Reddit and memes aside, what is your honest opinion on Adult Swim's Rick and Morty Sup Forums?
Reddit and memes aside, what is your honest opinion on Adult Swim's Rick and Morty Sup Forums?
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Honestly haven't watched the newest episodes but I like it alright. It's a poor man's Venture Bros. but hey quartz is still pretty even though diamonds exist.
I saw the first season and I only chuckled a few times. It's pretty meh
i think its reddit and memey
big bang theory for people that make fun of big bang theory
I like it. I'm not a fan of the drama but once in a while the jokes really get me. Great voice acting performances especially the parents. Sometimes the scifi ideas are fun but usually they're just kind of there. Maybe not the most well rounded show. I must admit that knowing people on Sup Forums hate it makes me like it all the more.
It's enjoyable at best.
a lot of it can get annoying and it's philosophy 101 style humor can come off as trying to hard but I still watch it.
It's attempt to be a meme machine is also cringe worthy but i blame the fans more for embracing it than the show.
i love it and fuck everyone who think they are to good for it just because it went mainstream early
u can also enjoy things plebs like assholes until they start writing for plebs only ill keep enjoying it FUCK U HIPSTER FAGGOTS
I honestly enjoyed the first 2 seasons as well as the last episode. The reddit aspect is a bit exaggerated on here. The LOL SO RANDOM humor is in barely 20% of all gags and the nihilistic bullshit isn't even that redundant or annoying.
>u can also enjoy things plebs like assholes until they start writing for plebs
I didn't like it before it went mainstream. its humor just never really was my thing.
Was pretty disappointed after people telling me it was good.
Someone said it was a bit shit and then some guy goes quietly to me "someone of your intelligence would get it" or something like that (bearing in mind I am not really smart at all).
Then when watching it I could see how it's meant to appeal to the "I'm so clever but misunderstood and also really smug" crowd.
It is packed with edginess and randomness and obvious references, and on the whole it is not very enjoyable, just ok.
It is definitely reddit: the show.
Just boring. None of the characters are funny or insightful, they just have their moments. I don't know what i'm supposed to be getting out of it. Watching whole episodes just for a single decent joke or line of dialogue gets tedious, fast.
Who is this for? Kids? They don't give a fuck about the prevalent failed marriage theme. Middle aged men? Those that find burps entertaining certainly don't watch cartoons.
I watched every episode and never laughed once.
A little backstory: I grew up in the middle of nowhere - Hicksville, USA. Trump voting, Bible thumping, homophobic, transphobic, you name it. I always felt like an outcast there: I'm a bonafide Bernie-Sanders supporting, athiest engineering major (because I actually want a job). How did my personality go down with my friends and family while growing up? Yeah, you can imagine. Constant arguments, threats of disowning and minimal contact except for the occasional tense phone-call once I got the fuck outta that town.
Then I discovered a show called Rick and Morty. Rick became my low-key hero - the perfect combination of a badass, take-no-bullshit attitude, science and nihilism. I finally saw my background as a Rick growing up among a town of Jerry's. More importantly, Rick taught me the subtle art of Not Giving a Fuck. It's turned my life around. I don't take bullshit from my parents or childhood friends or anyone anymore, no longer do I sit in an angry silence when they display their bigotry or ignorance. After my dad's latest tirade at a family event I just flipped him the bird and split. I feel liberated, and all because of one random, irreverent cartoon.
So I guess all I can say is - WUBALUBADUBDUB!!
It's enjoyable.
But it's not something that I mark on my calendar as a thing I absolutely need to watch.
>Reddit aside
Ohoho... No. We're talking about how stupid the themes are.
>NIHILISM *Uuuurp* is the only answer Morty
has its moments but animated comedies were never my cup of tea
t. saw a few episodes with a friend
First season was good and showed a lot of potential but the second season dropped the ball IMO and never rose above the expectations set by the first, plus it had a higher number of bad episodes than the first season. So far this season hasn't been awful but it hasn't shown any signs of improvement either.
season 1 and 2 are decent but the family guy tier "humor" ruins everything. Xavier Renegade Angel is superior.
