What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Horrendous casing for Llane, the Queen, Anduin, and Garona.

The most human and likable characters were CGI muscle monsters.

The Scourge and fall of Lordaeron is way more interesting. Medieval Zombie apocalypse would be dope.


Is that chick on the front supposed to be a green troll or a proud black woman?

I honestly can't tell.

everything felt too rushed, the dialogue was terrible and the plat was weak

overall there was nothing good about the movie

llane really looks like a faggot

The half orc lady could have looked more orc like, she just looks like a person with green face paint and fake teeth, star trek style.

Impossible for normies to get into unless they brush up on Warcraft lore so they knew what they were saying.

>muh 40 minutes

They thought that starting from the first game would be successful. They should have started from Warcraft 3 eith the stile of Got

The world building was shit. I didn't understand at all the whole portal plot.

Casting. Casting was biggest problem.

It needed to be full CGI.

should have gone with arthas

it's not Frozen Throne

>shit acting
>shit story structure

>muh lich kang
are you 14 and cut yourself?

yes. how did you know?

humans should have been cgi, in warcraft they're almost as big as orcs, like superhuman

>I didn't understand at all the whole portal plot
which is hilarious because that was the entire point of the film. their lore has been rewritten so many times its completely convoluted and makes little sense. for example:
unlike lord of the rings, orcs in warcraft are from another planet. the tribal orcs were seduced by a demon (from yet another demon planet or something) with promises of power and became corrupted by drinking demon kool-aid. they were then used as an army by the demon race to invade azeroth. the magic used to open the portal between the two worlds is so powerful that it nearly destroys the orcs home planet turning it into a demon infested hell hole. which is why they exile themselves and try to make a home on azeroth. basically none of this is explained.


wotlk was the best of WoW. it makes sense to go with that story

Warcraft 3 was the last where the story was still somewhat decent. Warcraft 2 is the best imo. Any WoW lore is trash. The game was only salvageable until TBC.

it was the best part of the story because it's the retelling of the corruption between the father and son. basically the oldest story ever told. any time they try to do something remotely "original" it comes across similar to children playing with dolls and action figures.

Nothing. Movie was good. Public is just too stupid to appreciate a decent blockbuster which is not capeshit.

warcraft is nothing but a weak universe full of boring cliches

i'm 41

The media only has room for one swordfshit show at a time. GoT fulfils this role.

Main flaw was some of the human actors and the rushed pacing due to many scenes being cut.
It was still a very enjoyable movie though. The orc scenes and magic effects were 10/10.

They really needed to slow it down. I know my lore generally, but I can't imagine normies really getting the whole fel magic thing, who the orcs were and what their goals were, who Medivh was and who he answered to and what his purpose was...
A lot of it looked great though.

This. And to add to it, it would have been more successful if it came out about 5 to 8 years ago when WoW was still kinda going strong.

I love the game honestly. I really like the lore and I have read most of the books. I had been playing since WC2 and I played WoW on and off for many years (WotLK was the last xpac I played routinely) but I went into the movie with low expectations. I enjoyed it and I think having low expectations helped. I'd still like to see them make more even if they butcher it.

>The most human and likable characters were CGI muscle monsters.
blizzard been making a big effort to change the orc stereotype and give them empathetic characters. they think this is really groundbreaking stuff and thought that alone would make it a box office hit since most people's vision of orcs comes from lord of the rings. all the effort went into making the cgi orcs seem lifelike, therefore the entire rest of the movie was lacking.

>tfw we got WOW before Everquest

I'd be down for a froglok movie that show's orgres & trolls razing their swamp,or the humans of qeynos battling freeport

>discusing the warcraft movie
>without having arthasess mont

>getting invincible in 2017



I've had it drop twice.
still can't complete the t10 death knight armor set...

>twitch emotes
hope ur child dies in the incubator

>playing games that require you to endlessly grind bosses/mobs just so you can randomly receive a new piece of loot

but do u have drop jikun atleast once

Should've adapted Lord of the Clans.
Could have dealt with the backstory in a brief intro like LotR. More concentrated character story that once finished moves straight into the Third War.


>the orcess wife

muh dick

The world looks fake beyond even the wildest fantasy. When you watch an old 80's action movie it's silly. Everything is over played and over the top but it is internally consistent, I can look at the world and understand how it fits together.

when I looked at Warcraft it felt like a MMO world. Everything was too big just so it had room for a million players. The armour was too big so it looked cartoonish. People were teleporting around and using magical flying mounts to reach huge towers.

What makes a MMO functional is completely different to what makes a believable world. So everything in Warcraft looks like a game and that pulls you out of the movie.

