Take a picture outside of your window.
Let's see where Sup Forums lives.
cont. from
Take a picture outside of your window.
Let's see where Sup Forums lives.
cont. from
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks way too green to be Israel.
Posting again for my greatest ally
London Suburbia here :3
how can you live in london?
reposting here
he must pay jizya tax
Memes and ENRICHMENT aside, London is pretty great.
Personally i'd prefer to live in a nice village in the country but if you can't see why people would want to live in London due to Sup Forums giving you tunnel vision then you need to visit here.
Sure it's basically it's own country now but it doesn't change the fact that it has beautiful buildings and museums and tons of jobs, history, culture and chances for you to better yourself like every other major (first world country) city.
only stay here during winter
Is that Nigeria?
From the year 2035
Backyard of summer place, Finnish archipelago
too lazy to get up, and posted it after last thread died.
rate my neetcave
>ultra modern archeticture
Location is sweet but wouldn't you rather live in a huge house from the 1900-1930's?
dumb gypsy
that pace was recently sold.
Spent six months around Kensington Gardens and London was amazing. Can be a massive hole when you get outside zone 1, though.
Swedish neighbors?
Hi Jubeir al Anwari
Data mine thread, sage and do not reply
>summer place
Is it as common as it seems for people in Finland, Norway etc to have a summer home?
It seems surreal to me. It's not common at all in Bongland.
ITT: Retards falling for CIA bait
>Living in third world shithole
>caring about CIA
I could probably rape and strangle a girl on the streets at night and get away with it.
Does Sup Forums remove exif data yet?
Truly yours is a paradise, inshallah.
As if they don't already have a profile on everyone remotely interested in politics.
If you post here without hiding behind 7 proxies on your neighbors wifi in a country with no extradition treaties you're fucked already.
It's Canada 2bh senpai.
It is quite common to have a summer place that's close to the sea
It's pretty dark atm. Doubt you'd see much
Retards who think the CIA gives a shit where unemployed neets live.
I posted my view already user
I just don't give a shit either way if the CIA knows what my backyard looks like
For all people? Or just the rich?
How much money would a small summer house cost?
>a jew out of all people creating this thread
>steal culture
pick one ... oh no i am all of this
Calm down I just asked a fucking question.
we are engaging in participatory surveillance here, the least you could do is give it some effort so the poor obese sharter at the NSA headquarters don't have to strain himself and ruin yet another pair of trainers.
lots of space for more syrians and turks
Well I'm not in the country the pics are from so I did my part
Ok lads
Budapester reporting in
Rather: close to a lake.
is this you own land ?
I'll repost from the other thread. I live in a very cyberpunk city.
is that mongolian steppe?
our family house
You lucky motherfucker, best in thread.
wtf, why do you those people have all of their garbage sitting outside where animals could dig through it?
Where's this familia?
yeah living in a polluted city is awesome
>thread full of cityfags
I'm in love with this architecture.
Rainy day
maybe his town doesnt have many americans
Yeah coz living under earthquake rubble is so much better :^)
It would be paradise for a roach
does anybody have a source for this image? truly amazing
Japan is a giant urban jungle though.
Nice one. Is that yours or your parents?
just unlucky spot man just unlucky
Right amount of green, but no mandatory solar panels for water heating on rooftops so not Israel.
So I thought mainland China never posted on this board?
I'm not a nip, see the 3rd, maybe 4th post itt
what the fuck is up with all these CIA honeypot threads?
last night there were two threads
>how would you assasinate the president
>post pics of all the guns you own
now its
>post a picture of where you live
do you live with kangorooos?
I think you would be surprised what they care about.
Vacation in Tokyo, pic is Bali
Welcome to my crib, Enjoy your stay.. With my wife!
what do I have to do with this
Washington bro here as well.
Turun saaristossa?
Nätti puutarha
What a shithole!
Well meme'd, Sven
CIA already knows where we live tbqh.
outside of your window SHART
comfy af.
Who's Palestinians land did you steal to build that house?
Pretty much everyone except for the hip urban dwellers who don't need no cottage
t. other
You can with a Sup Forums pass. Sup Forums isn't blocked, just the google captcha.
That's my beach faggot. I'm too lazy to take a pic out of my window and I don't want my GPS info on this bitch since Hillary is going to start gassing anons soon.
oops was a misquote.
just wave to the fbi.
everyone posting in this thread should put their router and hard drive through a fucking microwave
I actually would like to, but i don't want mossad up my ass i dindu nofin
Somewhere near the South Downs, England
So depressing
Also this is my summershed, I use this when i cross the atlantic to go for vacation in the US, Nice and dandy.
i didnt want to say it because i am white and therfore nice and sensitive. ty argie nigger
We all live in some /comfy/ places.