A new snuff movie from ISIS, Kurdish soldiers are executed by a group of children
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Let them fight each other, less men to fight Assad
Those kids are so bad in combat, the ISIS gopro videos with the videos are hilarious.
People get killed in battle due to their incompetence
>with the videos
with the kids*
>that white kid
The people at ISIS care about diversity
too bad there's only a few videos of ISIS getting BTFO
Contrary to popular belief, Islam is a religion not a race.
>Ragheads have diversity quotas
I'm still waiting for that video where they supposedly throw people in a acid tank
Also the boiling tar video.
Anyone know if the supposed propaganda made at the Bataclan was ever released at all?
I think youre mixed up with th mexican cartel vids faggot.
How do they capture so many kurdish people? You'd think after the first video ISIS made, the kurds would just fight to the death.
You mean publicly released.
There are plenty of classified ones.
I dunno but I do love a good snuff film. Maybe they should stop with the choppy editing, get some 4k cameras and do some 360 executions. As long as its Muslims killing other Muslims I'm happy.
And how would you know that?
>That fucking videogame name overlay
Cartels throw dead people in lye barrels, not the same thing.
ISIS is the ideal model for diversity. There is likely no group or organization in the world with better diversity, it's a real rainbow of people. They speak like 30 different languages from Russian, French, Swedish, English, Mandarin, Arab, Farsi ++++
They have everything from south American converts (they had one video when they dismantled the syrian/iraqi border where one of their commanders who spoke in the video was a convert from Chile) to local arabs. People from every continent and most nations in the world.
ISIS should be used as an example of effectively having diversity and adapting to people from different cultures with different needs. They apparently do that quite well. Show it to the libtards
ISIS rarely comes up with something new these days.
Starts around 5:50
Got a link to one? I've only seen the adults get eachother killed.
If you love ISIS so much, why don't you marry them
I remember the days when they burn people alive and put explosive cords around they necks, that was the shit, now days they are just lazy.
They are going to lose subscribers if they don't step up their game.
i think they ran out of ideas
>child soldiers in Europe soon
How will the libtards react this time?
Will normies still enable them?
>Not wanting a video where they get a direct hit on some poor cunt with a tank shell with a 1000000fps 8k camera
They already did something similar, still don't hold a candle for the slow-mo shotgun headshot video.
I used to hate people who said "huur nuke tha middle east", but now I think its the only logical thing to do.
>Show it to the libtards
They only talk about muh diversity to make themselves look better then go back to their gated mansions in 99% white neighborhoods. They just let the lower classes deal with the shitskins.
Can you get that quality of a camera in Sandniggerstan?
Webbum plz
There were rumors of ISIS doing a video dropping people in acid a couple months ago... Doesn't seem to have surfaced
No wonder libtards are so protective of them
Is it just me or does the kid in the middle look kinda white?
He doesn't have those dark eyebrows middle eastern people have.
Came here to post this.
You can in Russia, so why not there?
I just realized ISIS just trying to become the edgy lords of the universe. But I am not impressed until they pull of some Vlád the impaler shit
>tfw the video narration is using Microsoft Muhammed
That kids mom must be a sex slave? Getting butt fucked in the desert by filthy arabs. Wonder how he will feel when he matures, if he makes it out alive.
>Vlád the impaler shit
All it would do is make people think "didn't the Slavs do this to you guys?".
It's a more unique/specific way of killing than beheading. It'll just remind people more of one of the angriest Slavs who ever lived.
The Sun posted an article that he is a Brit.
Is it? It's a thousand time better than the English voice then.
Just watched and it bothered me so I guess I'm officially a faggot.
I've lost my EdGe in my old age
I just found out. Might be the son of one Sally Jones; a jaded ISIS widow. Cate Blanchett looking bitch.
Bet she's bricking it.
Probably child of Bosniaks.
