>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
>implying he's not just forcing media coverage
fuck off shill
Fuck. It's real.
>being a dickwad is forcing media coverage
Drumpfkins keep using this response
>"forcing" media coverage to a tweet that makes you look like an absolute retarded moron
he sure is a genius that Drumpf guy
Holy shit that's fucking dumb as shit LMFAO.
How what is so bad about it?
He has done this the entire time, its how he win. no shock here really...
Thank You for correct the record.
Let me explain it to you leaf:
>MSM is run by globalists
>terrified of Trump winning
>might lose mucho shekels if he does
>never give him any + coverage
>just look at the angles they film his rallies
>Trump tweets this out
>MSM immediately calls him waycist for saying
>people will google it
>find out basketball americans only make up 13% of population
>responsible for over 50% of US homicides
>ask why is this happening?
>see that Dems offer no solutions and want more of it to happen
>Trump wins by turning MSM on itself
5 shekels have been deposited.
I'm seriously starting to think this guy is a Hillary plant and wasn't meant to actually get this much support so now he's acting like a retard to try and get rid of his support.
>Trump attempts to be aggressive in his policies regarding African Americans and show that he wants to actively stop this from happening
>Hillary: "Oh we'll just stop hate and that will fix your poverty, representation, and crimeven problems!"
Libtards: "Omg Trump is racist look at him fishing for votes!"
This is why they'll never be happy. When they get someone that wants to fix their problems as soon as possible they just blow it off as "racist pandering."
>cnn reporting trump wishes he shot dwayne wades family himself (it may as well be true because thats how it feels to us)
Has he deleted it yet
I don't get it.
Yeah it really makes you think.
What the fuck is he even trying to say?
Its terribly worded and sounds heartless.
Coming from him, using this news to Tweet African Americans will VOTE TRUMP! is so stupid. This is going to cause another poll obliterating stir.
Why is this bad exactly? Sup Forums rants on and on about nogs shooting each other and how no one cares. Now Trump brings attention to it and suddenly its a problem?
Why would he?
really makes you think
goddamm, why can't he not be retarded once he's worked so hard to get people to like him. he has a solid week then just undoes it for no reason at all.
Didn't even bother to name the victim, just referred to her as "Dwayne Wade's cousin" and he spelled his name wrong.
Nobody is gonna view this tweet as a positive.
Hillary Clinton lived in the Deep South for decades. She's a racist.
Could be worse.
>sell everyone in America a gun
>cities turn into Syria
>white people get the fuck out and move to the suburbs
>only black people remain
>black people get shot
Let me explain it to all of you dumb fucks in this thread:
He has literally nothing to lose with the black vote.
If this makes 1-2% more of inner-city niggers question their existence on their democratic run plantation, it's 1-2% more of their vote than he would have had.
This, is low risk but possible high return.
This. I think it's just redditors or something
It also has the side benefit of appealing to cucks.
He really needs to forget his twitter password, assuming of course it's actually him tweeting this shit, which I sometimes doubt.
I love African Americans, African Americans are fucking great.
What I hate is niggers.
And that is essentially what Trump is saying in this tweet. I hope we get more black bros on our side, a lot of them hate niggers too.
Jesus fucking christ Sup Forums is always right
You could shorten that to just
>Nigs Nig
They are the most criminal and least accomplished in every nation of the world. Its not an American phenomenon.
be honest
how many of you knew Dwayne Wades cousin was shot and killed before you saw the tweet
my guess is hardly any, that's cause black on black violence gets almost no press
meant for
>wouldn't want those Republicans reading out to blacks now would we? better shame them back into non action by calling them racist!
He literally mispelled the name of the fine young, aspiring African-American man, Dwyane Wade.
>not wanting to improve the black community so we can hate them less
Trump needed to have his hands tied and be put in a ball gag - six months ago.
His race is run. It's over.
Jeb did it first
>this is the kind of behaviour pol wants from their president
This woman is one of the most obnoxious and annoying CNN commentators.
Muh La Raza. Reconquista now!
I knew when it happened cause my friends like the negroid sports while I watch the patrician sport of hockey
This is pretty much my belief.
If anyone cared McCain would be president right now.
Why does he tweet this non-issue bull shit. Talk about the fucking issues, not the lives of some celebrity we don't give a fuck about.
