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they already are paid the same.

so how are they going to do this? force women not to have babies?

literally pass up men with better experience for women? Give women pay rises in lower positions since they don't want the more hours and stress of the higher positions?

So I guess he will be lowering his salary and redistribute it to women employees ?

This is fucking absolute insanity.

I'm a woman and work as a secretary, why am I being paid 90% less than our chairman? Oh I know why, it's because he's a (((man)).

> Male Apple programmer
>100k a year
>Female Apple secretary
>60k a year

Do they deserve the same pay?

The sad sad truth.

This is nothing but lip service. They already pay women in the same positions as men the same pay. This whole press release is asking feminists to pat them on the back with no effort whatsoever.


Its illigal not to, and if you can get away with paying women less than men why are men still hired? Hmmm?

Because sexism, obviously

Thats whats happening in germany.


"I'm gonna get that job, then pop out a kid, then I'm gone. I'll spend the next 6 years on the sidelines, in the dugout talking about how hard it is carrying this baby on back."

Bad bait

Of course! She's a condition of existence for the programmer, so she deserves teh same!

It's no cost "positive" pr, why not proclaim it? stupid females think they're getting something, nothing changes, win. As zukerberg says, dumb fucks.

so these pieces of shit have been paying women less? that's illegal, are they going to be fined for it?

They could come out say they're paying women less because they smell bad and Obama would still have to applaud them. The tech sector has been above the law for over a decade now. They do whatever they want.

They haven't been doing this already? Shame on them. SHAAAAME!

Every job I've worked that included female employees we were paid the same assuming we held equivalent positions.

hrmm, well at least apple actually makes money or at least they used to

So.. they're pledging to change nothing? That's a pretty bold move.

>be a female janitor
>paid the same as a male VP because sexist otherwise
i love this country

modern leftists are such idiots they will fall for this shit like a woman watching "im a mac, im a pc" ads

Chances are they already do this so this is just free PR for them for zero effort. They might as well say "Apple commits to not raping their female employees on a daily basis anymore."

Pay should be based on skill not on gender. If you are paying more money to a women simply because she's a women, its pretty sexist tbqh


Nice one.

Pay all men as little as they pay women, even if the men do better work. All in the name of equality.

Really makes me think.

this is so stupid

if there would actually be a case like this then the woman could sue the company black and blue, and she wouldn't have to work a day in her life anymore

>forces women to not have babies
>doesn't hire women
>doesn't pay women as much

in this jew world the white man is damned whatever he does tbqh

Stop being sexist you Mexist

Wtf i LOOVE trendy companies now

SHUT UP you racist sithlord

After 8 years of Obama's whining about racism, black/white relations are the worst they've been in my life. There is no reason to expect that 8 years of Hillary bitching about sexism will result in anything good. Plus, the wage gap myth has been debunked--even the left leaning Economist has featured articles debunking it.

Wait so did 3 major corporations just admit to violating federal law and not paying female employees at least minimum wage?
Or is this empty virtue signaling where the pay discrepancies will be recorded as "different departments" or "time employed" or "reward for work ethic" and nothing at all will change?

Wew lads what a time to be alive thank god I get to see cuckerbergs big fat fucking face

This has been the law in the US since 1963. FAGGOT!

Look up Equal Pay Act

I like how political pandering can help a company's bottom line.

Well, there's already a law that says you have to, so idk why they want me to clap for them.

Women are on to you shitlords


Because it propogates the idiocy that causes this 'issue' in the first place.

Anyone who says there is a 'wage gap' needs to be strapped to a chair and have all the hard data proving them wrong crammed down their throats until they shut up about it. I propose we start with King Nigger himself.

you saying this as a joke but something similar said one guest lecturer at our college kek

But women are 1/3 as productive as men...

RIP US corporates.

Press 'F' to pay respects.

>more women worked in pr or support
>more men worked in programming

Oh geeze, we'd better pay them the same wage, comrade.

If a woman is doing exactly the same job as a man, and the contract did not have room to negotiate salary, then they can sue the company and will win every single time, so why don't they? A lawsuit would be much more lucrative than a salary bump.

How exactly are they arriving at the conclusion that women are paid less than men at facebook? Is it just the total of male salaries against the total of female salaries?

It's already been dead, companies get a tax break if they have a female ceo, so companies will just do that on paper to get a tax break without actually promoting them to have more responsibilities or adjusting for salary for the job title because their job hasn't changed, only the job title.

>Mr Joo men are paid more than me!

>Oyy vey that cannot be! let's pay men the same as you then!

>we commit to doing something we already do


They need to pay those position the same as programmers. PR specialist say so.

This should be pretty easy then, they dont have to change a fucking thing. Thank god these retards havent figured out the difference between payment and compensation yet.

I seriously don't get it.

