What is Sup Forums's honest to god, non-memeing opinion of BvS:DoJ?
misunderstood work of genius or incoherent mess?
What is Sup Forums's honest to god, non-memeing opinion of BvS:DoJ?
misunderstood work of genius or incoherent mess?
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I only ever watched the Ultimate Cut or whatever it's called and found it pretty good up to that CGI mess of a last act.
Theatrical is the superior version
It's a work of art - will be studied by film schools in the future
(((they))) can't stand the fact that Snyder, Terrio, Goyer, and Nolan used a character frequently paralleled with Jesus to prove a theory that God actually existed at one point, died, and will return again, through the veil of one of the most beautifully shot and composed live action movies ever created by a big budget studio. It is the reason for Snyder's exile from Hollywood, and there's not a god damn thing you can tell me that will prove me otherwise
It really is a great movie. It's the closest we've yet come to a high-concept graphic novel on the big screen. In the best comics, just about equal weight is given to the visuals and the dialogue, and that's what happens in BvS, maybe even *more* emphasis placed on the visuals than usual. There's a story there, and it's coherent, but it relies on the viewer integrating what they're seeing with what they're hearing and not taking all of what's being said at face value.
The principle characters actually have personalities and complex but consistent psychologies, which is pretty much the opposite of what you normally get in a cape movie.
Legit the best film of 2016
I genuinely loved this when it came out and thought it was one of the best capeshit of recent times i dont buy into this kino nonsense though...
Attempt at greatness that ended up being a fuckup of collosal proportions
Watching this movie makes me physically ill. I want to vomit while watching this movie. No part of this movie is enjoyable. It's fucking terrible.
Post scared zod and evil superman from man of steel
Loved it
Easily the worst movie ever created. Definitely overrated by critics.
Even with the ultimate cut its extremely bloated. Horrendously edited. Poorly cast. Baldly acted. Lazily written. Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody. Terribly paced. And that is just the first hour, there is still two more hours left.
The shear number of pointless subplots are simply staggering. Plot holes? You mean mystery elements. The fact that someone read the script and decided it was worthy of spending over 250 million to bring it to the screen boggles my mind. This is what happens when you take five different scripts that have no sense of correlation. Did editing and streamlining the story not cross anyone's mind.
The production is big on making terrible decisions and this is clearly evident in the casting. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther is laughably bad giving his rejected Social Network performance as twitching Mark Zuckerberg. Gal Gadot is by far the biggest miscast. Most people complained when she cast due to her poor physicality and zero resemblance to Wonder Woman. Those points are fine, but the biggest drawback is that she's frankly not a good actress. She has the emotional range of a potato. Her big reveal in costume is complete with a 'cool' guitar rift like it's some Robert Rodriguez film. During action scene she is replaced by her cgi double which obviously looks bigger and muscular in comparison to Gal Gadot's actual physical appearance. I just couldn't help by have a good chuckle at that.
The biggest misstep in the entire production is the appointment of Zack Snyder as director. It seem like he just walked of the set of making Watchmen and nobody seemed to tell him that he wasn't contracted to direct a lackluster patchwork Watchmen sequel. An opening scene that features Jeffrey Dean Morgan being killed with a slo-mo shot of a shell casing exiting a gun; the government against masked vigilantes, a powerful god-like superhuman figure; a man that dresses in a black costume and fights crime with gadgets coming out of retirement; the death of a famous hero; not one, but three funeral scenes. How is this not recycling elements of Watchmen.
Zack Snyder has the inability to direct scenes where no action takes place and he can't mask it with stylish cgi backgrounds like he did in 300. Simply put when there's no explosions it dull and boring. Simple character interactions prove to be a struggle for a director who still gets his philosophy for his movies from teenage web forums. Religious references that completely lack subtlety and elegance doesn't make you movie 'intellectual'.
Other grievances include: a scene and a plot point that revolves around urine; Lex Luther's so called evil plan; Knightmare; a hyped fight that just ends up being a normal fistfight; and actual teaser trailers for future movies in the franchise.
It's my 3rd favorite super hero movie ever.
And honestly one of my favorites overall. Top ten.
