Is Lady Gaga the most Redpilled Musician to ever live?
No..? Explain how so?
She's a typical artsy liberated pop queen.
How is she redpilled
Pretty sure that's moonman, pal.
she's wearing a giant blue pill senpai baka
She was born that way.
She dances around in outlandish attire to garner attention and wealth. Women have been selling their asses in this fashion for a few thousand years now.
She is just like the "Whore of Babylon"
Almost the exact opposite. She also has lupus, kek.
Cant read my, can't read my boker face :DD
She is a He
A tranny Jew is "redpilled"
>it's gotten that bad
Sure user, sure.
these guys look like fags.
Madonna tho
Underrated af
>David "Sieg Heil" Bowie
>Bing "Valencia Oranges" Crosby
>Michael "little pink eyes for my 8 inch white pride" Jackson
>Self acclaimed Album of the Decade
>Pandering to alternative sexuality
>Red pilled
I like her music, not sure what you mean by red pilled.
>Aphex Twin: 'If you believe the official 9/11 story you are absolutely gullible'
>James added that 9/11 was “just the tip of the iceberg … but how do you break this stranglehold on humanity? You have to start somewhere to break the illusion and 9/11 is a pretty big weak point in the illusion, but still so many are fooled.”
You have to go back.
Drukqs may be the best electronic music album every produced
Agree 100% high five m8
Is Richard still a major shut-in? Did the divorce clear when Syro finally released?
Where is he now?
t b h not even sure at all about the divorce. i hear he is spending a lot of time being a dad tho, have you heard the tracks by his kid? lol
An expert in men who look like fags, are you?
Wacko was pretty redpilled about Sony and the industry in general.
Bieber is alright too.
Why is she dressed as 3rd Impact?