She said she'd be very disappointed if her daughter married a black man, which is pretty racist. I wonder what even prompted her to say something like that.
I see nothing wrong with the tweet.
Blacks are becoming woke with every day that passes. Sure you have MSM black pundits screaming republicans are racist but blacks are also seeing their leftist democrat run cities are the worst cities in the nation to live in.
Reminder that she's a Jeb! head and he politicized Terri Schivo - a woman in a vegetative state for 15 years.
Yea, the left is not going to be politicizing this at all.
>muh guns
>muh poverty causes crime
>muh we need more money for programs
Nah she is no jeb she is a paid shill paid by CNN to trash Trump.
Chicago is run by Democrats. Hillary is a Democrat so nothing will change. I guess that is why.
Really its the drug war that causes this kind of crime. So Gary Johnson would be the only one that might make a difference.
She's a Republican too. This election has done wonders exposing RINOs and the worst sort of political insiders.
>leftist idiots will attack this
this post seriously makes me think
Trump continues to show a lack of empathy for anyone, trying to - yet again - score political points off a tragedy. It doesn't just hurt him with African Americans it hurts him with conservative moderates as well.
>black on black crime
>trump's not letting it get brushed under the rug
Trumps plan to stop large scale immigration would never work economically. The US needs to have a growing population for capitalism to succeed.
Without huge transfers of wealth from the very wealthiest in American society to the average American, there is no way they will choose to have families with 2 to 3 children. Its just not affordable.
The rich would never agree to that.
Can someone pls interpret Trumps tweet to me?
t. CNN Toronto
Anything to get the media talking about rampant inner city violence in cities with Democrat leadership.
The "real unemployment" rating is wrong. One big famous american economist said that (cant recall the name tho).
All these fucking shills
>Wow Trump shouldn't be allowed to use his social media
>Damn I, a Trump supporter, am sad to see that his campaign is now definitely over
>A republican reaching out to blacks!?!? We can't have that goy!
>Hurr durr how can you support this man anymore I thought we all hated all blacks better vote for Hillary now
It really has reached the point where we should just ignore anyone posting with a Canadian flag. Even if its ironic bullshit for some reason your posts are always annoying.
>the numbers are valid
>the comparison is questionable
>mostly false
T. Schlomo
Fucking Kek. Fuck I miss that dude
What's wrong with this?
No. It won't.
He's forcing the issue because no one will talk about it.
Are they worse than Australia? I'm starting to think so. Wish we had more Estonia posters.
>I'm rich and out-of-touch will the real world outside of park avenue
It's true though
How is this any worse than Hillary hauling those muzzies out at the DNC?
>nigger gets shot
>Trump implies that if niggers want to stop getting shot maybe they should improve themselves and America by voting for him
>nigger lovers on /pol condemn this
I don't think anything we do to Hillary will ever be as bad as what we did to Jeb!
The rich would never agree to higher taxation for themselves and higher wages for the working man which is why Trumps policy is pure fantasy.
Australians are regularly funny even when posting lib bait.
Ya but a 1% increase in blacks isn't worth all the whites he is losing because of his retarded tweets. People that used to support him(my wife for example) have begun to despise him because everything he says is actually fucking stupid. Its not an MSM spin, its him saying dumb shit. What was even the purpose of this tweet? What is he trying to imply?
He did it again, the absolute madman. He tweeted it again
This desu. Bestonia has the best posters.
Ohh thx now I get it. Had to read it few times to get the play on Chicago in his tweet.
You need to be smart enough to tell the difference between policy and meaningless words meant to sway voters.
Not that I think much of anything either presidential candidate says is genuine.
your wife is an idiot. twitter doesn't mean shit to the masses. it's for black people.
how is this for black people? Reminding them of black on black crime only makes them angry.
It's been corrected.
I think this is in response to an accusation Hillary made.
Trump mentioned that walking down Chicago is liable to get you shot. Hillary said that was ridiculous. A day or two later, black person walking down Chicago gets shot. Trump tweets to validate his point.
Sup Forums is just the shell of the Pepe it used to be before being exposed. Face it, Hillary destroyed Sup Forums in one speech.
The president is not supposed to talk like Sup Forums