Will it suck?
Will it suck?
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probably not. that director guy, hes a smart fella that one
if Ford survives, yes.
obviously, DUH
If it includes Harrison Ford running.
>Harrison Ford wearing a fucking hanes t shirt from Wal mart
Harrison Ford looks like he's posing with his weeb stepson after a school play produced by the anime club, so I'm guessing yes.
>Harrison Ford
why is he just wearing a jeans and t shirt
did he forget to put on his costume
He's the final boss
he's a simple guy
>deckard is a replicant
Yes. It will suck.
I really hope not
>you've done a man's job, sir
Hollywood won't stop until they've ruined everything.
Do you guys really think that a guy who is searched by the police and hides has time for giving a fuck about his clothes?
Go back to >>/fa/
It doesn't look bad at all. I don't see why people are worried.
do you really have to ask?
if they nail the soundtrack and the atmosphere - i'm happy. all i can really hope for.
i just wanna zone out for an hour and feel like i'm seeing the blade runner world for the first time again.
>starring in a multi million dollar movie franchise
>better wear my 5$ Walmart shirt
Usually reboots that fail artistically and narratively do so because they didn't have a director who could wrangle all the different moving parts of the production. Villeneuve's single most defining talent is his ability to orchestrate and lead a team of incredibly talented people while staying out of their way and not falling pretty to any ego or vision of his own. So I think the film will probably be good. However, the budget is fucking ridiculous and I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being his first commercial failure.
Not falling prey*
Also, check em retroactively
I guess check em again
>sequel to a movie made three decades ago based on a book made five decades ago
yes, this movie didn't need to be made. both of those already ended fine enough.
Is it based on book material? Probably wont suck
Is it developed by some hack studio for the sake of revenue at any cost? . . . Mos Def suckage
I've...seen reboots you people wouldn't believe, hmn...'A New Hope' remake breaking records at the box office...I watched Ghostbusters glitter in the garbage next to Paul Feig's career. All those movies will be lost...in time...like-hngk-tears...in rain. Time to die.
Without a doubt
Villeneuve hasn't let me down yet desu.
does the sun rise?
Its so sad that Harrison Ford had to get his movie made for 2017 even though it should have been released in 2019 for that perfect 30 year synergy with the date of the movie but oh well.
>From the director of Prisoners
The most IMDB sensibility film made so far. Anybody who thinks that Prisoners is above mediocre is juvenile about the medium and entirely emblematic of the video game crossposter fueled downfall of this board.
Villeneuve is one of the biggest trashmasters working today, hack's hack. This is hot pocket: the movie. Cheeto dust: the flick.
IMDB "FILM BUFF" pleb fodder. If you like this film then you are an enemy of the medium.
All the memes are there, it's shit and this movie will be shit
who was more handsome in their prime?
It will.
Explosions in the trailer? Cmon. I dont recall an explosion in blade runner at all.
There was only like 11 gunshots in the whole movie for god sake.
Ford looks tired
bruh, look at this dude
Very, very disrespectful.
Agree on all points
>No reason to have them new yeezies...
It will be visualkino like ghost in shell
>if they nail the soundtrack
Deakins was asked on his forum if he timed the 70mm IMAX version of the trailers (this was before a Dunkirk showing) Deakins replied he wasn't even aware there were celluloid versions of it, he added later on that he was still mad since no one told him about it and that he heard it looked soft. Someone chimed in and said that Denis Villeneuve had similar problems with the trailers in a recent interview:
Denis Villeneuve: Two days ago, Joe Walker, my editor, saw the trailer and was watching like (does something non-verbal). And I was like “It’s ok Joe, it’s ok, it’s ok. Because there are things you work hard to try to keep secret, or create tension, or two characters try in a room to create surprise in the movie. Then you look and the marketing department just shows it all. For me, I don’t like it. I wish one day I will have control. I understand the importance of marketing. I understand competition. I understand the needs. But I wish we would be able to sell movies without showing too much of it. In a perfect world…
The line, “We were being hunted…”
Denis Villeneuve: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wish it was possible, but what can I say.
most importantly:
>Ridley Scott producing and involved enough to be in all of those featurette's they released
>Script by the writer of Green Lantern and Alien Covenant
it's fucked
i hope this movie will continue a trend of harrison ford sequels where he gets killed so he doesnt have to act anymore
>Hans Zimmer
When everyone looks like a matrix character you stand out like a sore thumb if you look like a guy on his way to walmart.