>BvS is complete dog shit
>BvS: Directors Cut is GOAT
this pretty much though i did enjoy the theatrical
I dont but the JQ nazi bullshit but Yeah, hollywood hates a traditional man triumphs individualist story because it's contrary to their Marxist agenda.
so it true, bvs appeals to the lowest common denominator. also
>t. Antifa neo-Marxist commie shitbag
I liked it, though they definitely tried to do too much in one film, the UC is much better than the TC, Warner are such fucking idiots, I wish they would just give DC a studio to sort this stuff out themselves rather than changing their minds after each film comes out
Whatever the opinion is, it's an objective fact that the studio intervention email character setup scene was completely atrocious.
The writers probably had a gun on their heads from the studio execs to allow such an embarassing scene in it.
Unironically one of my favorite movies.
Theatrical cut was somewhat below average. Ultimate cut is pure fucking Kino, and I still watch it almost 2 or 3 times a week. Pure Comfyness.
It is so smart I mean Batman realizes he can't kill Superman because Superman is the son of a mother. He celebrates this epiphany by giving a lot of evil henchmen a nap time.
this. there are definitely some eye rolling moments but overall it kicks ass. best on screen Batman for sure. plus the soundtrack is god-tier.
Mess that has ascended to meme status here because Sup Forums gets very contrarian about REE NORMIES when things are popular. Because it wasn't as popular as the competition it must therefore be better.
It was just fucked though. It was like they doubled down on the things they were criticised for in the first movie and then shot their load on too much stuff. First movie with the big three /and/ Death of Superman all in one go? Fucking retards, don't use all your ammo at once, save that shit.
Flawed but good.
ive watched it 15 plus times
even if it just played in the background because
>muh comfy vibe
i like it
Incoherent mess is the only correct answer.
so many shills good lord
Summer blockbuster popcorn movie
Not an oscar contender
It's about super heroes and people are judging it like it's billed as a gripping drama
how are they supposed to make a Superman movie without CGI you fucking redditor
It's a badly executed mess of editing, subplots, and fluff themes that aren't explored, for a film touting an epic battle between two of the greatest heroes there isn't really anything memorable about it other than the Martha scene which ended up being laughable. I'm not sure what Snyder told the cast, but it seemed like they were sleep walking through the entire film. Sure it has some good visuals but they don't make up for everything else.
I've watched both the theatrical and ultimate cuts, I don't think it's worth another watch, it's pretty forgettable.
>guitar riff
It's a cello idiot
Your whole review:
>It's bad because it's bad. It boring because it boring.
This is why DChads always win. Learn to articulate your feelings about art beyond petty insults and maybe we'll take your arguments seriously.
It tried to have a grand statement on superheroes, gods, and how we conflate the two and the dangers in doing so. There's also some interesting themes of otherisation as related to Superman through Bruce and Lex's eyes.
But the movie's too long, very poorly edited, and doesn't allow the viewer to connect with Superman or appreciate how public perception of Superman changes as a result of the Africam incident.
It reached a lot higher than the average MCU movie, but shortcomings in the script and Snyder's directing talent made it an interesting failure.
I genuinely and unironically love it.
Tbf user, thats a pretty stale pasta
>scene and a plot point that revolves around urine
This is how I know you are a pseud who can't real cinema. Only a centrist Americuck would consider that valid criticism against a film. There are masterpieces of European and Asian cinema that involve urine, but you care more about appearing intelligent and "mature" to tolerate the presence of bodily fluids in a narrative. What you've done is outed yourself as the embodiment of the cynical and pretentious attitudes that we now define as "reddit" - the sad thing is you really have no idea what the jar of piss represents. Congratulations on your ignorance.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Batman v Superman. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theological philosophy most of the dialogue will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Lex's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these visuals, to realise that they're not just awesome - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Batman v Superman truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Lex's existential catchphrase "Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Zack Snyder's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Haven't seen it but it's garbage.
Its only an incoherent mess if you try to assign to it anything deeper than "wow lex sure don't like the supermans!" As beyond that it completely falls apart.
But because the actual, functioning narrative of the movie is so completely basic and threadbare, the mind screams out that more has to be there, that they couldn't have devoted 3 hours and hundreds of millions and so much time and effort to serve such a completely basic and utterly pointless story.
It's got pacing problems, shit actors direction, forced entry level religious imagery, a convoluted plot that never trully comes together, a mishandling of the IPs and a terrible CGI climax but it's still not as bad as some people try to make it.
It's still amazing that they could fuck up this bad when you already have all the pieces to make it good. Snyder is certainly a unique talent.
