Witch-King of Angmar

>appears out of nowhere in angmar
>decimates angmar into submission
>founds a kingdom in secret
>immediately wages war on the three kingdoms of arnor
>overthrew all three and summoned ghosts to inhabit the land so no one could occupy it ever again
>meddling elves ruin his plans for total domination
>goes behind the allied lines and with the ringwraiths alone over throws the city of minas ithil
>turns out everything before was just a front so he could fortify mordor for sauron
>accomplishes his goal and sits in his new throne of minas morgul
>taunts the king of gondor until he comes to have a 1v1
>cucks the king of gondor

Would you watch a trilogy based on the single greatest character from lotr?

>Gets defeated by a woman in single combat


Hmmm...what was the Witch-Kings taxation policy?

not canon so fucking delet!

This guy looked p scary to me when i was younger

The books arent canon?

Thats not what happens in the book though... As he was towering over her, preparing to deliver the final blow, Merry snuck up behind him and plunged his sword into the back of the Witch-king's knee. The sword, made in Westernesse centuries ago, broke the magic of Sauron that kept the Witch-king anchored to this world. While the Witch-King was distracted, Éowyn drove her sword where the head of the wraith would have been, slaying him.

>"Doubtless the Orcs despoiled them, but feared to keep the knives, knowing them for what they are: work of Westernesse, wound about with spells for the bane of Mordor." - Aragorn

that's what happens in the extended cut, without the exposition

however the blade Merry drove into him only temporarily weakened him and without someone to deal the killing blow he'd have recovered

Eowyn served the important roles of distracting him (actually standing up to the Witch-King is a damn impressive feat in itself) and dealing the killing blow and the fact she got the same curse over her as Merry did is sufficient proof this was a team effort.

>only woman that did something relevant in the whole trilogy
>user still gets an autism meltdown

Without exposition its just a random dagger and it was eowyn being a woman that undid the witch kings spell - which is false

No the witch kibg would not have recovered, it was merrys blade that lifted the curse

>"No other blade, not though mightier hands had wielded it, would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter, cleaving the undead flesh, breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will."

I dont have a problem with it, you're being disingenuous if you simply state witch king can ve killed if you have a vagina

The Witch King is a fictional character, he's not real

Yes idris elba to play him

The curse was NOT lifted, not entirely. Otherwise Eowyn would not have suffered the same fate as Merry.

Yes the blade of Westernesse was powerful but it was not even near ring of power tier. The would was greavous but it was it did was cause the spiritual equivalent of crippling pain: not deadly in its own but enough to weaken him and open him up to other blows.

But had Eowyn not been there he would have shrugged it off after a while, limped back to Minas Morgul and recovered.

Why are you even here?

I feel like far too often Villains are portrayed as always having power or being given power. Would love to see a movie about the trials and tribulations of any villains rise to power, since I'm a tolkein fanboy this would really be cool to see. Could be cool to see what someone besides hackson does with middle earth even though chances are itd be shit.

I just had a really dark thought, what if 15 years from now Disney is pumping out a new lotr anthology film every year. I'd be inconsolable


Its heavily implied that the seal/curse that binds the witch king was broken when he was stabbed by merry making him vulnerable to receive a mortal blow from eowyn (from anyone in fact). Of course he could have limped back to mordor and he would have been fine after but the point im making is that without merry the witch king would have steam rolled through everyone in pelenor

After Christopher dies someone will get the rights and that someone will sell out and we'll get a Tolkien Cinematic Universe (TCU for short)
He's written enough things that, with a bit of OC (like they wouldn't) it could support a film a year for 2 decades

which I'm not denying, I'm just saying that without Eowyn he would have also done that.
The number of people on that battlefield who could have stood up to the Witch-King the way she did could be counted on one hand. Merry not among them by the way.

what happens int he movies too, just without the dumb exposition

thats the story of the witch king user, literally told by sauron to go and make mordor strong by destroying gondors watch over it. Literally goes and recruits farmers and vagabonds and shit and topples 3 kingdoms

The Hobbit has 'some' of Del Toros concepts, namely the trolls and goblins in the first movie, but yeah it could be nice to see a different direction though its hard to complain with the WETA material, it is so good it's hard to imagine some of the races looking different to the movies.

