>1,213 days until Avatar 2
1,213 days until Avatar 2
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Shit, man. Shit. That shit some fucking time dude, motherfucking ass. Finna done man.
$1000 on that they bring pocahontas (neytiri) to earth
>tfw will still be here then
Good. Plenty of time for the world to end before then.
You're keeping the dream alive Avitanon!
Based countdown poster.
>no Eywa for several lightyears
>anons will die before Avatar 2 is released
based Jim will kill capeshit
in a cage
how can we stop cameron
time seems to go so slowly.
cryo sleep needs to be invented.
>tfw cameronkino is still years away
>implying Cameron can be stopped
This is the average female na'vi build. Imagine being a unloved cripple that hadn't got laid in years because his dick didn't work and suddenly be surrounded by 10/10 practically nude women that treated him better than most humans.
And this is before he tamed the turok and made every na'vi woman wet just by looking in their general direction.
Can you really blame him for deciding to live his life with a hot wife and loved by everyone in his community over slaving for his jewish boss and having no friends or family?
they have small asses
still a race traitor. purge the xenos.
BASED avatarposter
t. faggot
are you implying that's a bad thing?
yes. i like my women thicc
fat fetishists out, obesity is a giant health problem and shouldn't be encouraged.
All women (and men) should be healthy and well-trained. It's something we all should strive towards, Neytiri would surely agree
I said thicc not obese
I can never be too sure these days...
that is shopped
it was on rddit in a shopped/orig comparison thread
I'm sorry
well i'll try to post some real ones to make up for it
hey! Take it to /s/. Only na'vi allowed here
>wh*te ass
no na'vi braid no gettin laid
>work at Disney world
>avatar land insanely popular for first couple weeks
>5h+ wait for headline ride
>two months later
>no one cares
>guests say it was disappointing
no one cares about your space smurfs movie and neither should you
We’ll get ‘curvy’ na’vi females in Avatar 2.
wow, they made it just like the movie, huh?