>hollywood hates a traditional man triumphs individualist story
That's funny because that's pretty much 99% of what Hollywood has ever produced.
>obama phone ape is also a rick and meme ape
Of fucking course
Recently saw it for the first time, found it visually stunning and genuinely moving.
Results for Sup Forums's MOTY 2016
The extended edition feels like it's missing an hour or so. Still a good movie but it's cut weird and has all these plots points that got cut too short.
Why do you keep asking every day? It was shit, and will continue to be shit. These things don't transform into good movies over time.
It is great though.
No, and you've always failed to sell it. And you keep making threads about this ridiculous movie every day.
Have you been diagnosed with OCD?
I didn't make this thread.
Bad, but an entertaining enough two-three hours.
Not flawless, but it's one of the few genuinely artistically valid films in the cape genre
If it were freed from the shackles of setting up a cinematic universe and concentrated purely on the story that Snyder and Terrio were telling, it would be a fucking masterpiece.
They took what was an easy film, batman fighting superman.
and turned it on a fucking mess.
it's just a meme on Sup Forums to act like Batman v Superman wasn't a disaster.
The extended cut is slightly better, but you can only polish a turd so much.
I really love it, and Im a super liberal jew that doesnt buy into this shit
Very misunderstood, nearly great, the closest the genre has come to actual artistic ambition and genuine introspection in a very long time. It's one of the few real epics that have come out of the superhero genre.
I love it
>and actual teaser trailers for future movies in the franchise.
shiiiiit, you could write off this terrible movie on this alone my guy
The problem with Batman vs. Superman is that much of the plot doesn't pass the "so what" test. Like Lois's investigation of Lex's mercenaries and their special Lex-branded bullets. An absurd scheme to frame Superman for wrecking an African village which leads to Superman being summoned to court. But so what? The courtroom is blown up before Superman says a word and the entire subplot is never mentioned again. Lex tries to prejudice Batman and Superman against one another by stealing disability checks and sharing articles about Batman branding criminals. So what? The fight is eventually staged by simply kidnapping Superman's mom, rendering Lex's preceding machinations completely pointless. Abysmal storytelling and an unforgiveable waste of time in a movie that despite a bloated 3+ hours length, can't even spare a few minutes to give Superman more than 42 lines or squeeze in scenes for Wonder Woman to talk to anyone other than Bruce Wayne.
In contrast, Marvel's Civil War is a masterpiece of efficient storytelling. Batman vs Superman struggles to effectively tell a story about a couple of superheroes, one villain and a love interest. Civil War manages to credibly weave over a dozen heroes into a tightly-focused story, two of whom are main characters, half of which are properly developed and characterised and all of whom, even the "guest stars", get something cool to say or do. Fucking FALCON gets more dialogue in Civil War than Superman does in his own movie! "Quip"-filled though it may be, the conversations in Civil War flow like real banter between real people, and do a good job of conveying the personalities of the characters. Zack Snyder seems to believe a few pompous pronouncements and Biblical motifs are enough to secure the audiences empathy with his heroes. But they aren't. Hence Batman vs Superman's 27% RT score, Razzie award, and failure to reach $1bn despite starring the two biggest names in the comic book industry.
I don't get how you guys can be this cynical and obtuse. The implications of Lex not only having that info but making logos for them apparently flew rigjt over your heads.
ultimate cut is one of the greatest cb movies of all time
>lex made logos for them
No he didn't, those were fucking folder icons with a bit of text. ANd yeah, maybehe did. So what?
That's a good goy. Yes yes good goy
As someone who doesn't give a shit about art, I really enjoyed BVS and watched it more than once, whereas I can't even make it through marvel movies anymore without getting bored or wanting it to end halfway through. Ironman, raimi Spider-Men, norton Hulk, And even the first Thor were all pretty good. But everything marvel after that except daredevil series, deadpool, and GotG1 are trash.
It's shit.
>Luthor's plan was to kill Superman because of daddy issues. To achieve that, he made a human/Kryptonian hybrid he can't control at all.
>Oh Superman dies but don't worry he'll come back anyway so his death doesn't even matter and he just as well may have gone on a vacation
>I am Batman and I throw a temper tantrum because Superman is strong. What is that, an equally strong hero? I am fine with that.