>playing the current version of WoW in 2017

what the fuck are you doing

I didn't care about any of the characters, the pacing felt rushed, the romance between ord girl and human general came absolutely out of nowhere, I still have no idea what the hell Fel is and what that wizard dude in the tower they call "Guardian" actually is the guardian of and it ended without resolving most of its plot.

thanks man

excuse me what am i supposed to be doing


getting closer to drinking yourself to death each weekend because you're late 20's working some job like an "adult" and you know that the happiest you ever were or will be in your life was back then

you forgot your image im playing wow with my gf

nothing it's kino

and the hard-core WoW nerds hated it because it changed "muh lore" from the game

The... feels...

well it's working on teh GoT audience

too much cgi

Jesus fucking Christ orcs are such niggers

No ZUGZUG=no good

Somehow everything looked fake/cheap on the human side.
On the orc side they went with that stupid negro orc retcon, and the story that orcs didn't do nothin...

What I liked (when WC2 came out I was like 5-6) in the orcs was the opposite. For God's sake, even humans were more brutal. One more minus for brown Doomhammer.

Awesome orcs: youtube.com/watch?v=2gs-hjD5lHE&t=00m014s


We were never gonna get Warcraft 1/2 style black fantasy, user. Also, I think we're the same age.

One of my prime motivators in learning to read was so I could read the manuals for WC and WC2 because the art entranced me.


unironically upvoted

Some additon to my post:
- the film could be good even with shitty story decisions if they had memorable acts/actors, but they didn't
- the film was shitty, but the interesting thing is: when I left the movie I was in full Warcraft mood (unlike at the SW e7 before)
- Garona was also fake (green makeup look, etc), but the original art was something liek that. I wonder if is there any way to portray her better, or the her concept is inherently bad?


It went wrong from the moment of conceptualization.
Movies, even exceptionally bad ones, are an art form while video games are not. This is like trying to make a movie about a reality tv show or dungeons and dragons.
There is no substance. The source is nothing more than bright colors and trying to add numbers to make bigger numbers.

Helps that old orcs are roughly human in stature, not ogre sized like the movie, or just generally overexaggerated since Samwise's artstyle became the eminent. How anyone can expect humans to win the second war when orcs are 9ft pillars of muscle is beyond me.


You kids are autistic fucks
>learning to fucking read so you could play a videogame
What the fuck kind of autism is this?

A 5-6 years old that can't read, is this American education? I learned how to read before kindergarten

>being this stupid and autistic
Here, have a (you) as a reward for participating in life.


> dungeons and dragons

That confirms your theory

it hurts.. maybe one day we will get another game like that

That is what I fear. The other problem is, that if they make another warcraft strategy or anything besides wow they will stick to the new "ideals". So I don't really now that I want a WC4 or not.

It will be so good to make a game like an alternate story, but Blizz would sue our ass :(

I know that an original idea would be better, but it's my childhood dream to add my ideas to Warcraft, so it is hard to let it go.

>the moment where something went wrong was probably when your mother didn't love you enough, leading you to hole up in your bedroom, and, eventually, the basement, living in a fantasy world where, eventually, you were concerned that a movie made off a stupid game wasn't something other than the festering pox-and-corn-kernel piece of shit it was always destined to be, fed to people who love to gobble it up, thinking it An Event.

Thank you for these feels user, have a ((You))

>black fantasy
I'm sure that's what you like little bitch

Christ, Metzen really lucked out, this dude's art looks like fucking garbage. No wonder why he stopped bothering and turned to writing.

But he was what, in his early 20s when he jumped on board for this? It's incredible for that once in a lifetime opportunity alone.

Fuck I forgot about that.

She's an orc and very hot one at that.

what am I looking at here?

Who knows, the Wetlands and Loch Modan were fucked up with Cataclysm.

Gul'Dan was a big guy



The hack known as Metzen

The path from Ironforge to Darnassus pre-wotlk

There was no connection between Darnassus and Ironforge/Stormwind, so low level night elves had to take a long and somwhat dangerous trek through the Wetlands to meet up with the rest of the Alliance.

and why is it so nostalgic? some kind of ebin adventure being taken away by the newer expansions?

That's how warcraft females are.

I'd imagine because it's a shared memory by ALOT of people, something quite specific that puts them in the frame of mind they were back then.

Humans were cosplayers and acted worse.
also they looked bad close to the orcs.

Yeah essentially. It was a pilgrimage of sorts that most Alliance players would've done at some point

>video game movie

What could possibly go wrong?

Elven zones were really shitty, and had nowhere near enough quests to get beyond mid-10's without having to grind. Therefore, most elves had to make that long pilgrimage.

Never played a NE, but wasn't there some in between zone, where you could land off and simply start questing without all the hassle?

yes but Westfall was THE place to be tho

Also, horde players had to walk a similar path from Arathi Highlands (a zone just above Wetlands) to Badlands (a zone just below Loch Modan) in order to proceed with level 40 questing and, eventually, endgame content. It just so happens that most people had to quest in STV before reaching appropriate level for Badlands, and STV was always known for non-stop world pvp, ganking and level 60's camping quest hubs. And horde players who endured all that were required to make a run through two low level alliance zones where enemy players could pose no resistance to them. Tell me how this isn't brilliant game design.

who cares about starting zones when the real fun started in strangle?


Past lvl 20 you enter Ashenvale aka Vietnam-lite, beyond that any low level Alliance dungeons or weapons trainers you may want to talk to pretty much forces the pilgrimage.