Is it liberal propaganda?
Genuinely asking
Is it liberal propaganda?
Genuinely asking
cmon Sup Forums, prove your worth
Sup Forums was a mistake
I would say there was anything in there a reasonable conservative would be offended by.
The show kind of glorifies middle America in a way.
anything = nothing
What a shit life you must have
well if Sup Forums has taught me anything it's that literally everything ever is so yes.
"Liberal Propaganda?" that da evil lives every corner of the norm ?
>ywn cuddle a baby gorilla
No, just common sense and some basic Rich Dad, Poor Dad finance theory.
>Gay FBI agent.
>Closeted gay hillbilly guy.
>Main female sees an anti-abortion billboard and scoffs.
>Daughter says its not ok to slut shame because its 2017.
>Main female worked on Obama's campaign.
You tell me.
>Main female sees an anti-abortion billboard and scoffs.
>Daughter says its not ok to slut shame because its 2017.
>Main female worked on Obama's campaign.
I think those were put in to show the difference of values between people in Chicago and people in the Ozarks.
>Gay FBI agent.
Why would it be? It's just a shitty show.
i dont know about that but it really wasnt good
how have you not noticed everything netflix creates is agenda driven?
I stopped watching in episode three when the daughter punches the hill billy kid and Michael goes OH YEAH GURRL THAT WAS AWESOM!
The only thing this show deserves is a complete Arrested Development re-edit.
I disagree. He's batshit crazy and unpredictable. That's a great asset to such a slow-paced show. Also the sidestory gave some insights into his psyche and how he became that crazy. It's interesting.
If that's the kind of question you ask then the answer for you will probably be yes.
I was pleasantly surprised at how non pozzed it was at first but then... explicit homosexuality on full display.
I think the problem is not the agenda itself but that the shows don´t even try to make it organic or subtext anymore.
I mean, i was ok with the "everyone is connected" from Sense 8 because i though "ok, if everyone is connected and whatnot then it shouldn´t matt..." (gay sex scene, trans talking about pride every 2 seconds, more gay sex scenes, irrelevant every day life of boring people, more gay scenes, oh yea, and some times actual plot about the clusters)
You could say Sense 8 is an extreme example but then again mostly every show is doing it now. Like say Penny Dreadful... it was supposed to be about monsters or whatever but the last season was about femminism, and not even the equality good femminism but literally about a women army going around killing men and cutting dicks.
The last 3 seasons of Doctor Who suffered of somewhat the same albeit it was a bit toned down but it´s getting out of control.
Black Sails did it well enough... it incorporated it on an organic manner to the plot and ended the show before going to shit.
>criminals who voted for Obama
its pretty realistic desu
>I think the problem is not the agenda itself
Yea bro, forcing sexual deviancy on people is a fine agenda. Nothing wrong with that at all.
It's a Sorosflix production. Of course it is.
it feels like most shows these days have some element of forcing an agenda these days
Can you even imagine that there are people out there unironically claiming that we live in a "golden age of television"?
>I'm literally incapable of changing the channel
its liberal propaganda shit
>would you like a high capacity magazine with that gun
>mfw this is not the golden age of television because there never has and never will be a golden age of television because television is a shit medium and undeserving of being even associated with art
Håll käft Mdongo
If your gonna ask, your going to think it anyway even it was the turner diaries TV show
The game was lost as soon as they stopped having married couples sleeping in separate beds.
wtf are the turner diares
It was speaking to the fall of white people and one white family who decided to fight back against the dysfunctional system.
I like Jason Bateman. But this show seems like an obvious attempt at getting Bateman into the dramatic television kino category. I feel like the writers and producers think they have got the successor to Breaking Bad.
It's an attempt at 'Emmy-bait'. Just a bit flat