His father works for nintendo
Well I didn't, but then again, huezil is a gore exporter (see liveleak, bestgore, documenting reality, etc) so that explains my insensibilty towards the death of other human beings.
Who is the author of this memo?
And, who are the Rebel Forces?
yo can someone post the webm of this dude getting shot in the head?
>With the veil of fear lifted from the Syrian people, they seem determine to fight for their freedom. America can and should help them — and by doing so help Israel and help reduce the risk of a wider war.
It's for the greater good goyim
The only thing I can think of when I watch those is ''When will video game physic depict death with this realism''
>reads the sun
Isis isn't so bad, they are just killing undercover ayyyliens
America first? America not even considered.
I don't read Brit tabloids. Someone posted a pic of the headlines in a thread about this last night. He looks northern to me.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
I'm scared that a child soldier could easily beat me one on one.
So we have killed so many of them they are down to the boy scout reserves?
It's like Berlins last days here
is this özil?
What did they mean by this?
my sides are in super mario galaxy
>mfw kids from LA and Chicago
>10 years old
>could rekt these kids easy
they are lib cucked mudslimes ...nothing of value was lost here
I would protect you spergis
b-but what happened to humans , why our lives are resumed to decisions like yours ?
Please this is important say the truth , you really dont care for this persons souls ?
What the fuck did ISIS do these guys? Did they inflate their heads?
nerve gas
wait really? is there video?
shootgun in head blown
Shotgun headshot at point-blank in a expensive slow motion camera so you can see every deformation 1 frame at a time.
>wasat ???
I will trype this really slowly so you can catch up they are inhumane filth ok
Any links for mobile?
don't know if yopu can watch it in mobile, worth a try.
but its also the refklex of human failure right?
I mean you are from england this will backfire you , not that im cursing you or some because is cursed already soo..
but think about the british children that use the bus... they gonna think the same about them,
same feel same emotion.
Is the human machine error needs to reboot?
dude dont have children this is my advice to you...
most brutal thing ive seen in my life
xaxaxa its not even that bad
That's a big Jew nose
Have you ever been to bestgore.com?
listen Paco
You dont know shit from shit ok
All Mudslimes an pakis need to be exterminated
an I have 3 Good white Based kids thanks
trips has got it right
it is dude, on me it trigger the most hate towards human kind because i felt the weakness , vulnerability , fear, freedom privation of the person and it its disgusting those feelings
i rather erase them from my dna
Op Link a shit. Video doesnt work
its just something with the eyes that unnerves me
ISIS are losing, so they are using everything they got as a last measure.
>a human
> ape like creature
> was a ape
who you calling an ape you nigger faggot !
i've never felt bad after watching gore in my life, never
another thing that surprises me is that people show so much emotion when a dog or cat gets hurt, this doesn't make sense to me? i've even seen many people for instance in a vid where someone kicks a cat that they wish the person would die for kicking the cat, why? is this what's called autism?
So you've never seen the russian kids begging for their lives and crying for their mothers before having their necks cut by Chechen Mujahideens ?
Yeah, but what bothers me is that the governments around the world actually think that these videos will "convert" people into isis fighters.
So now, because of us watching these videos, we will probably be on some watchlist.
Well, perhaps you can't relate the pain caused in the video to people or animals IRL. If you had family and relatives, maybe you would feel more unnerved by it. Imagine this stuff be done to your mom, or dad, how does that make you feel?
I´ve seen tons of gore videos. Sometimes just for the lulz. But i can´t stand videos where someone is abusing animals. It´s because they are innocent. I think the reason why this has such an emotional impact on someone is because most people simply don´t care about fellow human beings. They just don´t have problem seeing them suffer or die
Dude i presence a person being behead by a train live when break for cig , and watch another man die in car accident live as well his body was like cutted by thousand knifes
whats your point , its not the gore I disgust but his powerless his weakness that human condition i dispise
>But i can´t stand videos where someone is abusing animals
its because you've had pets