Now make one with Brock Sampson as the Chad
I just watched this and I spent the entire episode repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>Ayy quirky drunk scientist lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place.
your sectarian conditioning is preventing you from enjoying something perfectly decent
I pity you and all the other hipsters in denial on this board
1st season: 9/10
2nd season: 7/10
3rd season: 5/10
Everyone out here blaming the female writers and maybe they're partly to blame but to me it looks like it's just following the trajectory of the show. Face it, Dan Harmon's shit always gets worse as more time goes on.
Never watched it and never will. Looks too memey/redditey for my taste. It seems that only the "I'm clever and also smug/sarcastic/ironic as fuck" crowd enjoys it.
It's an okay Sunday show, but it's just as shitty as all the adult swim shows.
The only thing on adult swim that honestly makes me laugh is aqua teen hunger force and Mike Tyson mysteries.
Mike Tyson mysteries is a gem. Easily my favorite animated show of the last decade.
Go suck a dick.
I watched the first few episodes and didn't think it was funny so I stopped
Daily reminder that rick never said "GOD ISNT REAL MORTY"
It's a fun show that can be pretty funny sometimes.
there's good laughs
the fan/hatebase is pure cancer though
>Dan Harmon's shit always gets worse as more time goes on.
People don't even remember what he did to the Sarah Silverman Program.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
pretty bad
this is a perfect descripton
this has to be copypasta
It's okay, probably only ever laughed once at it.
New seasons are garbage, though.
I like every season, and almost every episode. I think it's a great show. One of the best that's currently in production. Also love to post my genuine opinions on Sup Forums about R&M so I can watch autistic faggots flip their shit over a cartoon.
I don't understand why Rick is constantly burping if hes almost never actually drinking anything
>what is your honest opinion
I'm just waiting for the wincest confirmed, until that it's a meh tier show.
I think it's funny.
he has intestinal issues, watch ep 5
It's fine. It never gets me to really truly laugh but I often chuckle or smile at the jokes.
it's still pretty good and i generally look forward to it being on and i hope justin is able to retain more creative control over his future projects which i look forward to as well. not really too distraught about it getting worse, that's the natural course of things i like (and things in general)
also i wanna fuck summer
Loved season one, season two was great even though it changed noticeably, and so far season three is pretty spotty. The latest ep was better, but I feel the character examinations take away from it. It feels wholly unnecessary for the characters to go on rants about what's wrong with the other as if they haven't made that clear throughout the series so far.
Imagine being so buttblasted by a show that you make this
I like it well enough but the cracks are starting to show. They need to decide what they want the show to be. All this surface level philosophy and family drama stuff should either be abandoned or dug into deeper.
Each episode is 20 minutes long retard
haha communist faggot
Don't like it. Find it highly-overrated.
Tried watching it a few times and the humor just isn't there.
I enjoy the show. I think these rants the characters have been having about each other every single episode this season, framed as cutting emotional interrogation, are really lame. Not because of the content of the rants or the concept of the rants themselves, but because they're unearned. Earlier seasons would have Morty fucking explode on Rick about what he thought about him. It was fine and it gave the show a kind of gravitas that actually worked with the comedy due to the contrast and Morty's delivery of the speeches. These latest ones have been every single episode aside from the first and they're really transparent and just abrupt. We really haven't gotten any build up to these outbursts outside of the episodes they're in. The last one, with Jerry and Rick, would have worked pretty well if it hadn't been right after two previous episodes filled with them.
Diamonds are a shit tier gemstone though, a literal turd (carbon) that has been polished up by the Jews for women to force men to buy. Get opals instead, the only kind of woman out there that wouldn't want one is a gold digger.
never watched it. what exactly did he do? did he actually help it get better as it ran or did it get progressively worse?
1st season: 9/10
2nd season: 7/10
3rd season: 5/10
t. guilty redditor
Hey guys, in the middle of staging my new Summer/Morty animation. What do you think so far? Obviously ignore the shitty drawings, it's just a rough way of staging out the scene and getting timings.
P.S. that one webm where she flashes her tits was by me.
Tried to watch season 3 and I didn't laugh a single time. I'm disappointed
Thank god for that watermark, otherwise I might mistake it for Adult Swim's finished product.
It's hit or miss.
It's a thing that automatically get's added when i render animatics. It's a part of the process/
Futurama with some family guy. About 5-6 really good episodes make it worth watching
If you could turn yourself into a
Would you?
nice pasta faggot
Yeah its a fun light-hearted show.