"But no living man am I! You are looking upon a woman. Eowyn am I, Eomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him."

Tolkien is a hack. The same shit happens in the movie albeit without the Shakespearean dialogue.

How though? Imagine merry was never there, what on earth could eowyn have done to him to hurt him? There were only two people in that battle that could have physically harmed him (aragorn and gandalf) because both had the means to hurt him. Everyone else woupd have died

which is what I'm saying, I'm agreeing with you on that part, only a powerful ancient weapon wielded by someone capable of evading his sight or directly standing up to him in single combat (aka aragorn or gandalf) could have hurt him.

But what I'm saying is that as much as Eowyn needed Merry, Merry needed Eowyn. He could only evade his sight because the Witch-King was being openly challenged.
And the ability to openly challenge him was about as rare as the ability to wound him.

I don't recall him being able to grow back limbs, it barely matters whether he's alive or dead if he can't move. I do doubt though that many could've chopped him up.

Glorfindel's prophecy is that no man WOULD kill him. It wasn't some kind of magic power that no man COULD kill him.

Given he had a ring of power and Sauron taking a personal interest in his wellbeing, him not being able to grow back a limb would be the more surprising outcome.

Fair enough, i got confused.

He doesn't have limbs to begin with, he's an incorporeal being that doesnt even exist on the same plain as humans.

Prove it faggot.

No he isn't. He has a body. Hackson is not cannon.

Well, it required the combination of a manlet so bad he doesn't even qualify as human, and a woman to trick the prophecy.

Christopher is so rabid about protecting Tolkien's IPs that it wouldn't surprise me if he took them to his grave. I'm betting legal jews would find a workaround to gain them, though.

While he's alive he can stand up against the Big Mouse
But sadly they know they can wait. LOTR isn't going to suddenly lose its appeal and Christopher is 90. They can wait a decade if necessary.

We're talking about the same corporation that singlehandedly controls the public domain legislation.

God damn I really don't want to see his work tarnished more than the Hobbit trilogy already did. I wish Chris could devise the most bulletproof will regarding the Tolkien estate to protect it for all time, but I know that's wishful thinking.

no, he doesnt

How do we, Sup Forums, save Cristopher?

If the collective chans can literally meme Donald Trump into the White House, we should be able to protect Tolkien with weaponized autism, especially as autistic as the LotR fanbase is.

It's but one man standing against the might of the Mouse
he can remain valiant until the end, he can wound, but sadly he cannot kill.

There will eventually be remakes, there will be a cinematic universe, there will come a dark time when a work based on Tolkien has a quipping hero.

Is he /ourguy/?

Surrender is the best policy against the mouse

don't think he knows the meaning of the world
heck I'm betting on whoever directs the first simarillion movie having to do daily battle with his vengeful spirit

I don't care. The old movies will keep existing.

well, unless a certain someone gets a vested interest in making them has hard as possible to acquire so people watch the new stuff instead

>I don't care.
No one asked you. This is a thread for the people that care.

Who are you talking about? Tarantino?

not your safespace, faggot

whoever makes the eventual LOTR remake
with more diversity and a wide variety of updates to bring the series into [CURRENT YEAR]

user, your depressing me

More like the Bitch King of Fagmar*


Without memes, whats so bad about diversity

He turns 93 in November.

To put nerds like you in your place

Doesn't he have children who can continue after him?

He does but they aren't as autistically protective of the lotr ip as chris. I think chris disowned one of his kids because he liked the lotr movies.

All signs point to a sell off to the highest bidder once chris kicks the bucket

>It required so much effort and concentration for the Witch-King to defeat Eowyn that another soldier was able to sneak up and shank his ass

lmao what a bitch. If that's the caliber of Sauron's dragons then no wonder he lost

You wouldn't worry about a mosquito hovering around your vicinity if you even saw it to begin with

Sup Forums didn't meme Trump into office though, dumb rednecks in the rust belt who thought Trump would get them jobs paying $20/hour to turn screws on an assembly line did



The argument that the WK was just an idiot doesn't help your case user

Adunaphel is /ourgal/

read literally came from nothing and overthrew three numenorian kingdoms merely as a ruse to get behind enemy lines

how long until we get our first genderbend lotr reboot with Leslie Jones as Gandalf?


