literally never used it.
Ended up getting one at the end of the week to drive to NYC and drove around up there only 2-3 days out of 7 or 8 there. Stayed in philly for 2-3 days and used it to get pretty much everywhere.
Public transportation in DC was the best around though.
I suppose so but changing pop demographics matter too.
Why would you ever want to openly support Trump anywhere besides a Trump rally with all the violence that's happening to them?
Ideally I'd love to live in a world where I could wear a MAGA hat and have nothing to fear, but because "tolerant" leftists and dindus can't handle people having their own opinions there's a good chance I'd get jumped, have my car keyed, tires slashed, windows broken, and people trying to slander me personally as a racist just for wearing the hat.
You just have to accept that sometimes it's not worth openly supporting your candidate and just settle for voting for them without telling anyone. It's fucking sad that our society is like this, but I'm not gonna risk getting jumped by a group of illegals or dindus since I live in SoCal
Metro is really bad now though.
I live in DC, and I saw a black guy with a Trump sign displayed in his car.
>you would not know that, their a lot of trump supporters when they can talk in peace
You can't type properly. You sound like an inbred
Its still better than a lot of cities.
i saw those posts after I'd posted about my vaca
I had no idea it'd gone that far downhill in just a couple years (there in 2014)
I live in rural NC. Never seen a Trump sign or even bumper sticker. I know people who support him, but they wouldn't advertise it for a bunch of reasons. The only signs I really ever saw were a lot of Bernie stuff a while back. I actually saw someone replaced their Bernie signs with Jill Stein signs the other day, that was funny.
Yeah the decline was steep. It's not even worth taking now. Super expensive, random delays, takes forever. Run by corrupt blacks.
It's a disaster.
If youre a commuter, bosses do understand how bad the metro can be.