Compares favourably to any of the other "adult" cartoons.
Best show on tv right now.
Only contrarians and low iq people would state otherwise.
it's an intelligent show with a degenerate liberal bias
but it's usually entertaining and sometimes funny so I pirate it
Triggers autismos so that makes it fun.
Decent-ish show. Children get to head up their ass with the nihilism and no god themes which really aren't that prevalent. While ignoring the old 90s-esque contraption whirley-gigs that made that era of television fun.
I think it's funny, but I like it better as a series of separate stories like in the first season rather than the over arching story of season 2 and 3.
>reddit and memey
it's hot garbage
I feel the same way I did about Community. Season 1 was consistently good-great. Season 2 had some of the best episodes but also a lot of duds. Season 3 so far has a lot of duds and one great episode. The resemblance to Community is uncanny.
Judged unfairly by people who don't understand what a plot arc is and why things that happen in it are not always what they appear to be.
Y'know, like how Sup Forums hates it because of the feminism episode and the Mr. Needful episode because they completely missed the point of both? The former has a teenage boy doing what an entire civilization of hyperadvanced feminists can't, and the latter has Rick making himself retarded just for the sake of his grand daughter, this fulfilling Needful's statement that using the microscope would let him see things beyond his comprehension.
When i found it, I thought it was hilarious and watched through the whole first season. Then when I was bored and looking for stuff to watch, i decided to rewatch some episodes. I was looking for a good episode and realized that I didnt particularly like any of them, and it really wasnt as good or funny as i initially thought, just a bunch of cheap one off gags. Second season was even worse and I began t dislike it
This list looks like a woman on tumblr made it.
First season is good, by far my favorite. Second one upped the drama shit too much in my opinion and was the cause for all the rabid fanboys to think it is "2deep4u" and their clickbait videos of theories and over analyzing everything in the show.
Third season, while not being a drama fest like the second it's not as memorable as the first. Also Rick is now a demi God who can do anything he wants, including turning himself from an inanimate object to a killing machine in a matter of minutes.
>Yes goy dislike everything in life, become miserable like me
>every time Rick is about to die, he prays
>every time Rick prays, he is saved by providence
You really do need to get into the mindset of a Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty.
>the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest
Y'know I appreciate the fact you don't like the show, I get it, that's fine. But when you say shit like this it sounds like you haven't even really watched it to even make a judgement. I can think of one example off the top of my head, Rick Potion #9. The events of that episode directly influence the events in many later episodes and there is a distinct continuity between several episodes but not in others.
I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't care if I presented the idea that some episodes exist outside of normal continuity and don't necessarily follow the version of Rick that is considered the main character, usually referred to as C137.
There is the surface level of the show that appeals directly to the reddit meme audience yes. I will not contest that. There are also a lot of things in the show that are a little more abstract as well. Read between the lines and maybe you'll like the show more. It seems you've already made up your mind though.
I prefer it when was just sci-fi adventure,
I hated the """comical"""" aspect of it
And season 3 is completely garbage, uncreative and even more unfunny
It's gay
reddit and memes
First two seasons were fucking magnificent, third is HUGELY disappointing so far. I heard it was shit but figured people were just being faggots like usual, only shitting on it since the show got popular, but I just got around to watching them and they're awful. Other than the very first episode, I think I have literally laughed zero times.
lmfao XD nice one, have an upvote my good sir ↑
Why does the art style/character design look so ugly?
This mostly.
Put easily: Simpsons and Futurama have classic episodes you go back to see and quote all the time. They were fun and memorable.
Rick and morty s3 is only worth a few offhand youtube clips. The season premier was good but otherwise pretty tepid.
Big let down.
>Reddit and memes aside,
season 1 and 2 are hilarious. In season three their jokes fall flat, and inane sequences of gore that hold no emotional impact. It's like the characters of Rick and morty are already doing flanderization for their characters which are losing their previous quirks and subtle characteristics that made them act more consistently funny. It makes it worse when the plots are lackluster.
I wholeheartedly concur. This board is incapable of grasping anything with any level of subtlety. That's why there's so many "Reddit & Memey!" posts, because that's what it appears to be as on the very surface level to a casual viewer lacking in both attention and understanding.
