This is why we must elect Hillary Clinton in November
This is why we must elect Hillary Clinton in November
lol fuck off
Fuck off Mohammed.
Back to the cuckshed Sven
Why is the Swedish boy on the right able to be President since Tuesday?
>A fucking ginger
This comic starts off flawed on the first panel.
I don't think he's Swedish, he isn't fucking a pig.
I don't think he's swedish either, he's not bent over.
>a "Swede"
Nice try, Mohammed
Fuck rich kids.
Literally our third President was a ginger you stupid fucking cuck
Because it's 2016! So what if he lives on the wrong side of the border? Have you even asked him if he identifies as president-kin, biggot?
Voting for a person simply because of his race is racist.
Voting for a person simply because of their gender is sexist.
I thought the Swedish where more tolerant. Sven?
Except Hillary is running for President, and so is Jill Stein. There not being a female President doesn't mean there can't be female Presidents.
can't wait for your country to fall
Did Obama legalize black presidents?
Nice dubs, but you might be a little colorblind, friend.
>Have you even asked him if he identifies as president-kin
Fair points forgive my ignorance.
Oh, true. sorry for my bigotry. I'm a white male after all; I can't help but be a violent racist bigot.
>elect a black guy
>race relations are the worst they've been since the 1960's
>I could be president
>since 2008
Oh please blacks have had the right to be in public office since 1868 and many blacks were elected to government in the Southern states back then.
Women have also been involved in federal politics since post WWI or even before, pictures and rhetoric like this are such garbage.
You don't even have Wee wee's in Sweden
identity politics is cancer.
>a fucking wormyn president
No thank you
What the fuck is this shit? How do you know ANY of those kids identify as the genders you imply they identify as. As if gender is a binary value and not a spectrum.
For that matter how do you know HILLARY defines as a woman? Nobody on this oppressive planet actually defines 100% as one gender, so calling Hillary a woman is extremely oppressive as it pressures her to conform to that set of arbitrary gender roles and stereotypes.
#NotOurFirstWomanPresident #HillaryNotVagillary
I know this is bait but I feel the need to say it anyway.
Clinton will just go to show that NOBODY can be President. Trump on the other hand, a person without a political career, is more motivating.
Why not elect someone judging them not by superficial reasons but of the content and quality of their character and most of all their intentions for the nation they wish to govern.
You shouldn't elect someone based on their skin colour or based on ones sex.
You disappoint me sweden..
I don't understand the logic of this image.
If we need a black president before black people feel they can be president then how did we get our first black president?
>You can only accomplish things if someone who looks like you has already accomplished it
Is this really what liberals raise their children to believe?
It's a pretty racist/sexist idea.
Keep away, Jew.
I personally know a few girls that actually think, not only feel, so I don't have a problem with a woman being a presisent. But if being a woman president is the only concept of running a country a given woman has, she's not suitable.
Cool. Who's next? How about a child with Down syndrome?
pay debt
shithole socialist gibsmedat nigger mentality country where everything sucks.
You europeans sure do like learning things the hard way. I can shit in my pants all I want since i have more money and am way more successful than you'll ever be.
How does it feel to lose?
Pay debts.
Black people and women have run for president before
But who taught George Washington, Barrack Obama, and Hillary Clinton they could do it if the only way to do it is to have someone else do it first!?
Really makes you think
Gregory unsuccessfully ran for President of the United States in 1968 as a write-in candidate of the Freedom and Peace Party, which had broken off from the Peace and Freedom Party.
she became the first major-party black candidate for President of the United States, and the first woman to run for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.
black woman and a democrat
Hillary has already done that.
Think about it this way: she is by far most widely hated woman in politics. Eva Braun probably had better post death publicity and approval ratings than Hillary Clinton does now. And yet nobody is saying she can't be president because she's a woman. Hillary is in fact, widely believed to be the next president of the united states.
So women everywhere can already take heart: this country will not use their gender against them in an election for president.
So please, don't actually vote for hillary in 2016. Seriously, that bitch is evil. Vote Stein or Johnson instead!
Sweden is basically an US state now
Their national TV speaks English 80% of the time cause these cucks don't even try to counter the US mediatic domination by dubbing US movies like real countries do
Men för fan, har Fittlery Clinton börjat betala jävla shills i sverige att shilla för henne nu?
Jävla pung
Some Swede still speak Swedish?
I thought you had made English your new national language?
>wanting a female president
>wanting Hillary to be the first female president
>1 post by this ID
Fucking Achmed at it again
Here's your task Sup Forums, arrange the list in order in which those people will become US Presidents in the future, from the nearest future to the most distant future:
raging faggot,
openly Muslim,
openly Kike,
moved to America as an adult,
convicted criminal,
attack helicopter,
your wife's son,
doesn't speak English,
degree in white privilege studies,
literally Hitler
(list in no particular order)
Hillary Says She’ll Stop Being Corrupt LATER (Seriously)
>I can achieve something
>even if all the people prior to me failed
Swedish is my fourth language, after English, Somalian, and Arabic.
I can also make myself understood in Romanian and most other sub-saharan places.
Comes naturally to a Swede
Vagina isn't a job qualification.
Who are you quoting?
nobody gives a shit about some pipe dream some kid has. did you know we dont even have 50 people that have been president on the united states so far. a few hundred years and not even 50 people
statistically nobody gets to be president . the few that have are well within the margin for error which is generally set at 3-5%. this is way less than 0.00001% of the population who has gotten to be president
fuck your propaganda and fuck their pipe dream
Actually after Obama it'll be harder for that kid, he was a big fail.
Same would occur with clinton.
Same occured after Bush good luck if you sound "country" (I know he aint true Texan)
By that logic, why aren't their voting for a crippled Muslim transgender? Fucking bigots.
Yes, and look at what we got for it. Racial tensions haven't been this good since 1968 and everyone lives in harmony and we all get together and sing kum-by-ya.
At least, thats how the history books will print it.
You cant spell sWEden without WE
>Swedish is my 4th language
I want to weep for you, but you brought this on yourself.
Too lazy for all, but literally Hitler first with trump (v:
Not an argument
Im terrified by who will be added to future panels in that strip. Men, women, blacks, checked checked checked. It's going to have to be a gay president in 2021, a transgendered president in 2026, a gay, black, transgendered, autistic, Muslim woman president named shaneequa in 2031.
I can't wait. What fun