So a few months ago, my friend had an MRI for his neck and for some reason he's changed drastically as a person.
>worshipped trump on Reddit
>blamed Jews for everything
>owned a gun
>avid Clinton supporter
>hates guns
>dresses as a hipster
>doesn't even acknowledge soros
Are these medical machines made to actually rehardwire your brain?
Is this big pharmas attempt at controlling society?
Med fags please help
Here's the sequence it broadcasts:
Redpill me on MRI's Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm supposed to get one in two weeks, should I be worried there isn't some conspiracy behind these contraptions? I want trump to be president, is there anyway I can prevent any brainwashing?
I've had 3 and haven't noticed anything.
Honestly the technology to manipulate complex neural activity with magnetic fields is very far away. Be careful about some of the contrast media though. Oh- and wear earplugs.
Are you sure that he didn't have a change of heart after he could've died?
Why the fuck did you guys respond to a bait thread?
This isn't a bait thread I'm actually curious
>change of heart
Nigger what the hell are you on about, that implies that right wing views are wrong
Was there anything you used to believe before the MRI? They might've altered your memory
I took part in a research test where I had 2 MRIs; one before the pressure chamber and one after to see if any thing happened to the Grey matter in my brain because pilots of high flying aircraft have been experiencing problems with Grey matter and we don't know why. I didn't change after 4 hours of MRIs and that was like 5 months ago
m8 MRIs are just big fucking magnets that measure brain signals. It simply cannot rewire synapses.
I guess you could say they could bee used to read your mind but beyond that would just be crazy.
>that implies that right wing views are wrong
No it means that your friend was given a bias by the procedure., one which he didn't have before and didn't affect his views.
>that implies that right wing views are wrong
It implies that normal people are able to change their mind on certain opinions, including politics, and stressful life events can be a trigger point for the change. It's hard to stay dead-set on a certain set of opinions from the moment you form them to the moment you are supposed to die many decades later.
>doesn't even acknowledge soros
>mentions soros
The secret to an MRI is to immobilize yourself because it takes for fucking ever for it to get a complete scan.
Then you ask your doctor all about the pictures and get really excited over seeing your own brain so that you can draw on your doctor's expertise. Ask for the paperwork from the MRI people so you can confirm what their statements mean.
Then, before you exit, ask how you can get a copy of it for your own personal records. They will have to comply with your request.
you could get pro trump and anti jew quotes tattooed all over your body so afterwards you will see them and remember
>measure brain signals.
no it doesn't
He might be misunderstanding the difference between an MRI and an fMRI.
>dresses as a hipster
Mfw after I had a MRI scan i got a huge crawing to buy really expensive clothes and ended up buying loads of it
Nope. I had one right before a college final too and my recall of years of work was unaffected.
I think MRI is fine. Obviously it's reasonably new tech so there may be some unknown risks yet, but it certainly seems safer than drowning you in radiation like a CT scan.
This is exactly what I'm afraid of, how do I know they won't plug into my brain and tell me that I should invest heavily into gold or some shit
Because MRIs are too big an drone-driven industry to do that.
Like this guy said it's way better than getting a cat scan. Those are supposed to be only for emergencies anyway, like if you might need immediate brain surgery.
Shit yes thanks burgers. Technically even then it's not the signals themselves but yeah this is what I was going for.
maybe it activated his autism almonds
i've had several mri's no issues they even
injected me with the dye
There's no possible mechanism it could alter your brain. All it does is temporarily allign hydrogen atoms in your body magnetically then measures applies an RF signal and measures the resonance.
X-rays/CTs are the jew to watch out for purely because they are ionising.
Oddly enough, an fMRI can read your thoughts to an extent. Not quite entirely yet, but enough to get you scared and enough to score massive further private and public research funding.
I've had four MRI scans over the last six months. It did absolutely nothing. Then again, my pelvis was the target of the scan
What is that shit and what are you all talking about?
Pesky first world countries always into trouble with their stupid tech gadgets.
Are you still able to have children? That many frequency waves being sent to your dick at once must be cancerous someway
Yeah I know they could read your thoughts to a limited extent, but wait "enough to get you scared?"
I haven't been tested but I am able to hold erections and ejaculate normally, no lumps on the testicals.
It changes your quantum state.
Just wear a tinfoil hat, you’ll be fine.
Depends on what your scare level is. I work to a limited extent with a major public research collaboration on this. People whom you might assume to have much better technology already get giddy and excited at a few slides covering what's already been published.
Personally, I view it as just one small facet in a much larger overall picture. You could for instance have a very low scare level along any one dimension, but when you see how many dimensions there are being aligned, then your total mass of scare becomes maybe a lot higher than you thought.
I've had a full body MRI scan, they gave me headphones to put on and listen to music. Didn't alter my political affiliation at all.
So yeah this is just a b8 thread. Now fuck off. sage
Hello, it's me, alex jones.
This conspiracy of yours is interesting,
can you give me all the accurate documents,
this is too important we must skip the break.
The only really bad thing about an MRI scan is the fact that I had to stay very very still for a prolonged period of time and it's extremely claustrophobic. I didn't like that, being enclosed for so long.
It does nothing to your mind at all, OP is a trollshill.
The real risks for MRI are from the contrast agents they use which can kill you depending on kidney status. Other than that MRI supposedly can cause some genotoxic effects but it's not supposed to be significantly damaging.
^ is why I'm canceling mine
Just changing the state of hydrogen atom, a change which allows us to see differences in tissues. It's magnetism, radiation free, and a great but expensive tool in modern medicine.