He really took a stand by sitting during the anthem!
>"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game against Green Bay. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
Colin Kapernick BTFO's racists!
>it is selfish of me to look the other way
>attracts attention only to himself
What did he mean by this?
I wonder how his sponsors feel about that attitude?
Russia must be thrilled at all this subversion.
>Kaepernick benched for Blaine fucking Gabbert of all people
Also wtf. You were abandoned by your black/middle eastern parents and raised by a loving white family that nurtured your potential. Show some fucking respect.
He's a asshole for doing that. Anyone who doesn't stand up and pledge allegiance to our flag is a total buffoon. Also, blacks aren't oppressed because of skin. It's because you all act like idiots
I don't follow sports at all. Where can I find a list of his sponsors so I can voice my disapproval of his behavior?
Dude, he doesn't have sponsors anymore, he's already on the down turn of his career.
Jaguar and muscle pharm are the ones i could find
I respect his right to constitutional right to protest. He has an opinion (a deeply incorrect and STUPID opinion) but an opinion all the same. I disagree with his take on it, but this will not end well for him.
Just remember, the greatest oppressor of Black people, is other black people.
Funny because the flag is on the back of his helmet but I don't see him quitting the NFL and getting a job because of it.
"stop oppressing me" while i slave away getting brain injuries making old white guys super rich
Cuck ass tranny fucking faggot, goes to cucking for straight up nigger dicks now.
And besides, it's easy to be a Political Activist when you suck donkey dick. I guarantee if he had the starting job he wouldn't be pulling this shit.
>"This country oppresses colored people!"
>Is a multi-million quarterback football player on a diverse national team
Yeah, sure sucks to be oppressed.
>people of color
You heard him folks. "Coloured people" is back on the menu!
That shit won't fly in NFL lockerrooms, Kaepernick is a crack baby, flash in the pan that's about to lose his job to Blaine Gabbert.
>be me, Colin Kaepernick
>I was important once, but now I'm just a shit quarterback for a shit team that isn't even actually in San Francisco anymore
>after playing so monumentally bad for a few seasons, realize that nobody will ever like me again
>"I know, I should start pandering to something popular so people like me as a person"
>start stroking the BLM dick to get brownie points with all the libtards
>"people will totally think I'm cool again"
This is "black" in the USA
what sponsors? kapershit a shit
perfect meme for a meme QB
mike freemanVerified account
Texts coming in from coaches, players, front office execs from around league on Kap. So far every player backs him. No coach/exec does.
>So far every player backs him.
Forgot pick
wtf? I hate racists now.
I wonder how oppressed he would feel living in a grass hut being eaten by flies in africa.
>pulling this shit when Chip "pull the trigger on every nigger" Kelly is your head coach
Fucking kek, going to lose his job to fucking Blaine Gabbert.
Surprisingly enough Richard Sherman openly spoke out against the black lives matter people. Telling them that he became rich and successful out of a poor neighborhood and that their not doing so was their own fault.
almost every player is a nigger so thats not surprising
if you watch football you're just a nigger lover
he's a complex man. Sometimes acts like a shit-flinging chimp, other times shows great maturity and thoughtfulness.
wtf I hate the 49ers now
>be me
Who else would you be?
>make more money in a year by playing a children's sport than most people make in their entire lives working real jobs
>claim to be oppressed
by that logic everyone who watches dog fighting is a dog lover? doesnt sound quite right...
kaepernick got his ass blasted by Baltimore and was never the same. is he even good to play against Green Bay anymore?
he's getting outplayed by fucking gabbert
The social justice league (NFL) probably put him up to it
Russell Wilson might be rubbing off on him
This nigger isn't even black.
Hey Kapernick, you like the taste of Russell's dick? Hope you do since it's in your mouth every season.
If they hate America and feel so oppressed why they don't fucking leave? Just fucking go to Canada or something, this fucking niggers and nigger enablers are getting to my nerves
Yet he had no problem letting American universities give him niggerball scholarships and give him a career playing a child's game. America: love it, leave it, or shut your goddamn mouth.
how much does this poor oppressed nigger Jew get paid
don't you remember the 80s and the let's go back to africa movement? I think a few of them actually went to africa and probably came back as soon as they saw what a shithole 'their' continent is. It's easier to get gibs instead
Pfft (((they))) probably told him to do it
This man signed like a 100 million dollar deal... He's mad because he sucks now and can't do Beats commercials
From a quick google search he's going to make over 12 million this year. Must be nice
because democracy is all about having your voice heard and working to make the country better, not abandoning it
Maybe I'd they take enough welfare, the country would get fixed.
Democracy was a mistake, its dogshit sold as gold
God I miss the Joe Montana and Steve Young days of the 49ers. I even miss the Alex Smith days. It was so exciting watching the Niners emerge from being a shit team to top tier under Jim Harbaugh. Harbaugh got all those fags whopped into shape. Then this fuckwit got the starting job cuz Alex smith got a concussion because the faggot owner wanted a flashy nig to sell jerseys. I hate the NFL now. They are a thug nigger sports league now just like the NBA. I only watch World Cup Skiing now. 100% white World Cup Skiing.
