cringe thread?
cringe thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
alt right btfo...
Jesus fuck that was horrible just getting 2 minutes into.
Sup Forums in 1 pic
we've been found out
They slipped up with 'nostalgic', since it implies that blacks really do complain about everything.
Nearly all of those make no sense in any fashion whatsoever.
they'd probably just call him an uncle tom
Wow, achmeds first attempt at trying to be funny.
Unsurprisingly it fails just as much as his religion.
absolutely fallacious
you could make one about cunton supporters and it would be twice as derisive
tina really let himself go
don't get triggered friend
>not liking goatfuckers
Nah, this smilely nigga is woke af.
He over estimates the extent to which elites controll anything
Wait a minute, did they just rip off "one of those threads"? Fucking joke thieves.
>characters who are literally you
Same. The memes must flow.
>taking back money that was forcibly taken from you is wrong
this didn't even make sense when applied to Ayn Rand, why does it disprove a random old man?
Went full retard on emf bullshit.
You guys really ruined 'BTFO' and now it's just a huge red flag that a thread is pointless and stupid and probably posted by a liberal with no real point to make other than presenting someone else's opinion and claiming that it somehow ruins pol
It is really really pathetic
there's a bunch of them up right now