If there was some sort of wage gap between men and women for the exact same job and same work hours, why wouldn't companies just hire women only? I mean companies usually try to maximise their profits, right?

Bout damn time desu baka senpai

>Now we're going to pay everyone less!

Realistically, its policies like these that kill the West. Meritocracy erodes due to lack of principle, Western economic might surpassed by China, military might surpassed by Russia, cultural might surpassed by Japan.

All because the alphas died in WW1 and the beta's gave women voting rights after that.

they are going to lose shikels , paying to some one for a lower quality and productivity of work.

Top kek , jewish companies are going to lose money because of their own agenda ...interesting-time-illuminaticard.jpg

I'm assuming you've never worked in a place with a lot of women.

They may get paid 30% less (they dont) but they work 30% slower with 100% more drama and complaining.

If women got payed less for the same work, why wouldn't these companies hire all women?

>literally pass up men with better experience for women?
>Give women pay rises in lower positions since they don't want the more hours and stress of the higher positions?

Actually this is somewhat more efficient than the current situation, in the sense that women use government force to extract surplus from men. Now they've cucked the employers into doing it directly.

Of course, in reality, women will not now give up all the government forced leveraged against men to extract surplus.

Welcome to the new slave state.

They're all in foreign countries anyway goy. We lost everything.


You know what.

This is good, because female programmers will be paid the same as the secretary skank, and the few actually good female programmers will be outraged.

All according to plan.

Does anyone have a history of how many times these companies have "committed" to this? I swear it happens once a month.

You know what, Sup Forums?

Let's just all quit our jobs and collect welfare. Government is intent on ruining us all, let's help them out and make it happen faster.

Because it's not going to get any better until the whole damn thing falls apart, we may as well just skip right ahead to that bit.

Let the women have all the jobs, and see how far they get.

If we ALL do this, shit will go south so hard and so fucking fast that we'll be able to get their voting rights removed as a condition of taking back the jobs we'll be begged to do.

What this really means is that everyone is going to get paid less.

Wage Equality laws are not going to give women raises.


It'd be hilarious if they were being paid more then men, and now they're being paid the same. That sweet sweet irony.

omg lol they are all 'directors' what a fucking joke.

It's the current year, people. It's time.

Somebody please nuke us already

Wait, there are female programmers? The only one I've met was my Prof. Nice old lady.

I am shit at programming, but even I can see how fucked up that is.

Literally just need a small loop.


Hillary Says She’ll Stop Being Corrupt LATER (Seriously)

Don't know anything about computer science but after googling "Girls who code" I want to throw up. Related on wiki is Black Girls Code, basically the same thing but for nigresses. Both with major donations from Microsoft, AOL, AT&T etc. But remember you guys, we're equal. Some are just more equal than others.


this. just gives the tech companies some free positive press

also that is a very jewy picture of kikeberg

int total = 0;

for(int i = 1; i < b; i++)
total += a;
return total; //might not even be needed, since I don't know the rest of the code

That's basically all you need for this

this will not work, sorry

Honestly at apple they've got too much money saved up anyway. Either increase dividends or increase salaries.

They could take an equal payment system and make it even more "equal". Increase the pay of women far above that of men.

>Be a basic janitor
>Claim that you feel like you're a woman in a man's body
>Claim your trans
>Throw a wig on and poorly slap on some makeup for a few days
>Make the same amount of cash as someone who spent decades learning and working to their position
>Sue them if they don't for discrimination
>Trans and the PC got your back

>Sup Forums is against this

>boss walks in
>good job everyone our company made 3 billion in profit last year!
>does that mean we get a raise?
>lmao no

>companies get a tax break if they have a female ceo
Is this true? sauce!
How the fuck is this not discriminatory?

who /bestlang/ here?

Everyone should earn as much as current CEO


It's horseshit. This is another meaningless move to make these companies seem "progressive".

WEW, ok, guess Ill do the same amount of work as a woman from now on.

>but they work 30% slower with 100% more drama and complaining.

This statement is objectively true. My department would be many times more efficient if it were staffed by men.


you firstyear scum...

C master race here. What pleb teir shit is that?

Isn't payment depended on the rank of the person? This shit doesn't make sense.

>he can't even define his own syntax
Look I don't disrespect C but master race it is not.

Because how can you pay women less than men, if no men are hired?

So they admit to not paying them the same before?

How intolerant

Those are different jobs though

>We, all of us, are people

Has there ever been a more profound statement?

The women are going to have none of that. There'll be a full blown fem-chimp-out when they realize how little they are going to get paid. IF they only get payed the same as men for the same amount of actual work

I can't wait until the board members get around a table and begin the roundtable discussion of exactly what they are going to do. I would love to see the consternation in their faces when they realize that the reason no solutions can be found because there is no problem.

That's it, I'm a feminist now.