Wtf I always thought this fucker was a spic or something
He is not very bright.
Yeah, his ass is gonna get traded or benched until he's forced out of the NFL.
Some kind of Pacific Islands mutt. Lots of them now want to be associated with niggers it seems.
Kaepernick fucking sucks anyway, if he isn't cut, whoever's running that total shitshow of a team in SF should be fired
Cut your losses
>make the country better
>give women and niggers the vote
Pick one.
Who cares? He fucking sucks cock and will be sitting down soon from 9-5 working for an insurance company.
Sherman is pretty based. Plays balls to the wall, talks shit and now this ? Nice
>Be a crack baby born to a 19 year old mudshark from ghetto Milwaukee
>Black daddy leaves you before you're out of the womb
>Be adopted by loving white couple and given a wonderful life that allowed you to become a multi-millionaire
>Could have ended up shot dead by age 10 in Milwaukee without white family
>Opt to piss all over the white culture that gave you everything in favor of the culture that abandoned you before you were alive
you guys better love the flag or BLM gonna rule the USA after the Jew and SJW bring down multiculturalism
Sack-or-pick bench riding bitch ass nigga!
is that the best you can do...KYS
Literally fly the fuck to Africa then
>the white culture that gave you everything
He should be in prison for at least a week.
This is treason. Plain and simple.
>white family who saved him from poverty/death
>white university that was a show case for NFL
>white fans who pay his salary
Nice b8
colin just btfo himself
>people should be put into prison for refusing to stand during the anthem
yeah nah kill yourself faggot
you want an authoritarian shithole go fuck off and live in china
Brown people have the edgy logic of a 15 year old white boy.
Its like these people never actually mature mentally or grow/move on.
Wow, a shitty QB from a shitty team makes a shitty statement about some shit that's not even happening.
He's gotta do something for attention after getting benched for Blaine Gabbert.
>Have long time friend who is pretty much one of the only friends I still see regularly as I have willingly riddled most of my friends down to acquaintances because I'm slowly becoming a hermit.
>He's 1/8 black but looks like he could have come off a slave ship because somehow the nigger genes managed to out beat both Native American and Indian skintones.
>Since probably 3 months or so that BLM started he has been getting more and more niggerish and more and more muh identity and muh racism and muh nation that puts down he black man.
>Literally said the other day that there was nothing wrong with desecrating the flag because" if the country is doing something wrong why shouldn't you?"
>Took everything in me not to just leave right there and tell him to never talk to me again
>Reminded him that you support your country regardless since it's your home unless they're literally genociding it's own people and he just doubled down on what he said
This whole thing is like a cancer I swear, it's turned someone I counted as one of the most thought provoking and interesting people I've ever met into a walking caricature who ignores reality in response to adhoms and basic tribal affinity in less than six months.
And the fucked up part is that people think this is all real
>There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
You mean like Ray Louis?
Footballfags will get this
Fucking niggers
Football has been racist against whites for a long time now. Fuck Kapernick, and fuck the NFL. If the country's so oppressive to blacks, how the hell are they making millions of dollars for playing a game?
Hey, it took a lot of money and effort to get those witnesses to recant.
Call him a caricature. See how he responds. What matters is not black lives, but black crimes.
Yes, because it's true.
He just blew whatever residual chance he had in the NFL. Politics aside, he's obviously not focused on football. When you compete against 1500 odd professionals who are totally focused on competition and your head's not in the game, you have zero chance of success. Look how shitty he ended up being even when his head was in the game.
Uppity white man.
is spain white
>be a half-nigger with a white mom
>spend your youth thinking you're going to play pro baseball
>switch gears and try to be a football player at the last minute
>send highlight reels to a bunch of football faggots
>only school that bites is Nevada
>start on their team while working toward a McDegree in business management
>don't get drafted
>sign on with some pre-draft outfit in Georgia
>get picked up by San Francisco a year later as a second-round draft pick
>sign a contract worth up to $126 million with $13 million guaranteed
>make more money than 90% of everyone in the country despite doing jack shit academically or
>complain that you're oppressed and that the system is rigged
>refuse to honor the country that enabled you to get filthy rich
This mutt needs to shut the fuck up and keep throwing balls if he know what's good for him.
holy fucking shit, this.
Underrated post
muh threat...hahahahahaha
Kap time traveled 50 years in the past. Took a stand against a country who's leader is the oppressed color AND in a sport that has made thousands of black multi-millionaires.
truth is smart people with a opinion won't touch this story.
only stupid mother fuckers, dindus or not, will comment. only stupid mother fuckers would support what kap did.
therefore only stupid motherfuckers back him up. sounds like players all back him truth is only stupid mother fuckers say anything about this situation and only stupid mother fuckers support what kap did
Every post of yours in this thread makes you look like a dumb queer.
Stop acting gay.
If he gets cut the bills will probably take him. Rex Ryan loves controversies and outspoken fuckers whether they're good or not
this country was never meant to be a democracy, the founding fathers were smarter than that, and more educated than anyone born in the last 100 years.