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I have more morals than most jesufags
Go back to Sup Forums. Sage in all fields.
Who is this foam gnome?
Fuck off Sup Forums nigger.
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What urges one to do good?
atheists are capable of having a moral code.
what they are NOT capable of is justifying or explaining the existence of objective moral values.
it's fun to watch them try, though. you end up with silly nonsensical bather like Molyneux's "UPB".
Sup Forums is a christian board
>Another "lel no religion no morals thread xD"
Can't we just fight the real enemy that is Islam?
Islam is only a threat due to the hole left by the mass growth of atheism.
Morality can literally be explained by evolutionary psychology. Humans are hard-wired to get long with each other because being a dicknozzle decreases your chances of survival.
God is a fucking sjw tough because he sends anyone who disagrees with him to hell.
Heaven is God's safe space.
Christcucks have fun in your safe space if it even exsists.
Funny how your god says that we shouldn't sin but yet everytime he sends someone to hell it is a sin because torture is a sin
Abrahmic God has no morals
>Can't we just fight the real enemy that is Islam?
although Islam may be a demonic, backward system dictating every facet of life, you have no "enemies," except the banksters, oligarchs, and plutocrats that sic us at each others throats for their own profit.
Since when?
>Morality can literally be explained by evolutionary psychology.
this argument does not apply to objective moral values, because it is powerless to explain why they would be objective. it only explains why a certain set of values may be convenient to this or that society.
>0 content post
This is really just getting boring. sage.
since it was created?
>Implying modern Christians don't suck off Muhammed's dick
>Lol no all Christians hate Islam and are hard fighters
Morals are for religionfags. Ethics are for the secular and directly translate into civil law. Read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations for a good introduction.
>modern Christians
There's your problem
>implying the current marxist infiltration of the catholic church or those extreme liberal protestant sects in the US represent the past 2000 years of christianity
Atheists can't have morality... Say ONE moral statement that is true for an atheist. The idea that atheists are able to make moral choices is a atheist dogma without evidence which can be easily disproven.
For a moral statement to be true it needs to have two qualities:
1. Moral claims apply regardless of your desires
(when we condemn a criminal, do we change our minds if we learn it was in his self-interest to commit it?)
2. If we morally ought to do something, we have a reason to do it.
(If we ask "why am I morally required to vote?", we couldn't take seriously someone who had no other response than "well you simply *musn't*!)
So to have a true moral statement, we have to have a reason to do it that applies regardless of our desires.
Such reasons do not make sense for atheists and therefore all moral statements an atheist says is therefore false. It is only based on random shit or by adopting certain christian moral statements or by basing their moral reasoning on the local religious morality. Atheists have no basis to make any moral claim.
The reason you lie and say that you have any morals at all is either a obvious lie or you just don't use logic and reasoning and just parrot what some other fedora tipper have said.
And since atheists have no morality they have no foundation to base any ethics on. Marcus Aurelius based his ethical views on his religious views. The stoics had certain beliefs about the soul, God and so on that was similar to what Christians believe which is one of the reasons why it became popular even after the roman empire fell.