You don't understand basic themes and it's embarrassing that you even posted at all. Stick to /who/
It's a mess of a film. The only overarching theme is the question why someone was paid to write this drivel and how did it get past any kind of quality control.
You haven't presented a single argument in 2 posts
Lex was going to form the "league" himself. The whole movie has him getting public "rubber stamp" approval for things he planned o doing anyway. He needed an "alien menace" to convince the "official" government to back him in assembling the other metahumans into a team. He was going to go full Maxwell Lord with them, merchandising and all.
>thinking that lex was going to sell action figures
Lex was gunning for the seat of Head of the Committee for Metahuman Defense (the name's made up, but you get the idea). Unlimited money and resources from the gubmint, god-tier accessa dn the ability to blackmail the president himself.
>Lex was going to form the "league" himself
See, that's why nobody takes these fan theories seriously, you're just using conjecture to justify this crap. It's a sad state of affairs, but luckily for you it's almost over.
>the jokes on them
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
studied as what not do in a movie.
a villain with no motivation, and heroes that aren't justified in their actions
by the way a god parallel isn't deep.
especially when its hamfisted at best.
>a villain with no motivation
>god parallel
Kek why do haters choose to embarrass themselves like this?
I agree, Ultimate Edition is bloated.
Only brainlets didn't understand everything in the cinema.
>a villain with no motivation
But Lex did nothing but deliver solliloquies about his motivations.
His plan being incredibly contrived, based on coincidences and sometimes just not making a lot of sense is a completely different thing. All the character's motivations were pretty damn clear since it's all they fucking talk about during the whole movie. It feels like those old comics where the characters would describe every single thing they do, even though you're already seeing it in the drawing.
Its fine if like the movie. that doesn't change the fact that It is an objectively a bad movie.
Mr thesaurus here. there's nothing wrong with inflating your own ego by using those high school english vocabulary words, especially the not in common usage. I used to do the exact same thing, I just stopped caring.
Not as bad as people make it out to be. (((Eisenberg))) is laughable as lex and gadot is a shit actor. The martha part should never have made it into the film.
Other than that affleck and superman are pretty good. Story is enjoyable with some boring/bloated parts.
Best movie of 2016.
Possibly the best comic book movie of all time.
I don't think anyone will ever risk making something ambitious like this in a long time, because most comic movie fans are completely retarded.
Maybe when it becomes a cult classic.
One of the most plodding, tedious, incoherent messes I've ever witnessed. There is basically no story structure of any kind. Events just sort of occur without any discernible plot progression. The characters go on lengthy pseudo-philosophical diatribes as a replacement for having actual motivations or substance, almost as if the writers of the film figured that these characters are so iconic that they'd basically write themselves and no care or attention needed to be given to anything except making sure they looked cool. After a couple hours of meandering around and hinting at interesting ideas and themes while at the same time doing nothing with them and showing a real lack of even basic understanding of them, they didn't know what the fuck to do so they shoehorned in a giant monster with no dialogue who is basically a walking plot device so they can have a giant nauseating action setpiece that goes on way too long, has basically no stakes or setup, and looks like dull gray shit. We conclude with the death of a titular character which wasn't earned, came out of nowhere, was done entirely out of desperation, and had no impact whatsoever. The arguments provided by the defenders of this movie basically boil down to "it's dark and it has religious themes so it is automatically smart and good". They're 99% trolls anyway.
But that's all he does in every single scene he has. That's all Batman seems to do as well, and Superman to a lesser extent since he's treated like a side character in his own movie.
Everything everybody does on this film is talk about themselves and their motivations in the most overwrought way possible.
A lot of people on this board really painted themselves into a corner when they praised Snyder as a genius and then he put out this colossal piece of shit. Now they're basically doubling down and never saying die, because to admit they were wrong would be too damaging to their fragile egos and autistic sensibilities. I think their theory is that if they screech loud enough they'll drown out every voice of reason.
Zack Snyder is a meathead.
How can you defend the shitty CGI Doomsday?
I didn't mind most of the movie, but it's hard to defend the Martha scene which was terrible.
Honestly how can you trust anyone opinion on here without knowing their taste? Here's my Top 10
1. The Tree of Life
2. Batman v Superman
3. The Night of the Hunter
4. Sunrise (1927)
5. Moonlight
6. All That Heaven Allows
7. Koyaanisqatsi
8. In the Mood for Love
9. The Burden of Dreams
10. La Notte