I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like what you’re basically doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen delegates in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the delegates and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and made a face like pic related at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each delegate and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person...
I doubt it
I saw Hillary Clinton at a grocery store yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like what you’re basically doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen superdelegates in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the superdelegates and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence from alt-right Sup Forums hackers and super predators” and then turned around and made a face like pic related at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each delegate and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by shaking her head wildy and screaming about a vast right wing conspiracy.
welcome to Sup Forums
I've been here like all summer since before CNN posted a hyperlink to Sup Forums, don't patronize me, newfag.
>I've been here like all summer
Newfags get out!
Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~ so musky drools all over your cock your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe puts snout on balls and inhales deeply oh god im so hard~ licks balls punish me daddy~ nyea~ squirms more and wiggles butt I love your musky goodness bites lip please punish me licks lips nyea~ suckles on your tip so good licks pre of your cock salty goodness~ eyes role back and goes balls deep mmmm~ moans and suckles
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
OwO What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Felines, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Canine, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in glare warfare and I’m the top scratcher in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the neighborhood and your scent is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my furry paws. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Meow Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Stale pasta
Stopped reading your stupid spam post after "Rawr". Also, reported, enjoy your ban!
I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).
I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).
I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.
Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.
To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.
I'm Dick Harrison, and this is my sex shop . I work here with my daddy and my son, Big Cock . Everything in here has a cummy and a price . One thing I've learned after 6⃣9⃣ years - you never know WHAT is gonna cum through that door.
Hush, you. Drunks tend to stay drunk, and even effective treatment might take years to stick. When they drive, they tend to kill people and destroy property, which is why DUI is a crime. Police need a tool to give extra scrutiny to those drivers, and the drunks themselves need a situation where they know they won't be able to get sneaky, a motivation to walk home or get a cab instead.
The whole truth about Ohio DUI laws is that they're probably more forgiving than they should be. Ohio prefers their drunks to at least remain employed if possible, and isn't really trying to turn one arrest into a downward spiral. Even those who are suspended from driving can apply for driving privileges that will get them to work and get the kids to school. This means many of them are still on the roads even as they have only begun any treatment. Maybe it's because I'm white, but Ohio seems to handle your drunk ass about as kindly as they can stand to, and I've no doubt many people don't think their laws are draconian enough. All of this is coming from somebody who got drunk, wrecked his car, and ended up in the system. Not some church lady or whatever.
The price for the lenient system is party plates, since Ohio is letting these drunks get on the road so they can hold down jobs, feed their kids, and pay their bills. You might not like it, but you're a 30 year old edgelord on Reddit, so this is why nobody listens to you.
Nice b8 senpai
Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~ so musky drools all over your cock your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe puts snout on balls and inhales deeply oh god im so hard~ licks balls punish me daddy~ nyea~ squirms more and wiggles butt I love your musky goodness bites lip please punish me licks lips nyea~ suckles on your tip so good licks pre of your cock salty goodness~ eyes role back and goes balls deep mmmm~ moans and suckles
Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked
Who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous
Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband
Who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical
Who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations
Who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical
Who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.
Who cares Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow
Funny story, actually sounds exactly like something Hillary would do.
Copy pasta
I'm Hillary Clinton, and this is my campaign. I run this with my husband Bill and my son, Big Bernie. Everything in here has an e-mail and a shill. One thing I've learned after 68 years of pandering - you never know who is going to get cucked.
>been here all summer
Seriously, go to please.
You're a newfag if you can't see this is pasta. In fact, you weren't here for the OG pasta. Please just leave.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up keyboard my name is james but u can call me Le jam3s c0nr4d of d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very hackerish!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet other hack3rs like me … im 21 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 code cs:go hacks w/ my boyfriend(shes a trap if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite video game!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! hes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more hackerish ppl like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of wallhacks!!!! 4chanssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!