Everyone here will die eventually

>everyone here will die eventually

put that in the perspective of 150000 years of human existence

Put that in the perspective of 200 billion stars and potentially 11 billion similar earth's (in their circumstellar habitable zones) in our Milky way alone

We are not even worth a spec in the desert

The creation of strong AI is the only hope of long-term human existence in the galaxy. We must create our own deities to free ourselves from oblivion.

ok now what

I still hate Gyps and Muzzies though.

Rlly makes u think

tfw I'll never have a qt3.14 ayy lmao gf.

>Libtards don't want to start a family
>Depressed robots can't start a family
>Niggers will get abortion if it becomes legal and is cheap
>All Sup Forums posters want to start a family and don't watch anime so they don't have autism like robots so they can actually pick up girls

The future is bright.

You are now aware the value of your existence is determined only by other humans.

>I believe in time

thought people in here were "redpilled"

>implying everyone on Sup Forums isn't just a loser like /r9k/
>implying the people on Sup Forums are any better and don't just pretend to like christian values to be contrarian

>we must create our own deities to free ourselves from oblivion.
>mfw this is the reason humans exist

fortunately the tendency to be nihilistic has been mostly bred out of the human race.

>our sun will supernovae in 5 billion years and destroy everything on earth
>yfw ancap fags will try to destroy our sun for violating NAP

>We are not even worth a spec in the desert
You, maybe.

No shit m8, so why not make the most of it?

We're on the verge of biological and technological breakthroughs for immortality, hence the looming 90% population culling that's coming.


That's the value other people use, so it makes sense that they determine my value to them.

I don't need to value myself. I'm myself, my entire world, I can never be someone else than me.

Holy fucking kek, ancaps BTFO

>everybody on Sup Forums is a robot.
>We just like thingz cuz contrarian and shit

Yeah sure, what is next? that Sup Forums is just sarcasm? fuck off.

Heil Hitler!


But OP, you ARE a spec in the desert.

That's YOUR spec in the desert. Nobody can fucking take it. Are you just going to sit back and let some existential bullshit that you already knew from the start but only just now accepted take it away from you? No.

Fuck other stars. And the other Earths can go eat a dick made of gamma rays for all I care. They are completely irrelevant to us.

There might not be that much meaning in the universe but if I've got only one life then I'm going to exploit the shit out of it and do as much as this fucking body will allow me to do. Because it feels great.

>but muh brain reward chemicals

Then stop fapping or smoking weed if you think those chemicals are worthless to you, faggot

>believing the evolutionary jew.

>All Sup Forums posters want to start a family and don't watch anime so they don't have autism like robots so they can actually pick up girls

Even you don't believe this

Speak for yourself i intend to beat entropy.

I believe in you.

what profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?

>freeing themselfs from oblivion
>chain to eternity


What happened to this board? All you people do is talk about your death and atheism vs religion?

The shape of the Earth is flat and stationary, heliocentric globe-earth model was put into place and brainwashed into everyone through edjewcation to give place to nihilistic atheism by satanic freemasons.
The North pole is the magnetic center of the universe, a "small" universe ranging from the north pole center in circunference to a bit beyond the antartic ice wall. South pole doesn't exists.
The "universe" that you've been taught mostly doesn't exists. Earth is the only physical plane of existence. The stars are fixed lights in the sky and not suns at trillions of light-years as you've been told, and the "planets" are also stars but not with a fixed course (known as "wandering stars" to the ancients)
The sun and the moon orbit above the Earth, they are the same size just as we see them and not a mere coincidence of infinitely unlikely chance of a distance-to-size ratio. Moon is not terra-firma, is just a big light in the sky like the stars. It isn't a reflector of the sun, but gives light of its own.
Everything you've been feed from NASA is mostly a lie from start to finish, and its basic existence was to confirm the globe earth model for all as the reigning authority of knowledge. In reality, is just a photoshop factory of trillions of dollars in budget from your taxes.

When you go to the "oblivion" eventually your "conscious" will just recreate a universe for itself. Just like it always has, and always will for an eternity; or have you forgotten?

You dumbass. Your conscience goes to another dimension when your body dies