Rick is supposedly the biggest nihilist and atheist in the universe, yet when he's about to die he prays to god, and he repeatedly puts himself in danger to protect his family that he claims to be indifferent towards. His hypocritical, dual nature is the point of his character. Rick is basically bipolar disorder personified. The viewer is intended to be impressed by his technical feats, sure, but nearly every other aspect of his character is something to be reviled, and sometimes pitied.
And in S3E2, all Sup Forums had to say about Summer was "YAAAS QUEEN! Girl power!", ignoring the fact that she wasn't supposed to be viewed as some feminist rolemodel in the episode. Her behavior was irrational and dangerous, and she was lashing out self destructively as a way to cope with her parent's divorce.
And the irony of the episode was that despite Summer rebelling against her parents, she ends up becoming them in the end, bringing home groceries while her boyfriend sits at home watching TV, an obvious parallel to Beth and Jerry.
Sup Forums just looks at the show like babby's first nihilistic crisis, but to me the show is about finding meaning in a chaotic universe. With fart jokes.
I think Dan Harmon said it best:
Pretty good, inventive, irreverent first season. Second season was just as good but began showing signs of Harmonism. Third season Harmonism has set in and is metastasizing.
It's not women writers. It's Harmon. He is a cancerous person. He can't have a good thing for more than 2 years. He has to subvert it. To completely change what it was, to surprise fans. He has a pathological need to make every character into a realistic person. And not a realistic person, but what Dan Harmon thinks is a realistic person. A ball of anxiety who secretly hates himself and everyone else. A soapbox for what he believes to be undeniable truths about the human condition. God, he literally self-inserted himself as Rick and his therapist as a therapist in the show. Then he had the therapist literally describe character flaws in Rick/Harmon. Fucking goddamn stupid faggot. I hate Dan Harmon so much.
Rick and Morty used to not give half a fuck about character development. They literally built in ways for the characters never to deal with the consequences. They destroyed their original universe in episode 5. And now we have a season long divorce plot where everyone has "come to terms with it in their own REALISTIC way".
I would love to see Roiland brutally murder Harmon and regain control of his show. Roiland is what made the show good.
This is what I'm talking about. You fucking faggot writing paragraphs about comedy characters. This is what Harmon wants. This is what he created.
Rick isn't a tough nut to crack. It doesn't need any study. He's a tortured cynic struggling with morality.. He's Rust Cohle. An old archetype. Beth and Jerry aren't worth studying, they are a jaded couple struggling to cope with their mundane lives. They aren't worth paragraphs. They were juxtapositions to Rick. Morty was a 12 year old boy. Summer was a 17 year old girl. Now both these children characters SPIT UNDENIABLE TRUTHS like they are fucking Jung. They were good characters used to get laughs. Now they are fucking case studies for redditors to gossip about.
I'm going to murder Dan Harmon. Screencap this.
I think maybe it just boils down to the fact that we're all so bitter about how things are marketed that the first impulse is to point out flaws in intentionally basic concepts meant to convey a greater point. When the commercials say things like "only a show this smart could be this stupid" it creates an image from the outside that repels people who could otherwise appreciate it for what it is. I've seen movie commercials that do the same thing, like whoever they hired to do it was completely out of touch with the target audience.
Rick's nihilism as a target for criticism is also strange because even his stupid nonsense catchphrase supposedly means "I'm in great pain please help me" in an alien bird language. Rick can't let anything matter to him, so he's a miserable vindictive alcoholic with very little regard for human life. The only moments he seems legitimately happy is when he's with his family.
Honestly you want to know why I think this season will go down as the worst one? The lack of Jerry as a ground. The slightly more inane side stories of Jerry interacting with characters gave the show a better sense of pacing. That's why Summer goes off the rails. That's why Beth is falling back into alcoholism. Without Jerry the whole family become legitimately worse people.
The last two episodes have been enjoyable. I feel like Episodes 2 and 3 were the bad ones.
I seriously doubt Rick would have been so easily drugged, but they needed that to happen to advance the plot.
It's a funny show, not sure why Sup Forums has such a stick up its ass about it. I guess everyone needs something to give their life meaning.
Never seen it. Cartoons are for children.
i dont find any of their episodes funny except the meesee episode, which was awesome and creative and original
rest is just psych and philosphy 101 bullshit some dumb kids would find amazing