Fucking Ford looks like he's starring in CSI
Goose looks ok
Anyway it'll be ok, but we're not getting a mad max style remake here.
It will be good but generic. Honestly, It shouldn't have been made. It's a bad idea. I would have been interested in a spin off set in the same universe, though.
Same universe is much better. Can even throw in a couple references to previous events or characters, NO CAMEOS.
And for the love of God quit casting that cross-eyed dork Ryan "Autistic Pause" Gosling in everything, he cannot act.
> Mackenzie Davis.
She is getting so much work. Holy shit. She's qt as hell.
Because that's his costume.
He never changes into anything else.
He is in one section of the film and gets killed.
It turns out he was a replicant made to look like an old Deckard.
>fucking hanes t shirt from Wal mart
That's how you know it's a dystopian future, walmart is now the only remaining clothing supplier with a total monopoly
As long as Ridley Scott doesn't touch it it should be alright
Yes, but it'll look good doing it.
Kind of like the first one.
No but it will flop
>Modern Ridley Scott
undoubtedly so
Patrician waifu
Ridley is barely involved
>most importantly:
You've got a point. Sony is the only movie studio not owned by... the usual suspects and it appears they want to destroy Sony and gobble up their intellectual property.
Looks good so far but maybe
of course
>will it suck
Well, the original sucked, and this is a 21st Century Hollywood Sequel, so, yes, it will undoubtedly suck.
If you actually read the scripts for Sicario, Prisoners, and Arrival you'll notice that Villeneuve, especially when he's working with Deakins, has a pretty strong ability to navigate and develop really mediocre screenplays into fairly solid films. Sicario especially has some of the best instances of shitty parts of the screenplay being edited out with great prudence.
but your mum did
It will be a solid 6/10, better than Alien Convenant, but will be completely forgotten in 5 years.
Honestly they would have been much better off simply remaking Blade Runner, with Gosling, and basing it on the book rather than the movie.
Everyone could be happy then.
Ridley Scott being involved is grounds enough alone to abandon all hope.
>not Vangelis
this at least i have that 5 disc vangellis bladerunner esper edition
if you havent heard of esper edition i suggest you look it up user
Probably better than what we'll actually get.
How might one obtain the "Esper Edition"?
Has it been spoiled yet?
>denis vilenueve
>the goose
>soundtrack sounds pretty good, based on trailer
>that hot cuban(?) chick
>deckard is officially a replicant
>soundtrack not by vangelis
>loads of boring CG
>going to probably be a soulless reboot that will try in vain to set up a franchise rather than rich, thematic sci-fi movie
Surely you mean the 25th anniversary edition with 3 cds, my love?
esper edition is a bootleg release
>Not Vangelis
To be honest, the last Vangelis albums are really mediocre stuff, he is far from his golden days.
Even Jean Michel Jarre is doing better stuff this days.
i know this post is ironic but i completely agree
prisoners was trash, the sort of boring and paint by the numbers shit that my grandma would think was the best thing ever
>Will it suck?
Gosling is in it, that is reason enough.
Hump director.
Shit music.
Shitty production design.
Some films do not need a sequel, they stand on their own, not everything needs a "follow-up" to "explain".
Sometimes, just as in life, storylines end and you never find out how they end up.
The original bombed at the box office, it was through the new medium of home video that made the film popular, won't happen this time.
Original: Cult Classic, layers of an onion, at every viewing something new is realized, stories within stories, meaning inside meaning.
Sequel: A bag of warmed up shit.
I, unfortunately, am old enough that I saw the Original Blade Runner on it's opening night, their were 3 of us in the theater.
It will Chuck
Right so
>Harrison Ford is shoehorned in it and won't even chamge out of his pajamas
Yes. If it were just Gosling, then it'd have potential. Ford's involvment screams executive meddling.
For you
Why do people like Ryan Gosling? He's got the "talent" of Elijah Wood and his eyes are too close together.
Harrison Ford looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before shooting. Very very disrespectful.