Laugh all you want but you just know something equally retarded will make it into the sequal

First post is best post.

Noone likes diversity without (((education)))

retard, he thought he couldn't be killed

Did you just give the witch king a gender?

if an actor who happened to be black/brown/yellow was perfect for a role you wouldn't be ok with it simply because of his skin? That would be counter intuitive to making a good product

He can do shit. Warner Bros cucked him with those Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor games about Celembrimbor being an edgy elf of light and shit and he surrendered before trial.

sadly yes

umm... are you a racist person?

>Warner Bros cucked him with those Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor games
those are fanfiction.
and videogames.
who cares.

That's what happened in the movie too.

There was no context

Its a woman and a child-man. So, yeah.

Could the witch king have been defeated by getting kicked in the head by a horse?

Or did it have to be Eowyn?

Why not just fight naked so you're always invisible

Yeah? Well i fucking love that shit. Spit on me and choke me while you do it, big guy!

Ringwraith are afraid of fire. Just throw a couple of Molotov cocktails and watch him dance like a motherfucker

You cant be scared of something you cant see

Depends on the role, if it's an original character sure that's great. If it's an already established character getting raceswitched I see it as pandering and insulting to not only the character but also the race they've been changed to. If it's a character who's race/heritage is an important or significant part of the story (See: The Gunslinger) then I think they are fishing for SJW brownie points and being fucking retarded at the same time.

But don't they have a certain aura of evil about them that causes even disciplined soldiers to want to break rank and flee? Pretty sure I remember reading that in the books. Seems like being invisible while still instilling fear is an acute tactical advantage.

What are you going to do with a sword in a battle, anyways? Kill like 100 more dudes at best?

also, not the user you were replying to.

>yfw Viggo Mortensen is actually a very skilled swordsman.
Been practicing swordsmanship my whole life. Would love to have a friendly duel with Viggo.

You show that dweeb who's boss brother

They have fear aura but you need something to run away from other people would ve running around like headless chickens

Running around like headless chickens while your own soldiers mop up the mess sounds like a pretty solid advantage my man

ha what a gay

Its only recently that people have taken issues with gender/race swapping, in the 80's and 90's no one batted an eyelid. Its all down to this sjw hysteria that has infected both sides of the spectrum and has diminished movie making and story telling as a whole

Has Tolkien ever written beastiary or something cataloging and describing the various creatures, spirits, etc in Arda? I've always loved that particular brand of fluff in my lore.

Well it doesnt look cool alright so shut up about it

No though he does go into detail regarding each race in the appendices/ letters. for example wargs are a sentient and intelligent race that can converse with orcs

user, it takes you out of the story. You want to be immersed, not wondering why Aragorn is black and Pippin is a chinese woman. also not the user you were talking to

>The same shit happens in the movie albeit without the Shakespearean dialogue
>I am no man!
You fags would meme YAAAS QUEEN SLAY if this film were released these days.

I thought it was dumb back then too, that is if I had prior knowledge that the original character was a different race. As much as people try to deny it race (heritage/culture moreso, but those are products of race which is then a product of genetics and region-of-origin) has a huge impact on who you are as a person. It is a good indicator of how you will act/react based on the cultural memes of whatever race you're born into. It is by no means the 'be all end all' of your character or 'human-ness' like the nazi's or commies will have you believe, not all jews are hooknosed kikes looking to steal your shekels and subjugate your people, and not all blacks are hood trash ghetto thugs who'll shoot you over $5 and rape your girlfriend, and not all white people are school shooters and secret racists just looking for ways to keep the black man down. But stereotypes have been accurate enough to live on to this day. I will admit there are characters out there who will change little if their race is changed, and I don't think the whole 'race-swapping' thing is as big of a deal as people make it out to be. But it is annoying enough to me to post about it. Especially considering when I hear 'Race 'X' isn't getting enough representation in media' coming from the media. Makes me wonder why they don't just make new characters that belong to 'X' instead of race-swapping already established characters, some who have been around for decades. Some even centuries *cough* Lancelot *cough*. Why can't we have new and exciting characters and stories based on these 'underrepresented minorities'? Like I said in my original post, it feels pandering and insulting. I'd like to tack on creatively bankrupt as well.